Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 97 Lu Chengfeng's Next Sightseeing Spot, The Black Palace!

Eagle sauce, Chinese embassies abroad.

As soon as Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng stepped into the embassy, ​​Lin Haitao came out in a hurry, and greeted them directly after seeing them.

"Ambassador Lu, it's a good thing you're back. I just heard that the goddess statue was hit by a meteorite. Are you all right?"

Lin Haitao looked Lu Chengfeng up and down, with a trace of worry on his face.

Lin Haitao was a little shocked when he heard the news, and then he quickly remembered that Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng had only gone out at noon and said they wanted to see the goddess statue.

He was a little anxious immediately.

I wanted to call Lu Chengfeng, but I was always on the phone.

Afterwards, he called Jiang Xiaomeng's cell phone again, but he still couldn't get through.

"We're fine!" Lu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Then why can't I get through to you..." Lin Haitao muttered in relief when he saw that the two of them were indeed not injured.

"Um, the situation is a bit special..." Lu Chengfeng didn't explain this in detail, and shook his head with a smile.

At that time, Lu Chengfeng was talking on the phone with his mother and didn't notice Lin Haitao's phone call. As for Jiang Xiaomeng... Her phone fell while avoiding the meteorite, and I don't know if it was scrapped... .

"It's fine!" Lin Haitao didn't ask any more questions, but a serious look appeared on his face: "When a meteorite hit the goddess statue, you should have been there, right? What happened?"

Lin Haitao always felt a little puzzled in his heart.

When I heard the news before, I kept thinking that the meteorite hit the ground and just hit the goddess statue. Could this be too coincidental?

Could it be another fog bomb released by Ying Jiang?

He has stayed in Eagle Sauce for a long time, and he is well aware of some of the parliamentary manipulations.

I always feel that the goddess statue was hit this time is not that simple, maybe it was an attack launched by another country, but this is not justified.

There is no doubt about the strength of Eagle Sauce's military power. No one in the whole world can match it. The chances of success in other countries' attacks are very low, and what's more, the attack is a goddess statue that has no strategic significance but is just a spiritual symbol.

This is even more strange!

If it was a terrorist attack, the target should be a black official, right?

After all, there have been precedents in the past.

Taking such a big risk to attack the goddess statue, this move is really incomprehensible...

Looking at the puzzled look in Lin Haitao's eyes, Lu Chengfeng thought for a while and said seriously: "Well, the fact is the same as what was said on the Internet, it was indeed a meteorite impact that just hit the goddess statue, and I was still feeling that the goddess statue is not as good as Our Leshan Giant Buddha is beautiful, and then we saw a meteorite falling down...I'm afraid God thinks so too...."

Hearing Lu Chengfeng's words, the corners of Jiang Xiaomeng's mouth twitched slightly.

As for the cause of the natural disaster, she already had some guesses in her mind, but this kind of guessing obviously cannot be said casually, and it cannot be confirmed...

But when she heard Lu Chengfeng explaining the cause of the disaster to Lin Haitao so seriously, she always felt inexplicably strange, feeling that Lu Chengfeng was a serious fool!

However, the fooled person believed it with a serious face.

"It turned out to be a meteorite..."

After hearing Lu Chengfeng's explanation, Lin Haitao felt relieved.

Although this thing is a bit outrageous.

But since Lu Chengfeng said that the matter was true, there was no need for him to doubt it.

"Do you think we can use this matter to make some fuss and force Yingjiang Foreign Affairs Headquarters to agree to negotiate with us? After all, this is not the way to go..."

Lin Haitao made a suggestion.

Seeing that neither Lu Chengfeng nor Jiang Xiaomeng had any reaction, he continued: "The destruction of the goddess statue is a big blow to the morale of the Yingjiang people, and it may even cause small-scale chaos. It is unfavorable for the market, as long as we use this matter to make some fuss, maybe..."

"It's useless!" At this time, Lu Chengfeng suddenly interrupted Lin Haitao's words: "Although this matter will cause some disturbances, it will not affect the overall situation..."

"Eagle Sauce's goal is very clear. They won't negotiate with us until they achieve their goals, and even if they negotiate, we don't have enough bargaining chips!"

"Therefore, there is no need to talk at all!"

Jiang Xiaomeng on the side also nodded in agreement.

However, Lin Haitao did not give up and continued to speak:

"The Goddess incident alone may not have much impact, but if it is connected with the boom in the domestic gold spot market, it may be able to gain some negotiation advantages. I think it is necessary to try."

"The domestic gold spot market is hot?" Jiang Xiaomeng was taken aback for a moment, neither she nor Lu Chengfeng knew the news.

Because of the time difference, Lin Haitao only just found out about this news.

"That's right, the situation is different now! We have temporarily withstood Ying Jiang's first wave of attacks, and with the hot domestic gold spot market, there is still a possibility of counterattack. This is our best bargaining chip, Eagle Sauce will definitely be afraid!"

Speaking of this, Lin Haitao involuntarily glanced at Lu Chengfeng.

Because, he also just knew that the reason why the domestic gold spot market became hot was because of this man in front of him.

When he first got the news, he was shocked for a long time.

It is completely unimaginable how Lu Chengfeng did it.

It is also because of this that he put aside some of his previous views on Lu Chengfeng, and wanted to cooperate with Lu Chengfeng again to solve the problem of financial warfare.

"What happened?" Jiang Xiaomeng realized that something was wrong, and asked, the expectation of the matter seemed to be somewhat different from her speculation.

The domestic gold market suddenly exploded?

The financial sector withstood the attack of the eagle sauce? Stabilized the market?

This situation is completely different from what she expected before!

"It's like this, the day before your business trip, a Weibo post by Ambassador Lu was topped by the top search, and then caused some reactions..."

Lin Haitao roughly sorted out what happened and introduced it.

"The gold market is hot because of a trending search?" Jiang Xiaomeng was a little confused after hearing the whole incident.

Most importantly, that trending search has something to do with her.

After all, the reason why Chengfeng's mother bought those gold jewelry is to make Lu Chengfeng feel more confident when going on a blind date with her!

How did this happen all of a sudden...

What made her even more unimaginable was how this trending search could affect the entire gold spot market? Lu Chengfeng's popularity... Has it become so terrifying?

She suddenly died a little bit!

Because she had seen this trending search before, and also saw some of the comments above.

Moreover, the Foreign Affairs Headquarters also issued a clarification notice. It is estimated that everyone in the unit already knew about the blind date between her and Lu Chengfeng.

Now, it's such a big deal.

I'm afraid no one in China knows about that trending search...

When Jiang Xiaomeng thought of returning to China, she would be greeted with 'curious' eyes from her colleagues. Even though she was always calm, she felt that she was going to be closed at this time.

This fact is too outrageous!

Jiang Xiaomeng looked at Lu Chengfeng blankly.

There was a faint evil spirit in his eyes.

She was thinking, if she and this guy stay in Yingjiang forever, she shouldn't have to go back and face those eyes that make people die...

But after thinking about it, she felt that this was not the fundamental solution to the problem.

If someone misunderstands that both of them died for love or something, wouldn't it be a lifetime of fame?

Thinking of this, she could only resist the violent impulse in her heart, and glanced her head aside.

At this time Lu Chengfeng was also a little dazed, he never thought that things would develop into what they are now, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt a little relieved...

After all, the power of idols is indeed powerful!

Especially an idol of such quality as him......

He coughed lightly, and after putting aside the inexplicable narcissistic thoughts in his mind, his face regained his seriousness, and he also glanced at Jiang Yunshu beside him.

He was just sure that he felt a murderous aura.

And that murderous look came from the girl next to him.

Thinking about it, he knew where the problem was. After all, this kind of thing felt terrible to him, let alone a girl who must have a thinner skin than himself...

He was a little nervous now, and only after realizing that the other party really had no intention of beating him violently did Zhong relax a little.

Afterwards, he thought about it seriously, and said to Lin Haitao: "Although the goddess statue incident and the boom in the domestic gold spot market have given us some more initiative, it is obviously not enough to turn the situation around. We still have to negotiate with Yingjiang." A stronger bargaining chip is needed”

"Aren't you really going to give it a try?" Lin Haitao frowned slightly.

"Believe me, the time is not yet ripe, just wait..." Lu Chengfeng said seriously, and then looked at Jiang Xiaomeng: "Let's go, let's discuss where to go tomorrow

He greeted Jiang Xiaomeng with a smile, and then walked towards the dormitory calmly.

Jiang Xiaomeng didn't say anything, but followed Lu Chengfeng silently.

Lin Haitao, on the other hand, froze in place.

"Are you going to play tomorrow?"

He muttered to himself, and then felt a pain in his liver.

Are these two guys really here on this trip?

Even if Ebe didn't say anything, he couldn't be so presumptuous!

Is the embassy really a travel agency?

It's just outrageous...

Lin Haitao, who was not in a good mood, glanced at the backs of Lu Chengfeng and the two leaving, but in the end he could only shake his head, and returned to his office helplessly.

He really can't control these two people now, Jiang Guotao has said to let them move freely, what right and qualification does he have to dictate to them?

Now, he seems to be on his own.

Things have turned around, which is undoubtedly a good thing!

As long as there is careful planning, maybe there will be a better way.

Thinking of this, Lin Haitao's eyes showed firmness again.

No matter what Lu Chengfeng and the others think, in Lin Haitao's dictionary, the word "abandon" is not included, and he will definitely think of a way to solve this matter.

Lin Haitao, who had regained his fighting spirit, walked quickly to his office under the watchful eyes of the staff of the embassy and locked himself in the office with a bang.

Inside the embassy reception dormitory.

Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng sat on the sofa in the room, and the room was quiet.

In this quietness, there was still a hint of murderous aura floating around.

~that...things would turn out like this, I really didn't expect...if you...

Lu Chengfeng spoke in embarrassment, wanting to break the awkward atmosphere in the room.

But at this moment, Jiang Xiaomeng interrupted him directly.

"Where do you want to go tomorrow?"

The girl's voice was very flat, and she didn't notice any emotional fluctuations at all. It felt like a normal chat, asking if you had eaten today?

But the more this happened, the more unconsciously Lu Chengfeng panicked.

The blind date has led to the current situation, and the people of the whole country already know it. This is completely unreasonable if you don't get married!

But why is this woman so calm?

Shouldn't she be looking for her teacher to blame her?

After all, she is a big girl with a yellow flower... her reputation can be properly ruined in her own hands! If you want to find a boyfriend in the future, he will ask if you have met a certain diplomat before A woman who is ready to get married?

What should the girls say?

If it were him, Lu Chengfeng would probably die for the rest of his life!

This matter, he definitely can't pretend that it never happened...

Just as Lu Chengfeng was thinking, Jiang Xiaomeng's voice sounded again.

"I've sorted out some iconic sightseeing spots in Yingjiang, and planned a sightseeing route. Take a look..."

At this time, Jiang Xiaomeng took out a map of Newt from his briefcase.

On the map, several landmarks and scenic spots of Newt have been circled.

Looking at this map, Lu Chengfeng didn't react for a while.

Why is this woman more active in sightseeing than herself? She even prepared a tour map? Is this something a normal diplomat assistant can do?

Lu Chengfeng glanced at the map, and suddenly found that the sightseeing spots circled above are all some of the more important authorities in Newt City, as well as some of the more famous landmarks. All in all, it is definitely a very headache.

This woman...seems to have fully understood her thoughts!

Lu Chengfeng couldn't help being a little surprised.

Could it be that she has discovered something?

While thinking, Jiang Xiaomeng's voice came to his ears again.

"I think the Black Palace is good, we can go and see it tomorrow!"

Lu Chengfeng was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head with a chuckle.

"Okay, let's go to the Black Palace!"

He also thought about it, whether Jiang Xiaomeng really discovered his secret or not, it doesn't seem to matter now, anyway, his original plan was to go to these places for a walk.

That being the case, the next sightseeing point is set.

Target, Officer!.

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