Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 98 This Is To Dig A Hole For Ying Jiang!

Jiangzhou, a commercial building.

CEO's office.

At this time, Lin Cong was quickly browsing the news about the gold market.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the office, and the beautiful secretary pushed the door open and entered.

"Mr. Lin, we have signed a contract with Xiaori on the building materials project. The price has been increased by 20% according to your instructions. They agreed!"

"Oh? So refreshing?" Lin Cong raised his head, looking a little surprised.

"They have to agree that now the domestic industry associations have reached an offensive and defensive alliance treaty. For the small days' business, all the prices will be raised by 20 points. If the small days don't cooperate with us, other places will also ask for the same price! "

The beautiful secretary smiled and spoke with a hint of admiration for Lin Cong.

She knew that the treaty of the offensive and defensive alliance was made by her own boss at the industry association to get all the colleagues to join in.

It can make the whole industry work together to stick to this treaty.

This boss definitely has great courage and charisma!

"Okay, put the information here!"

Lin Cong nodded slightly, and then he pulled out another document from the desktop.

"This is an investment plan, which requires the investment department to invest all existing funds in the domestic gold market. All transactions must be completed today!"

Hearing this, the beautiful secretary was slightly taken aback.

"Boss, the water in the gold market is very deep now, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I've made a decision, let's do it!"

Lin Cong said without any hesitation.

Hearing this, the beautiful secretary nodded lightly, didn't say anything, just took the document, turned and left the office.

In fact, she had some doubts in her heart.

Lin Cong seldom paid attention to the situation of the financial market before, because their company is mainly engaged in the business of appearance and building materials, and the investment department only started to get in touch with financial investment plans in the past two months.

Lin Cong suddenly wanted to get involved in the gold market. The beautiful secretary felt that this was actually a very risky thing. Given the current situation of the company, there was no need to take such a risk.

But Lin Cong's order had already been issued, and she had no right to interfere, only to execute it.

In the office, Lin Cong fell into deep thought as he read the messages sent by the Financial Control Center, as well as Lu Chengfeng's itinerary and trending searches on Weibo.

Lin Cong didn't make this decision on a whim.

But I have been thinking about it for two days.

Ever since he discovered that the gold market has started to fall, he has been thinking about whether this is his chance to enter the gold market!

Until two days ago, the gold spot market suddenly became popular because of a hot search by Lu Chengfeng, and the Financial Control Center 047 announced the reasons for the market turmoil.

Knowing that this battle was first provoked by Ying Jiang, and the ultimate goal was to harvest the world, he has been hesitating in his heart.

Do you want to watch the gold market being harvested by Eagle Sauce, or contribute your own strength?

After thinking about it all night, today, he finally made a decision.

He felt that now might be the best opportunity!

Although he is a businessman, when he was doing things in his childhood, there would be a flame burning in his heart, which is a brand engraved on the backbone of the nation.

Born in China, when the country is in crisis, he will stand up.

Even if the power is small, I only want to have a clear conscience!

Today, the fire in his heart was ignited again.

He knew that he could not remain indifferent, not only to contribute to maintaining the domestic gold market, but this may also be the best opportunity for the company to enter the financial industry!

At this time, there are still many domestic bigwigs who have the same idea as Lin Cong.

A turbulent wave is brewing rapidly.

Newt time.

In the morning, at two o'clock.

A battle without gunpowder is going on fiercely.

Garlic Fed, Center for Financial Regulation.

In the market monitoring hall, the heartstrings of all members of the Harvest Action Team were tense, and every jump of the gold price displayed on the screen in the hall deeply affected everyone's hearts.

A series of voices sounded from time to time in the hall.

"The news we released has already had an effect. The gold market in Huaguo is now in a wait-and-see mood. Coupled with the huge short orders we have placed, the price of gold is steadily falling!"

"The people on the financial street have also worked hard. Huaguo's funds are beginning to fail to keep up. If you add more fire, you will definitely be able to completely suppress the price of gold!!!"

"Currently, the price of gold has fallen to 280/g. As long as it is lower, it can start to enter the stage of net collection. Some retail investors who can't hold on have already started to sell their chips!"

"Continue to increase short-selling efforts, they will not be able to hold on!!!"

"Victory will belong to us!!!"

As the voices became more and more passionate, on the screen in the monitoring hall, the price of gold in the Huaguo gold market also fell all the way, to the lowest point in three years!

At this time, the members of the Harvest Action Team gradually became excited.

Their goal is about to be achieved.

As long as the gold price is lowered to 250/g, the panic in the market will be completely formed. At that time, there will be a large number of empty orders for them to continue to lower the gold price!

And that's what they want!

Seeing the steadily falling gold price, Joseph, the general manager of the action team, also had a smile on his face, and his heart that had been on his mind relaxed a little.

In his opinion, the current gold price is already at a value that is about to collapse. The reason why the Huaguo market has not completely collapsed is because of the flashback caused by the hot spot market there.

Now the power of this wave of flashbacks is about to disappear, and Huaguo's gold market will surely fall into the abyss of despair!

"Continue to throw chips and crush them to death for me!!!"

Joseph gave the order for the final attack!

The entire monitoring hall suddenly started to run crazily like a sophisticated machine, and pieces of information and analysis data were continuously transmitted to the various departments of the Federal Reserve.

At the same time, under their instructions, Financial Street is also assisting in suppressing the market, and the already unstable gold price in Huaguo once again fell precipitously!

Everything was within Joseph's expectations.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Not good, a dozen large funds suddenly appeared in Huaguo, and they are eating our empty orders. Something seems wrong!!!"

Hearing this sound, the faces of the people in the entire monitoring hall froze, and then they all looked at the screen in the hall in unison.

At the same time as the sound sounded, the gold price displayed on the screen in the monitoring hall unexpectedly stabilized from the downward trend in an instant, and then began to vibrate sideways repeatedly.

"Hua Guo just sent out news that the gold spot there continues to be hot, and gold shops all over the country are out of stock, and those Hua Guo aunts, these people actually evacuated the gold shops!!! "

"How is this possible, I have never encountered such a situation!!!"

"The big funds in Huaguo have begun to enter the market, and they have swallowed all our empty orders, not only that, but also swallowed all the empty orders in the market!!!"

"The price of gold can't be suppressed, and there is a tendency to rebound. Contact the financial street quickly and increase the placement of empty orders. It must be stabilized, otherwise our previous investment will be in vain!!!"

Following the sound of that turning point, one after another sound continued in the hall, but this time the news was something that no one wanted to hear.

Joseph's face had already turned pale when he heard the reports from the members of the harvest team. He took out his mobile phone and made a quick call.

Financial Street!

If they want to make a comeback now, they can only rely on the full strength of the financial street to suppress the sudden appearance of funds in Huaguo with a huge amount of empty orders, otherwise they will definitely lose this battle!

"Slamp, I know that you still have some backup. Now it's the most critical time. Huaguo has new funds to enter the market. You must go all out!!!"

The moment the phone was connected, Joseph growled without any nonsense.

On the other side of the phone, after hearing Joseph's words, Slamp, the giant crocodile in Financial Street, was silent for a moment, and then a faint voice came out: "Understood, we will do our best!"

Slamp is also very clear that at this time the Federal Reserve Bank and Financial Street are already grasshoppers on the same rope.

If they don't do their best at such a critical time, at the moment the Harvest Plan fails, all of them will lose money and may even fall from the altar of the financial street!

The phone hangs up and neither party (cecf) has any nonsense.

They all know what this battle means to both sides.

They have no way out!

Financial Street.

After Slamp put down the phone, he immediately picked up the landline and made a call.

"Throw out all our existing bargaining chips, and we must not let the gold price rebound!"

After putting down the phone, Slamp stood in front of the huge French window again.

Under the feet, the bright lights shone with colorful colors under the night sky, which looked beautiful and warm, but in the eyes of Slamp at the moment, it looked cold.

Just like his mood.

He felt that things seemed to be a little out of control!

Huaguo's gold spot market continued to be hot, which he did not expect.

He couldn't understand why those Hua Guo aunts would continue to buy gold without hesitation under such a market, and even sold out of so many gold shops in Hua Guo.

Aren't these people afraid that all the gold will not be sold if they are in bad hands?

What Slamp didn't know was that the Hua Guo aunts really didn't think that much. For them, gold was not a financial bargaining chip at all, it was an obsession.

They actually don't care whether the price of gold can rise in the future.

As long as they can hold that golden thing in their hands, they feel it is worth it.

And the most important reason is that Lu Chengfeng has sparked a boom in the entire market, just like buying vegetables at a discount in a supermarket. Many people feel that there are cheap things to pick up when so many people are looting for them.

Hua Guo aunts do not understand finance, nor do they understand the market.

But they know that if they don't buy discounted dishes, it is equivalent to losing money!

Same goes for gold!

Seeing the falling gold price, countless aunts have long been eager to move, whether it is to increase the value after buying it, or because they want to prepare a dowry for their children.

If you don’t pick up the cheap ones, that’s your mind!

Under such psychological effects, coupled with Lu Chengfeng's star effect, Huaguo's gold spot market will explode, and there is no surprise at all.

At the same time, Huaguo.

Financial Control Center.

It was still afternoon in Huaguo at this time, perhaps because of the time difference, the staff of the financial control center seemed to be much more energetic than Yingjiang's.

At this time, the monitoring hall was full of excited and excited voices.

Lin Chengzhi looked at the stabilized gold price on the monitoring screen, clenched his fists and kept waving, while giving orders one after another.

"Steady and steady, let our funds maintain a continuous counterattack, and we must not let the price of gold fall further. No matter how many empty orders there are

Eat it for me!!!"

At the same time, there are voices in the hall constantly feeding back the real-time market situation.

"Big funds in the country are beginning to intervene, and our reinforcements are here!!!"

"More than a dozen private equity funds have begun to flow into the gold market, and the attack from Yingjiang has been blocked. Lin Zu, we are stable!!!"

"At this time, it is too timely for major domestic funds to make a move!!!"

"The news we sent has begun to work. The short orders of retail investors have begun to decrease, the panic in the market has stabilized, and the price of gold continues to trade sideways!!!"

"Yingjiang Financial Street has started to intensify their attacks. They should have already played their cards. The price of gold has dropped a bit..."

"Wait, another domestic fund has entered the market, and the price of gold has stabilized again!!!"

Accompanied by exciting voices, the entire monitoring hall was filled with a tense atmosphere, and at this time, the time had come to three o'clock.

There is still half an hour until the market closes!

This last half hour will be the half hour for deciding the winner today!

Lin Chengzhi's cell phone rang suddenly at this moment.

The phone connects.

The voice of Ye Yunfeng, the commander-in-chief of the control center, rang from the phone.

"Let me make a long story short, as long as I control the market today, don't counterattack! Our funds are basically in place, and we have new reinforcements to join...

"Now, we are qualified to continue fighting this war. Doesn't Eagle Sauce like to play sneak attacks? Then let's have fun with them!"

"Let me reiterate for the last time, it's enough to hold the market steady, and it's better to pretend to resist the difficulties, do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing Ye Yunfeng's words, ecstasy appeared on Lin Chengzhi's face, and his heart was filled with excitement.

He understood instantly, the meaning of Ye Yunfeng's words was already very clear.

The domestic funds are already in place, and this sudden crisis should be considered over. Not only that, but now they have a chance to fight back!

And Ye Yunfeng's arrangement just now is obviously not ready to let Ying Jiang go easily!

The leader is about to start digging holes for Ying Jiang!

The domestic gold market has enough funds to join, coupled with the hot spot market, the most difficult time of this war has passed.

Now, the dominance of the war should also be reversed.

Doesn't Eagle Sauce like to engage in sneak attacks?

Then let him taste the price he needs to pay after the sneak attack fails!

"I understand!" Lin Chengzhi said in a deep voice.

Lin Chengzhi is also a veteran of finance!

He knew exactly what to do at this time.

It is nothing more than to squeeze out all the funds of Yingjiang, let them invest in as much as they lose, and finally pull out all their underpants!

"Attention everyone, slow down the intensity of the counterattack and stabilize the market from now on. We don't have enough funds. As long as we can resist Yingjiang's attack today, we will win!

At this time, Lin Chengzhi had already started acting.

Of course, his hole cards cannot be revealed at will. After all, no one knows whether there is someone arranged by the other party on his side. Lin Chengzhi must prepare for the worst.

This time, the eagle sauce must not be let go!.

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