Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 79 Triumph! He Deserves Such A Courtesy!

Inside the airport, all eyes watched the plane taxiing slowly on the runway, passed through the arches formed by two soaring water jets, and finally stopped firmly in the disembarkation area.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

"What does it mean that the fire engine is spraying water at the plane? It feels weird, is it washing the plane? Even if you want to wash the plane, wait for someone to come down first!"

Following the sound of this voice, the crowd suddenly fell silent for a moment.

Afterwards, the person who made that figure felt strange looks from all around him, and there was an inexplicable sense of humor in the eyes.

However, there were also many people at the scene who really didn't know what such a ceremony represented, but at this time, they would not ask directly.

Since such a ceremony was arranged at the airport, it must not be for washing the plane! Of course, maybe this ceremony also has the function of washing the plane...

At this time, Xiao Shu, who was also standing in the crowd, also looked at Lin Qingya with some doubts. Obviously, she did not understand the meaning of "passing the water gate".

Lin Qingya explained softly: "This is the gate of water! The highest etiquette for airport reception is usually arranged by triumphant soldiers who welcome some important people or have made meritorious service to the country!"

Hearing this, Xiaoshu's eyes suddenly appeared.

"So, are they paying tribute to Brother Chengfeng in this way? It feels so cool, and a sense of pride emerges unconsciously!"

"Hmm! He... deserves such a courtesy!" Lin Qingya smiled, and her clear eyes slightly curved into beautiful arcs.

Over there, there was also an explanation for the person who asked the question earlier.

Hearing the explanation, the crowd suddenly burst into cheers.

"Ambassador Lu is still awesome! It was rare for someone to arrange such a welcoming ceremony at the airport before, but this time it is really an eye-opener!"

"I read the news before and heard that an airport once arranged this kind of ceremony to welcome a foreign leader. Now that I think about it, Ambassador Lu's honor is directly comparable to that of a foreign leader!"

"It's nothing surprising! After all, Brother Chengfeng saved tens of thousands of people during this evacuation operation, so he has already decided to follow him for the rest of his life!"

"That's right, this evacuation operation not only saved so many people, but also made China earn a lot of face in the world. You don't know, now the Internet is full of discussions about our country, Every foreigner is envious of us being born in such a good country!"

"That's right, I also read some discussions on the Internet. Many people compared us with Yingjiang's evacuation operation. Yingjiang was directly beaten into scum. Anyway, when I saw those discussions, I only had one feeling :pride!!!"

"No problem, Ambassador Lu deserves the best courtesy!!!"

The cheering crowd kept discussing, with excitement and excitement on their faces. Obviously, this time the evacuation operation made them feel deeply.

From this evacuation operation, it can be seen that Huaguo and some foreign countries have completely different attitudes towards their citizens.

How can you not love such a country!

Some people say that Huaguo has conservative thinking, but also has many problems.

Some people also say that in Huaguo, there is no freedom for eagle sauce.

Some people even say that the people of this country are living in dire straits, and their jobs are overwhelmed by the soaring housing prices and living costs squeezed by 996.

But many people may not know it.

This country is also recognized as the safest country in the world!

You can walk in a remote alley in the middle of the night or even in the early morning without worrying about someone jumping out suddenly and hurting you.

You can also sleep on a bench in the park all night without worrying about your money being robbed or stolen.

Don't worry about walking on the street one day, you will suddenly encounter gangsters who pull out their guns and shoot at pedestrians.

These things are very common in other countries.

Not to mention the evacuation operation like this time, the serious virus infection, fire, flood in the country......

When these irresistible human events happened, not many countries could always put people's life safety and property first like Huaguo.

Countless retrogrades like Lu Chengfeng who stood up when the disaster came, and countless sacrifices and dedications, have the current Huaguo spirit and belief.

Because of this spirit and belief.

No matter how many people complain and complain.

Once the majesty of the motherland is questioned and hurt, all the people in Huaguo will stand up without hesitation.

This is the belief engraved in the bones of all Chinese people!

Lin Qingya's eyes passed through the crowd and landed on the plane that had already parked, with a bright light shining in her eyes.

There, the cabin door was slowly opening, and people began to walk out of the cabin.

They all held small red flags in their hands, waving them in the direction of their families and the crowd, with tears of excitement and excitement on their faces.

Cheers erupted throughout the airport.

This scene is touching and warm.

Pride and pride are constantly emerging from the bottom of my heart!

Many rescued people who got off the plane did not rush to their relatives and friends immediately after they set foot on this land.

Instead, like a believer in a godly city, he slowly knelt on the ground, kissing the land under his feet, and the tears in his eyes kept falling.

Some people unloaded their bags, stood on the empty airport, looked up at the blue sky, and shouted loudly, as if they had just been reborn from the ashes.

At this moment, the prodigal sons who returned home used their own methods.

It expresses the excitement and excitement after returning home.

More and more people came out of the cabin.

The relatives of those rescued also rushed up immediately, hugging their loved ones, tears streaming down their chests, all of which were the joy of reunion and the joy of reunion after the catastrophe.

"Go, let's go home!"

An old lady who was walking slowly pulled a couple, and spoke in a trembling voice, with tears of joy on her old face.

"Mom, wait a little longer!"

The couple supported their elderly mother and said softly.

In the confusion of the elderly mother, the two looked at the exit of the cabin.

There, the last batch of rescued people who got off the plane had come out.

When the plane got off, no one left.

They and their loved ones waited quietly.

He looked at the cabin door.

Because, their benefactor has not come out yet.

At the same time, the people who picked up the plane also stood on tiptoes, looked up hard at the direction of the plane door, and stared with a little nervousness and apprehension.

Until, a figure walked out from the hatch.

Lu Chengfeng walked out of the hatch.

Looking at the crowded crowd outside the airport, and the rescued waiting below smiling and looking at him excitedly, he was slightly taken aback.

"Why haven't these people left yet..."

He murmured softly.

Behind him, Jiang Xiaomeng's voice sounded softly.

"They're all waiting for you!"

It seems to be to confirm her words.

In the next second, enthusiastic cheers erupted from the airport pick-up crowd.

At the same time as the sound sounded, the entire airport was instantly ignited, and the enthusiastic shouts of the people soared into the sky, and the sound spread in all directions, echoing over the entire airport.

At the same time, warm applause rang out.

The rescued people and their relatives clapped their hands vigorously, and the staff at the scene and the firefighters and medical staff on both sides also clapped their hands.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Chengfeng was suddenly a little dazed.

Then, as if thinking of something, a smile appeared in his eyes.

He nodded slightly towards the relatives of the trapped people. This gesture was the same as when he left, as if to give an explanation to those relatives.

Seeing this action, the tears just stopped by the relatives of those trapped people flowed out again uncontrollably.

Countless people spontaneously bowed slightly to Lu Chengfeng.

This is to thank Lu Chengfeng for completing the agreement with them.

Their loved ones were rescued and everyone was brought back safely.

Then, Lu Chengfeng raised his head and looked further away. The crowd who came to pick up the plane were waving the flags in their hands with all their might. The banner above the crowd was fluttering gently in the breeze, making them extremely eye-catching.

Welcome Ambassador Lu triumphantly!

Welcome back the compatriots on the other side of the ocean!

Touched in Lu Chengfeng's heart, he couldn't help raising his hand, waved to the crowd in the distance, and then a bright smile appeared on his face.

Behind him, a smile appeared on Jiang Xiaomeng's usually indifferent face, looking at Lu Chengfeng's back, she applauded lightly.

At this moment, she knew clearly.

I may never be able to become someone like Lu Chengfeng.

She is able to handle many complex documents and is fluent in multiple languages.

These professional abilities may enable her to become a diplomat, but it is far from enough to become an excellent diplomat.

...seeking flowers 00

Lu Chengfeng has qualities that she doesn't even have in chief diplomats like Lin Beibei. That unique personality charm has made Lu Chengfeng the present.

Dare to dare to fight!

There is the purest faith and spirit in my heart.

It was this kind of spirit that made him make promises with the relatives of the trapped people before he set off, and it was also this kind of spirit that made him rush into the war zone without hesitation.

She thinks about it now, if there is no Lu Chengfeng.

Perhaps, these people may not all be able to come back safely.

This kind of pure faith and drive is exactly what she lacks.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Lu Chengfeng stepped off the plane steadily, and the people on both sides made way for a passage, and voices kept ringing in his ears.

"Ambassador Lu, thank you very much, thank you for bringing my child back safely! Without you, our family reunion would not be possible!"

"Thank you Ambassador Lu, you are the benefactor of our family!"

"Thank you, Ambassador Lu, you are our pride and the pride of China!"

"Thank you for allowing our family to return to the embrace of the motherland!"

A burst of thanks filled with tears made Lu Chengfeng's eyes turn red unconsciously, and he nodded while responding to everyone.

Followed by the crowd, step by step out of the crowd.

Such thanks made him a little flattered.

In his opinion, he just did what he should do during this trip to Tanhe Maya, and he really couldn't bear such cheers and gratitude.

Rescue the people and safeguard the dignity of the country.

This is the most basic job of a qualified diplomat!

Ahead, Chen Linhuai, the general manager of the airport, also greeted Lu Chengfeng.

"Hello, I am Chen Huailin, the general manager of Jiangzhou Airport. Congratulations to Ambassador Lu on his triumphant return. Welcome home!"

"Hello, thank you for everything you have done, well deserved!"

Lu Chengfeng held Chen Huailin's hand, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"That's not right!" Chen Huailin's expression suddenly became serious, and he saw

To the people following Lu Chengfeng, he said solemnly:

"Everyone has seen your performance this time, not just us, but all the people think that you deserve such courtesy. You did a great job in this evacuation operation!"

"Thank you!" Lu Chengfeng nodded with a smile.

Having said that, no matter how modest Lu Chengfeng is, he is hypocritical.

Behind Chen Huailin, Lin Beibei and several colleagues from the Foreign Affairs Office were watching all this with a smile, and there was a little envy in their eyes.

After arriving at the airport, Lin Xixi was actually shocked when he saw the battle here. He thought that he had gone abroad to perform so many missions, but he had never been subjected to such an attack.

The welcome of this big scene, I didn't expect Lu Chengfeng to become famous all over the country in such a short time after joining the company!

This made Lin Xibei have to sigh with emotion, this young man is really better than blue than blue!

However, after sighing, I was relieved.

He also wanted to see how Lu Chengfeng would deal with such a scene with a hint of hope for a good show, but the result was much better than he imagined.

At least, Lu Chengfeng behaved decently from beginning to end.

The sacred status of a diplomat has not been insulted!

"Leader, why are you here too!"

After chatting with Chen Huailin for a while, Lu Chengfeng saw Lin Northwest behind him, greeted Chen Huailin quickly, and walked over.

"You boy, this is not ordered by Jiangbu, so I came here to welcome you!"

Lin Xibei reached out and patted Lu Chengfeng's shoulder, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said solemnly: "Good job!"

"Brother Lin has won the prize!"

Lu Chengfeng grinned, showing a bright smile.

"Let's go, let's go back!"

Lin Beibei also smiled, and said happily.

Lu Chengfeng nodded, and greeted the others present.

Afterwards, he followed Lin Xibei and walked out of the airport.

There, the car of the diplomatic headquarters has been waiting for a long time.

Moreover, just as Lu Chengfeng got into the black commercial vehicle and waved goodbye to everyone, the traffic police cavalry who had been lining up in the airport also took action.

The traffic police will send you off, and the cavalry will clear the way!

The commercial vehicle of the Foreign Affairs Headquarters drove slowly through the crowd and finally left the airport.

Until this time, the people gathered at the airport to pick up the plane slowly dispersed.

And more people, still discussing the scene just now.

Although the crowd dispersed, their enthusiasm still reverberated at the airport for a long time. .

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