Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 61: Hua Country Absolutely Has Meteorological Weapons! ! !

Lu Chengfeng!

Hearing this name, everyone present subconsciously looked at General Bass.

It seems that the diplomats Hua Guo sent here to support this time...

Just call Lu Chengfeng!

Hearing Tai Nuo's words, everyone's mood suddenly became tense, especially Bass, who had unconsciously clenched his hands behind his back.

He knew that Tylenol should have thought of something with him.

But at this time, watching everyone gradually become nervous.

Tai Nuo seems very satisfied with the effect of his words.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and then his tone became solemn, and he continued: "So, combined with the weirdness of this rainstorm, I have reason to suspect..."

"This Lu Chengfeng is definitely not simple...or to put it another way..."

"Hua Guo has been recharging its energy all these years, which is completely different from Ying Jiang's domineering... Such a long time is enough for a technologically powerful country to research some powerful, or unimaginable weapons... .”

"Could it be a weather weapon!!!"

Under the guidance of Tai Nuo, and combined with a series of indications, a slightly panicked voice suddenly sounded in the office.

This voice instantly shocked everyone present.

For a moment, fear and horror appeared in everyone's eyes.

Weather Weapons!!!

Although they have never heard of anyone researching this thing, they have no idea how terrifying such a weapon is.

But this did not affect the associations in their minds that had already begun to diverge. After learning that Huaguo might possess such a terrifying weapon that could stir up the situation and control weather and natural disasters, these people panicked all of a sudden.

In the final analysis, they are only military officers in a small country, and they can't imagine what kind of background those super technological powers hide.

The only thing they know is that if Huaguo really has such a weapon, 24, if they provoke it...the consequences are unimaginable!

Before they recovered from the shock, Taino carefully glanced at Bass, and after getting his permission, he spoke again.

"Regardless of whether there are weather weapons or not, according to the current situation, the situation is already very unfavorable to us!"

"You should all know that before we came back, the whole city was flooded, and our soldiers couldn't attack the enemy at all!"

"I think the leader of the rebel army must have also discovered this problem, so now the gunfire in the entire city has stopped, which is equivalent to a truce!"

"And the most troublesome thing is that the Asla Reservoir, which is less than ten kilometers away from us, may not be able to last for too long!"

"I learned from the meteorological department that if the torrential rain continues for at most two days, the Asra Reservoir will burst, and the entire city will be flooded by then, and our arsenal must be also be flooded..."

Taino analyzed calmly, his tone became more and more dignified, and at the same time he was constantly observing Bass' emotions.

He naturally wanted to figure out what the commander-in-chief was thinking.

Otherwise, he dared not say anything later.

At this time, everything else is fake, and the arsenal is the real thing... absolutely nothing can happen!!!

Bass was still dignified, but he didn't show any impatience or other emotions.

But at this moment, he thought of more.

If it is really a weather weapon, then the hidden attempt must not only be seen on the surface.

This is a deterrent, and there must be another purpose.

Could it be that the other party still wants to interfere with the direction of this war and meddle in their internal affairs?

Thinking of this possibility, Buzz's heart suddenly sank.

If this is the case, this negotiation is even more necessary!!!

Seeing Bass getting serious, but not showing any displeasure, Tai Nuo was slightly relieved.

Then, he said in an unprecedented solemn tone:

"So, we need to make a decision!"

"What decision..." All the officers present had obviously been taken into the pit. Under Tai Nuo's guidance, they almost decided in their hearts that this continuous torrential rain must have something to do with Huaguo.

As for what's the matter...

Come on, they're good at fighting.

Don't expect them to figure it out when it comes to technology, okay?

Tai Nuo, who thought he had discovered the truth, did not speak directly at this time, but looked at General Bass, asking for his opinion.

At this time, General Bass obviously understood Taino's meaning.

Anyway, because of the torrential rain, both sides can't fight anymore, plus the risk of the Asgard reservoir bursting, why don't they just stop the war and have a good talk with the diplomats of Huaguo?

If the deterrence of the other party is really behind this torrential rain and natural disaster, then it is even more necessary to find out the real purpose of Huaguo.

If it is the worst result, it is necessary to reconsider how to solve this matter.

But if not, they who took the lead in negotiating may still be able to gain the friendship of Hua Guo.

In any case, this negotiation is already imperative!

Bass, who already intended to negotiate with Huaguo.

After getting the seemingly sufficient reasons given by Tylenol.

His gaze sank slightly, and he cast an appreciative glance at Tai Nuo.

Immediately, he made a decision without hesitation...

"Get ready to contact Hua Guo's diplomats!"

After saying this, the other officers present were all stupefied, and they hadn't realized what happened yet.

Originally, after they calmed down, they probably guessed that the current situation must inevitably negotiating with Hua Guo.

But how did the general... make a decision so quickly?

Don't you even bother to pretend to be embarrassed......

Only Tai Nuo's eyes moved slightly, he should be the person who knew the mind of General Bass best on the scene.

The ceasefire between the two sides is not something they can stop if they want to.

In fact, it is not that simple to contact the Chinese diplomats.

Only when the leaders of the two parties sit together and invite the diplomat from Shanghua, and with the presence of the three parties, can the atmosphere of this negotiation be maintained in a delicate balance, even if one party is missing.

So this call should be made by the general himself.

It may have been impossible for the two sides to sit down and negotiate a truce before.

But now, because the Peace Army and the Rebel Army have the same goal, to keep the Asra Reservoir from bursting, to stop the damn rainstorm and continue to be good #7Jx …

With Hua Guo's mediation in the play, perhaps, it is possible!

And in this negotiation, Hua Guo is undoubtedly the party that takes the initiative!

Anyway, General, you are still brilliant!

The mind is decisive and delicate.

Tai Nuo couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes.

"Yes, let's get in touch right away!"

Tai Nuo, who had figured everything out, immediately stood up.

Not long after, a communicator with a set of communication equipment appeared in the office. Because of the principle of war, they could only contact Hua Guo's diplomats through the public communication channel at this time, otherwise they might be accused of collaborating with the enemy afterwards.

Subsequently, all the officers except Taino were thrown out.

For the next time, the office fell into silence.

This made the officers waiting outside look at each other in blank dismay.

Not long after, Tai Nuo took the initiative to open the door and walked out.

"Go, send orders, brothers in all war zones...wait for the signal..."

"Ready for a ceasefire!"

Hearing this, all the officers cheered up immediately.

No matter what purpose Hua Guo has, it can be seen after this negotiation.

As long as the diplomat and the Chinese people are sent away, this damn rainstorm can be stopped.

All troubles can be solved, the Asla Reservoir won't explode, and they don't have to hide in the bungalows to listen to the sound of the rain. Finally, they can...have a good war...

Now, these military officers have basically believed that this natural disaster is very likely to be the secret weapon of China.

Without any objection, all the officers took action immediately.

Because it is raining heavily outside now, it is not so easy to contact the soldiers in various war zones, so these officers have to start action immediately.

Orders must be sent everywhere before negotiations begin.

Stop fighting until the negotiations are over!

This is their sincerity.

To put it bluntly, the outcome of this negotiation is already doomed.

As long as the Chinese diplomat doesn't mention any conditions beyond the bottom line.

For example, intervene in their wars...

The outcome of the negotiations this time must be to stop the exchange of fire until all the people of Huaguo withdraw from the war zone.

For this they are even willing to pay some price.

And at the same time, the Temporary Rebel Command.

They easily intercepted the call between the commander-in-chief of the Peace Army and the Chinese diplomats. After all, they used a public channel. Although the leader of the rebel army, Posse, guessed that this was probably the content of the conversation that Bass deliberately leaked.

But in view of the current situation, Posse had to conduct a deep analysis of this call.

He held a meeting in his office with several Rebel officers.

Combined with the news received from the Peace Army.

In the end, almost made the same decision as Bass.

Immediately afterwards, he made a phone call to the diplomats in Huaguo.


After several hours of evacuation.

At this time, all the Chinese people gathered at the port had safely boarded the warship, which made the people who were left behind feel envious for a while.

But they had to continue to wait in the torrential rain.

What's even worse is that this port doesn't even have a shelter from the rain.

It was originally thought that after all the people of the Hua Kingdom boarded the ship, their fleet would leave directly, but what the young people didn't expect was that the warship did not set sail.

Instead, continue to wait at the port.

"Aren't they leaving?"

"How is it possible! Isn't the warship not allowed to dock for too long here?"

"Could it be that they really have to wait until the trapped Chinese people to leave?"

"Impossible! The armed forces fighting in Tanhe Maya will not allow it, maybe they will leave in a while!!!"

Looking at the Huaguo Fleet waiting quietly in the wind and rain, the people felt inexplicable sadness in their hearts on some small days.

They also thought at the beginning that Huaguo's warship would leave after picking up the people in Port 597. Thinking about it this way, it was understandable for their warship to abandon them.

After all, it is impossible to let so many people wait to die with them.

Who made them unlucky not to catch up with the first evacuation

However, now I see the practice of the Huaguo Fleet.

These people couldn't hold back at all.

There are some things that are afraid of comparison, and there is no harm without comparison.

Look at Huaguo's attitude towards the people, and then look at them...

All day

In an instant, the child's heart became even colder in the already icy wind and rain, and resentment and jealousy appeared in his eyes.

Resentment is unfair treatment of them.

Jealousy, of course, is towards the people of China......

At this time, in the jeep they drove over from Lu Chengfeng port.

Lu Chengfeng, Lin Xiangqian, and Yun Cangqiong are having final discussions.

"I can't wait anymore, time is running out!"

Lu Chengfeng's voice sounded in the car, his tone extremely serious.

In the previous few hours, they tried every means, and the final result was to take advantage of the heavy rain to enter the fighting zone and bring out the remaining people.

Now, the gunfire in the city has stopped.

Not surprisingly, because of the torrential rain, the two sides have entered a temporary truce stage. Entering the war zone at this time, although there will still be risks.

However, it is already the last resort.

If the rain stops, this rare opportunity will be gone.

Although the heavy rain will affect the speed of their evacuation, it can also cover their entry into the war zone and bring out the trapped people.

"I agree!"

Yun Cangqiong also spoke in a deep voice at this time.

Lin glanced at the two of them forward, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

"Then let's do this! Let's divide into two groups..."

"jingle bell ~"

Just as Lin Qianqian was arranging work, the cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Qianqian paused, quickly took out his phone and glanced at it.

Immediately, his gaze shifted slightly.

"It's from the Peace Army..."

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes, he didn't know what it would be like to call over there at this time.

After all, the previous commander-in-chief of the Peace Army had directly rejected the negotiation.

Could it be so fast, they changed their minds again.

No matter what the reason was, under the watchful eyes of Lu Chengfeng and Lu Chengfeng, Lin Xiangqian still quickly answered the phone, and at the same time his expression became serious.

"Hi, I'm Lin Xiangqian!"

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