An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 181 Strike by Fish Angel

"Why are you here?" Seeing Misato's indifferent expression, Kaji choked back all the flirty words.

"Escorting the second-qualified person and the No. 2 unit requires a person with sufficient status. I have a good relationship with the No. 2 pilot, and this job falls to me." Jiaji had a standard unit on his face. smile.

"Really." After finishing speaking, Misato nodded slightly, thinking for herself.

Jiajia opened his mouth, seeing this indifferent look, he still didn't say anything.

In the elevator room waiting for the second elevator, Ian was holding the tablet with one hand and typing on it with the other hand.

"Hey, second generation official, what are you doing?"

"The transformation plan of the positron gun. In the last battle, the positron accelerator of the positron gun exploded due to overload. I thought about how to change it."

"Huh? Is this something you should be thinking about?"

"I have a part-time job in the technical department, which is part of my job." Some of the organized ideas were packaged and thrown to NERV's technical staff, allowing them to brainstorm by themselves.

"So, you don't have a second-degree illness in the white coat you wear?" Asuka looked Ian up and down.

"It's just a habit. By the way, practice both hands? Europa's ace-san."

"Practice what?" Asuka leaned against the wall of the elevator.

"Simulated air combat. My hands are a little itchy." Ian has not touched a conventional combat vehicle for almost two months, and his hands are really itchy.

"Since you ask so, there's nothing you can do about it. However, that old man doesn't seem easy to talk to."

"If he still believes that conventional military power is the mainstream, he will accept this gift."

"Huh? It's nothing more than the ace of the former Europa Air Force. This brat jumped out of nowhere and wants to play with our precious fighter jet?"

"Don't worry, even a kid like me who got out of nowhere has more than 500 hours of flying time."

The captain and the first officer discussed in low voices for a while.

"Okay, you guys will fly the double-seat Su-33NT for a simulated battle. We will let our ace pilot stay in the back seat of you to prevent you from dying."

The captain still couldn't refuse the mock battle data of the two ace pilots.

"OK, the flight inspection is complete. The whole system is normal. Flight control, here is boy01 ready to take off."

"This is girl01, ready to take off at any time."

The two two-seat trainer Su-33NTs slowly connected to the catapults following the guidance of the ground staff.

The nose gear is lowered and the rear spoiler is raised. Engine power up.

The throttle is pushed straight to the max, and the afterburner is on.

"Boy01 took off." Under the traction of the catapult, Shinji's Su-33 quickly reached the take-off speed. The front landing gear disengaged from the catapult.

Shinji pulled the joystick, and the body quickly climbed at an elevation angle of 30 degrees.

After feeling the power of the airframe, I directly pulled the elevation angle to 90 degrees and climbed vertically.

"Then girl01, take off."

The Asuka plane also successfully ejected and took off.

"Boy01, girl01, the simulated battle area is limited to 100 nautical miles north of the fleet, at an altitude of 3000 to 6000 meters, and a radius of 50 nautical miles. The time limit is 15 minutes. You can start anytime."

"Understood." ×2

The two fighter jets advanced side by side, and Ian made a gesture, signaling to distance themselves and prepare to start.

Asuka nodded. Immediately turned to the right, but Ian naturally turned to the left.

"The distance between the two planes was 50 nautical miles, and they began to turn around." In a certain briefing room, a group of pilots and Miri Jiaji were watching the pictures taken by the nearby early warning aircraft.

"It's amazing for children nowadays, they can fly fighter jets all over the sky at the age of 14."

"Yeah, what we were doing back then..." At this time, the briefing room was still full of laughter.

At this time, the two fighters were flying relative to each other at the same altitude.

"The second generation of officials, who will give the order to start?"

"Ladies first."

"Then..." Asuka took a deep breath, and the hand holding the joystick became more tense.

At the moment when the two planes were about to collide...


The two fighters ignited their afterburners almost simultaneously, and at the same time, their wings deflected 90 degrees and passed by.

The surging power directly pushes the airframe to tear the sound barrier, and then quickly reduces the thrust, opens the speed brake, pulls the joystick, and with the assistance of the excellent aerodynamic control of the Soviet fighter, quickly turns around 180 degrees.

"Oh? Are you too..."

"Tch, I didn't cheat until six o'clock..." Asuka curled her lips under the mask. Increase thrust, deflect downward, trade altitude for speed, and prepare to turn down YOYO.

And Ian also increased the thrust, relying on the light load of the body, the thrust-to-weight ratio was greater than one, and directly turned on the afterburner to rise vertically.

"Cut, I was put in a row." Turning to a low altitude, Asuka, who was a little faster, also ignited the afterburner. Raise the nose and rush to the sky.

"Have you caught up..." Ian lowered the accelerator, and the ascent speed of the body decreased rapidly, and soon approached zero.

Then, under the action of gravity, the barrel of the fuselage rolls and turns back at 180 degrees.

"Cobra... no, it's kicking off the wall!"

Ian's body skipped over the Asuka machine, taking advantage of the faster speed of the Asuka machine and the slower speed of his own body, Ian seized the time to change the course, and bit the six o'clock of the Asuka machine.

Then turned on the fire control radar and camera gun.

Asuka felt something was wrong, glanced in the rearview mirror, and saw Ian's silhouette. Decisively start defending the barrel roll.

"The reaction is quick, Ermu."

"It's normal... the second generation of officials!" When the speed of Asuka's machine dropped to a certain value, Asuka moved the joystick, cooperated with the pedals, and used pneumatic and vector thrust to make the machine quickly rotate horizontally to the right and rear.

Seeing the Asuka machine start to maneuver, Ian also pulled up the nose decisively.

"This time it's Cobra maneuvering..." Asuka predicted Ianji's movements.

The body of the Ian machine rises while the nose is raised at a large angle.

"Tch, is the roulette maneuvering..." Asuka pushed the joystick forcefully to get out of maneuvering. Then increase the thrust to open the distance.

"Don't go..." Ian also increased the thrust to recover from the maneuver, the body rotated half a circle, then pulled up and then rotated half a circle to become a horizontal flight to catch up with the Asuka machine.

Seeing Ian approaching, Asuka pulled up the nose while opening the speedbrake.

"You don't need a cobra maneuver...I'll do it! Eh?"

The Ian machine will also pull up the nose at this time, and fly forward at a high angle of elevation.

"Don't be too complacent!" The nose of the Asuka machine turned slowly under the action of vector thrust. Point to the Ian machine.

Ian pulled the joystick violently again, the elevation angle of the body increased sharply, and it began to turn into a bell-style maneuver. When the nose of the plane was about to point to the Asuka plane, it was discovered that Asuka had also switched to a bell maneuver. The two planes kept changing positions while landing almost in place, trying to bring each other into the envelope of their own fire control radar.

The ace pilots in the two fleets, who were supposed to be insurance, can only hold on to the console tightly to fight against the overload.

It's not that they don't want to take over the control to end the mock war. But from the start of the simulated battle between the two sides to the present, the overload has almost never dropped below 7g.

Also, bell maneuvers, they can do it, they can do cobra maneuvers, they can do roulette maneuvers, hooks, tail punches, whatever.

But the two big brothers never stopped the super-stall maneuver...

Now this kind of air combat method of constantly looking for attack positions while falling... is beyond the outline!

The two entangled fighter jets kept falling, and the running engines left two messy white lines in the air.

"Are all the kids nowadays monsters!" The captain of the aviation brigade of the Ronald Reagan hadn't smoked a cigar for three minutes.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded inside the ship.

The eyes of the pilots changed, they dropped the things at hand, and ran to the pilot's preparation room.

"The entire fleet, the anti-submarine operation has begun, and an unknown submarine has entered the formation. The aviation unit is carrying anti-submarine equipment into the air!"

"Boy01girl01, the party's over, land on the USS Ronald Reagan in 15 minutes."

"Are you here so early?" Ian changed out of the stall maneuver. "Boy01 understands, enter the landing procedure."

Flying back to the fleet at high subsonic speed and low altitude, after flying over the Reagan, it turned directly at a large angle to align with the landing channel.

"boy01, you are too fast! Pull up! Pull up!"

"I know!" Pulling up at a large angle, using the cobra maneuver to slow down, and then maintaining a speed of 220 per hour, it accurately hooked the third arresting cable and landed.

The arresting wire was released, and the plane taxied to the designated location, clearing the runway for the Asuka plane.

While skating, I communicated with Miri.

"By the way, does Misato mind if I expose my hole cards a little bit?"

"Whatever you want, since Ritsuko followed up with what you did in the final dogma, I don't want to care about it anymore. Anyway, they can't do anything to you if you don't use N2 weapons."

When I got the N2 weapon, I just changed to a vest and went on the wave. Ian thought silently.

"Then, please help prepare the driving suits for the two of you."


Parked the plane according to the regulations, Ian turned over and jumped out of the cockpit, walked quickly to the bridge, and took the box containing the pilot's suit of the first plane and the bag of the pilot's suit of the second plane from Misato.

I found a place to change into my driving suit.

Carry the bag of the driver's uniform of the No. 2 machine on his back. At this time Asuka had just gotten off the plane.

Yian saw that Asuka had not had time to change back to her skirt, she was still wearing anti-G suit.

"Well, just right."

"Eh? What's right?"

"Don't worry about your disappearance."


Hugging Asuka in the princess hug, Ian ran up in three steps at a time, and then jumped off the side of the boat.

"Hey!!" Asuka was stunned by Ian's actions, and jumped directly from the flight deck, which was several floors above the water.

The halo above Ian's head flashed away, lightly landed on the sea, and then ran quickly, rushing towards the transport ship of the No. 2 aircraft.

"Hey!! Eh? Are we running on the water?" Asuka closed her eyes the moment she landed, and unexpectedly found that she didn't feel like falling into the water. He opened his eyes and glanced at his surroundings.

It was found that Ian was running wildly on the water with her in his arms.

"It's too troublesome to apply for a helicopter with that old man. Just run over here."

"No...wait, is this too troublesome to apply for a helicopter? Why can you run on water!!!!"

"Because man is the eighteenth or fourteenth apostle..."

"Huh? Why is there an or?"

"Because I'm not sure if it's the timeline of the Dead Sea Documents or the timeline of the Dead Sea Documents..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't care about the nonsense, I just want to make things right now."


"Hold on."

When Ian was tens of meters away from the No. 2 transport ship, he took off suddenly, and jumped onto the deck of the transport ship driven by the AT position.

"Can you still walk by yourself?" Ian noticed that there was an expression nearby looking at the two of them as if they had seen a ghost.

By the way, when running on the sea, there is also the feeling of being stared at.

"Of course I can go by myself." Asuka found that she was still hugging Ian's neck, her face turned red, she quickly let go and put her hands on her lap.

Slowly put Asuka's feet on the ground, just as Asuka was about to go out, she found her legs were still soft. Even a former air force ace thought it was too exciting to jump down from a height of more than a dozen floors and then onto the side of a ship several stories high.

"Then I'll take you to change clothes first." Picking up Asuka again, she took her to the bottom of the deck, found a stairwell, closed the door, and Asuka began to change clothes.

"What a strange person..." Asuka murmured silently in her heart while changing clothes. "And human beings are also apostles? So what exactly are apostles... and the ability to run on water... Obviously it is the use of the AT position. Can only the human body release the position?"

"Let's go, Shinji-kun."

"??" Isn't it called the second generation of officials? Ian looked back slightly strangely. The tone is too calm.

Obviously, a girl who is so proud should not be hit twice.

"It has horns..." Walking into the hangar of the transport ship, Ian looked at the head of the No. 2 machine nearby.

It is the setting of the new theatrical version.

look around.

It is the TV version of the story.

I can't understand it... I don't understand it... It's just a butterfly effect...

"Slap." Ian slapped his face with a slap. "I almost forgot that this universe was restarted by BAKA Shinji..."

"I said Shinji-kun, why did you directly release the AT position...?"

"Well... the nature of the AT position is closer to a rejection attitude. Have you heard of the porcupine theory?"

"Have you heard the theory that the closer you are, the more you will hurt others?"

"The AT position is something similar. Only by refusing to get close to others can you maintain your own shape."


"Humans have always relied on a weak AT position to maintain their human form. As for the strength of the position...the stronger your rejection, the stronger the AT position."

"Then your human body can release this level of AT stance..."

"I refused to admit that the current world is real many years ago... Do you think it is stronger than your sense of rejection due to the injuries you suffered in childhood, or my ability to refuse to recognize the world itself?"

"Reject the world itself..." Sounds like chuunibha.

"LCL full"

“Anfang der bewegung”

“Anfang des nerve anschlusses”

"Ausloses von links-kleigung"

"Sychro start"

Machine No. 2 started successfully.

"Eh? Didn't think about the noise?"

"I can speak German..." Is it a problem for an AEU person in my life to speak German?

"Can EVA also walk on water like just now?"

"No problem at all."

"Let's go, then."

The No. 2 machine slowly stood up from the transport ship.

"The Othello is calling, and the EVA No. 2 unit is starting up."

"What did you say?" The captain looked back at the transport ship.

"That's the apostle?"


"Then... let's go!" Asuka concentrated slightly. "Run to the Ronald Reagan!"

The No. 2 machine jumped off the transport ship, formed a stand under its feet, and stood on the water.

"It's really okay." Asuka felt the touch under her feet.

"Don't waste time, go there as soon as possible. Misato, use an external power supply urgently!"


The No. 2 machine ran to the vicinity of the Ronald Reagan, quickly connected to the external power supply, and took out two daggers from its shoulders. Facing the direction the apostle rushed towards.

"Hey! Has a mouth!" The apostle floated to the surface, opened his mouth and rushed towards the No. 2 aircraft.

"After all, he is an apostle..."

"It's so resonant!" The No. 2 machine swung its right hand fiercely, and flew out a dagger like a throwing knife. Straight to the core of the apostles.

Thanks to Blood Cherry and Richard2130 for the reward

Well done...

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