Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 78: All Eyes Are On You, Welcome With The Highest Etiquette!

Domestic, Jiangzhou Airport.

The news that the people trapped in the evacuation operation are about to return home has already spread wildly on the Internet. At this time, dense crowds of people have gathered at the airport.

Some of these people held light signs, some held small flags, and some even held long banners across the heads of the crowd.

The entire airport was caught in a sea of ​​crowds, roughly estimated to be more than ten thousand. Even if some top stars came, there would be no such battles.

The plane hadn't arrived yet, and the crowd was buzzing right now.

At this moment, even people who didn't know each other quickly became acquainted after getting together, with excited and excited expressions in their eyes, discussing the evacuation incident, of course, Lu Chengfeng was the one who discussed more.

It can be said that most of the nearly 10,000 welcome people at the scene are fans of Lu Chengfeng, and there are also many relatives of the trapped people.

The rest are airport staff and security personnel.

Among the crowd, a woman dressed in fashion, with fair skin, wearing a mask and a peaked cap, covering most of her face, was looking up at the distant sky, and beside him, a young girl It is also highly anticipated.

"Sister Qingya, how long will it take for them to arrive!"

There was excitement in Xiaoshu's eyes, even though she had been waiting at the airport for nearly an hour, she didn't have any intention of complaining, and asked the beautiful woman beside her.

"Calculate the time, it should be here soon!"

Standing in the crowd, Lin Qingya's unique aura was very eye-catching. Even if she covered most of her face, she could still feel the dazzling brilliance.

She has already disguised herself very low-key, just not wanting to cause a stir at the airport, because at this moment, the protagonist surrounded by the crowd should not be her.

It was the evacuation team that was about to arrive here by plane.

It was the young diplomat who created miracles and was respected and admired by countless people, the hero who saved tens of thousands of people!

Now she is just a little fan welcoming her idol!

At this moment, Lin Qingya's idea was aroused by the discussion of a group of people nearby, and Xiaoshu's gaze was involuntarily looked over.

"Have you seen the video of the evacuated team on the plane just now? When I flew across the border, I almost cried when I saw it..."

"No! Isn't it forbidden to use mobile phones on the plane?"

"It couldn't be used at 010 when it took off... But the signal is not good. There was a live broadcast before, but it was stopped because of the signal problem, but now there are videos of the plane uploaded to the Internet!"

"Really, I haven't seen it yet...Look at it!"

Hearing this news, Lin Qingya quickly realized and looked at Xiaoshu.

Xiaoshu nodded understandingly, took out her mobile phone and quickly searched the video taken by the evacuation team on the plane.

"Found it!" Xiaoshu held the phone and let out a soft call.

Lin Qingya hurriedly moved her head closer, and the two of them looked like a little girl looking for updates about her idol.

In the video, from the shooting point of view, the mood of the people in the cabin is a bit depressed, and the cheers and jumps that the two originally thought should be there did not appear.

"Why don't these people seem very happy?" Xiaoshu asked with some doubts.

Lin Qingya thought for a while, her eyes became a little heavy, and she said softly:

"If you have just experienced several days of panic and despair, even if you have got rid of that desperate situation, I am afraid that you will not be able to completely let go in a short time!"

Xiaoshu froze for a moment, subconsciously brought herself into that situation, and then nodded thoughtfully.

"They are really too difficult..."

As the two talked, the camera began to rotate.

Then, a familiar figure appeared on the screen.

He sat on the seat and looked out the window quietly, with a calm expression on his face. Although his body was sitting there upright, the exhaustion and tiredness on his face could not be concealed, and his mental state was obviously not good.

But he didn't rest. He just quietly watched the rolling white clouds pass by below the plane through the window, as if he was waiting for something.

"It's Brother Chengfeng!" Xiaoshu's eyes lit up.

"Hmm!" Lin Qingya didn't speak, looking at the tired face in the picture, for some reason, she suddenly felt distressed.

She didn't know why, Lu Chengfeng was obviously very tired, why didn't he take a rest on the plane, the female diplomat assistant next to him was already asleep on his back, could it be that he couldn't relax completely at this time ?

Lin Qingya frowned slightly, and watched the video more seriously.

In the video, a somewhat gloomy atmosphere enveloped the entire cabin.

But soon, this downturn and low pressure situation was broken.

In the picture, the captain's gentle voice suddenly came out from the broadcasting system in the cabin.

【Dear passengers, our flight is crossing the sideline...Welcome home!】

As the captain's voice sounded, commotion began to appear in the cabin, one after another excited or excited voices, trembling with apprehension kept ringing.

Afterwards, warm cheers broke out in the entire cabin.

At this time, the young diplomat in the video suddenly had a smile on his face, finally closed his eyes slowly, and fell into a deep sleep in a second.

Seeing this, Lin Qingya's heart suddenly felt a little sour.

Immediately afterwards, the tip of the nose also began to feel sour.

But Xiao Shu beside her suddenly burst into emotion, her eyes were already flushed, and a murmuring voice came out of her mouth.

"Brother Chengfeng must have been exhausted these few days, but he still didn't relax. He didn't relax until he flew across the border......

Looking at the sleeping figure in the picture, Lin Qingya took a deep breath and suppressed the surging emotions in her heart.

Afterwards, the people in the video seemed to notice that the exhausted Lu Chengfeng had fallen into a deep sleep, the cheers gradually became smaller, and finally all fell silent.

Everyone in the cabin was just so quiet, looking at the sleeping figure, no one spoke any more, and quietly couldn't bear to be disturbed.

This short video was not long, but both Lin Qingya and Xiaoshu fell into silence. They have been following the latest situation of the evacuation in China.

However, the news I saw on the Internet was just some cold words and pictures after all, and I couldn't really feel the complexity and crisis of the situation there.

Looking back now, whether it is negotiating with the armed forces of the two parties, or entering the war zone to bring out the trapped people in the environment of heavy rain and flooding.

The dangers involved are things that ordinary people may not be able to experience in a lifetime.

In that environment, this man has always maintained calm and calm.

A black umbrella, a straight body.

Gives a great sense of security.

Perhaps, this is where the charm of Lu Chengfeng lies.

There are not a few stars in the entertainment circle who have millions or even tens of millions of stars, but no one can compare with the man in the video.

Although he doesn't make movies, doesn't sing, and doesn't even appear in front of the media easily, as long as he appears in the camera, he must be fighting to protect the majesty and dignity of the country, to defend the interests of the country and the interests of the people. Go safe and go...

Lu Chengfeng is a well-deserved national idol!

"It turns out that this is what it feels like to be a's great!"

Lin Qingya muttered to herself, her eyes shining brightly.

This man deserves to be her fan for the rest of her life...

At this time, there was a sudden commotion inside the airport not far away.

Afterwards, a large group of people rushed out from the terminal building, and the security personnel maintaining order quickly cordoned off the exit gate and the pick-up passage.

Afterwards, engines...and even a team of traffic police cavalry appeared in the airport and quickly headed towards a certain airport runway.

"Here, are they here?" Xiaoshu's mood became excited again in an instant, she stood on her tiptoes and looked up at the sky of the distant horizon (ceeb).

Lin Qingya watched the movement in the airport with a faint smile on her face.

Well, it should be here, their hero is back!

Inside the terminal building, several senior leaders of the airport command center were walking out quickly, and then boarded an on-site scooter.

"Mr. Chen, there are too many people waiting outside the airport, do we need to evacuate? If we don't evacuate, emergencies will happen every day..."

An on-site manager quickly reported the situation to his leader, with a look of worry on his face.

To be reasonable, after working at the airport for so long, this is the first time he has encountered such a large crowd. Even if some top stars came, there was no such a big crowd. This situation has already surpassed them. expected.

Chen Linhuai, the general manager of the airport terminal who just got on the bus, listened to the report, shook his head slightly, and said: "There is no need to evacuate, and we can't evacuate now. We will send more security forces to maintain order, especially when Ambassador Lu and the others come back. At this time, we must ensure the safety of the people who pick up the plane!"

"Yes!" The manager nodded quickly, and then quickly conveyed the boss's words through the walkie-talkie.

After the manager finished making arrangements, Chen Linhuai immediately asked again: "Have you arranged the reception? This is very important, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Don't worry, leader, they are all arranged in accordance with the highest standard of 'passing the water gate' etiquette. Fire trucks and ambulances are also ready. In addition, many reporters have arrived at the scene, and all arrangements have been made!"

Hearing this, Chen Huailin nodded slightly.

"That's good, they deserve such courtesy..."

At the same time, on the airstrip not far away, fire engines and ambulances are all ready, waiting for a silhouette in the distant sky to slowly approach.

The scooter stops at the disembarkation point of the evacuated aircraft.

Chen Linhuai got out of the car, straightened the collar of his suit, and then stood quietly on the spot, looking up at the sky in the distance.

At this time, in the command center of the airport control tower.

On the large monitoring screen, a green sign was getting closer and closer to the airport amidst the radar signals on the screen, and the entire command center suddenly became tense.

"Attention all departments, the evacuation flight is about to arrive over the airport, monitor the flight path at any time, and make sure the flight lands safely!"

"The tower received!"

"Ground Crew Received!"

"Logistics team received!"

"Security team received!"

"Received by the reception team!"

After a series of responses, in the sky outside, the blurred outline of the plane has become more and more clear, gradually appearing in everyone's field of vision.

At this time, the control tower received a message.

"Control tower, call 9573, this is the evacuation flight, we are entering the air above the airport, request to land!"

Yi Yang's voice resounded throughout the command center hall.

Hearing this voice, the chief tower officer hurriedly said, "The tower has received that runway No. 9 has been cleared and can be landed!"

Yi Yang: "Received by 9573, it is adjusting the flight attitude and preparing to land!"

Tower: "The tower received, 95

73 hard work! Please convey to the compatriots who are returning to the country on the plane, and welcome them back to the embrace of the motherland!"

"Please also convey the high respect to all the staff in our command center to the diplomatic ambassadors in this evacuation operation. Because of them, nearly 10,000 Chinese people can go home safely. They are the heroes of China!"

"For this reason, the airport has prepared the highest standard welcome ceremony, thank them!"

Yi Yang: "9573 received it, I will definitely convey it!"

The entire command center fell into a brief silence.

Outside, a plane in the sky was slowly sliding down towards the runway, and at the same time, the voice of the captain Yi Yang also sounded in the cabin.

"Dear compatriots, entrusted by the control tower command center, on behalf of all the staff of the command center, I would like to welcome all compatriots back to the embrace of the motherland!"

"I would like to express my highest respect to all the staff and diplomatic ambassadors involved in this evacuation operation, and thank you for your efforts and dedication, allowing nearly 10,000 Chinese compatriots to return safely.

Family, you are the backbone of Huaguo and the heroes of the people!"

"The plane is preparing to land, compatriots, please protect yourself!"

Accompanied by the sound of ringing in the ears, all the people in the cabin cheered again, and then everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng.

The place.

There, Lu Chengfeng was still sleeping peacefully, which made the hearts of the cheering crowd feel sore again, and the enthusiastic voices stopped abruptly.

Until, Jiang Xiaomeng gently awakened the sleeping Lu Chengfeng.

At this time, the plane was already taxiing slowly on the runway of the airport.

Outside the window, there are countless people greeting the airport in the distance.

On both sides of the runway, there are neatly lined up traffic police cavalry and airport staff, as well as water sprayed from fire trucks, forming a semi-arc arch.

The cool water sprinkled on the plane also made the people in the cabin extremely curious. They stared blankly at the scene outside the window and fell into silence.

“This is the highest etiquette for the airport to pass the water gate!!!”

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the cabin.

Afterwards, the people leaned towards the windows one after another and looked out.

Through the water gate!

This ceremony is very symbolic, and it will only be arranged when welcoming people who have made special contributions to the country and have great influence on China.

It means receiving the wind and washing the dust.

Under the sunlight, the sprayed water forms a gorgeous and brilliant rainbow. The light of this rainbow seems to have a refreshing warmth.

The eyes of the people in the cabin became red again.

And Jiang Xiaomeng stared out of the window in a daze.

This is the first time she has been treated with this high standard of etiquette.

And all this,


It's all because of this man beside me!.

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