An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 182 Asuka visits Japan

The dagger broke through the thin layer of ground, and was directly nailed to the apostle's core.

"Hey, Trinity, is this the apostle you dealt with before?"

"Of course not." Ian frowned and looked at the struggling apostle. "Although the fifth apostle is a little watery, the fourth and sixth apostle are quite troublesome. Is this guy a little watery?"

"Forget it, although I don't know if it's a scam, let's fight first." The second machine rushed up with a dagger in hand.

"It's disgusting." Unit two stepped directly into the apostle's open mouth and kicked the handle of the previous dagger. Let the dagger that pierced shallowly into the core directly follow and sink into the core.

In an instant, the core of the apostle exploded into a mass of plasma. A soaring cross exploded on the spot.

Ian stared at the explosion of the cross soaring into the sky in front of him speechlessly.

Not to mention that the apostles themselves are very watery, even this cross explosion is watery to death.

The No. 2 unit didn't feel burned at all, and the cross explosion was completely fake.

"Is this the end?" Asuka was also very unreal.

At least a three-act play, right?

The No. 2 machine walked back to the Otero transport ship step by step and three turns.

Grinding and chirping, I returned to the special coolant for EVA.

Nearly lying down, he raised his head again and took a look at the cross explosion that gradually dissipated in the distance.

Finding that the apostle was indeed not resurrected, Asuka reluctantly stopped the body.

"What, it's a rare first battle, but you just dealt with such a parallel importer." Asuka crossed her arms, with a displeased expression on her face. Seeing Ian put on his white coat again, took out his computer and continued writing and drawing, Asuka was even more upset. "And I'm not alone..."

"Don't pay attention to these details. If you haven't landed on the land of Neon, you haven't reported to the NERV headquarters. Then, you are not counted as the first attack. The next apostle will be counted."


"You belong to the third branch of Germany now, and your jurisdiction is in the Pacific Fleet of the Allied Forces. If you attack at this time, what does it matter to our NERV headquarters? It probably feels like this."


"How did they get there?" The captain and first officer looked at the two pilots who had just disembarked from the helicopter on the bridge.

"A surveillance camera captured this by accident." The picture shows Ian (Shinji) running on the water after jumping off the side of the boat with Asuka in his arms. Although only for a few seconds.

"Is that something humans can do?" The captain stared wide-eyed at this scene that only existed in myths and legends.

"Obviously not." The first officer was very calm. "Isn't that child called Miko (shinji sounds the same as Shinji), it's normal to have a little privilege."

"You have to deduct money for playing homophonic memes, Richard." The captain returned the tablet to the first officer. "I remember you had a part-time job with the CIA, any news?"

"There is already news, the mole from over there, that big toy, in addition to the two in the third new Tokyo City, one here, one in the United States, one in Maozi, and one in Europa. There is still a budget for 10 more And the whereabouts of supplies are unknown. I am afraid that the organization called SEELE will make a big move. In addition, there are also budget problems in the underground city and NERV headquarters. The CIA has used supercomputer statistics. 0.3% of the budget is missing."

"0.3% should still be within the acceptable range?"

"That's based on the information available in the areas that intelligence personnel have access to, and they actually estimate that almost 1 percent of NERV's budget is missing.

And this 1% budget is more than the cost of the fleet under our feet. "

"...what are they going to do with all that money?"

"An unplanned EVA? Who knows. But the only thing that's certain is that NERV is definitely not at the heart of what's behind it."

"My lord's world is really complicated..." The captain's eyes were once again blocked by the shadow of the brim of his hat. "Seal this video and do your best to protect the secrets of the third qualified person. I have a hunch that that brat is the key to breaking that organization."

"A grown-up's world is actually very simple, face and profit. Look at Asuka, even if we mess around, even if we disobey orders and force the No. 2 machine to start, as long as we win, no one will blame us."

"I've known that for a long time."

"That's right, the fourteen-year-old Europa fighter ace pilot, how could it be possible that he doesn't understand this simple truth."

"Humph." (*`▽*)

At this time, the NERV headquarters is holding an emergency meeting of SEELE.

"The performance of EVA 01 and its pilot has gone far beyond plan."

"Ikari, what are you planning?"

"It has been confirmed that the third-qualified person has an AT position that is almost equivalent to the strength of the apostle released by the human body."

"The No. 2 unit has also demonstrated the ability to walk on water using its stand. Ikari, this is not in our plan."

"What did you and Yui do to the third qualified person?"

"The plan is still going on smoothly, the difference is only in the difficulty of the ceremony. The stronger the first machine, the stronger the third qualified person. The greater the possibility of success for humans to complete the plan.

So far, we haven't had a single delay. The performance of the third qualified person is still in the plan. Relying on the expression that the committee couldn't see Hei, Lao Ding said something that he didn't believe at all.

"There is no room for failure in the completion of the human completion plan. Take good care of the third qualified person, or we will discipline you for you."

A circle of steles suddenly disappeared.

Where they couldn't see, the corners of Lao Ding's mouth almost went up to the sky.

"Go and try..."


"Hey, Teacher Dongyue..."

"Sorry, generally speaking, I don't laugh. Ikari, what did Ikari-kun do?"

"Guiding the second-qualified person to develop the ability to run on the water surface using EVA, a success."

"Oh this... I thought he'd come back and teach her. What about Ikari?"

"I found traces in Hawaii, but let him run away." Dongyue and Lao Ding left the holographic meeting room, talking in whispers on the way back to the office.

"Hawaii? Isn't it flooded there?" Dongyue recalled the information.

"Obviously, no." Lao Ding recalled what he saw on that island, an ordinary paradise island, and a small villa on the island where people lived for a period of time.

And those long red hairs and short blue hairs.

"Heh... the trigger was wrong at the beginning, the third impact will not come."

"Ah... so we probably won't be able to use the backhand we prepared before. That child has become a person who can control his own destiny before we can see it."

"By the way, what will Xiaoying do next?"

"Now that he has started to show off... Either he wants to fish, or he wants to flip the table."

"What do you want... Shinji-kun." In front of a toilet on the Reagan, Ian was blocked by Misato. "You're too arrogant now."

"I know." Ian straightened his clothes, feeling a little embarrassed to be blocked at the toilet door. "I'm waiting for them to come out of their mouse hole. Now I have some information in my hand, but I'm a little confused about the logical relationship in the middle."


"Yeah." He took out the tablet from his pocket. "Look at these..."

"A small church established before the Second Shock?"

"and this."

"A terrorist organization that emerged after the second shock? A group of people at the top?"

"and this."

"Human Completion Plan...Humanity will return to repay the original sin brought about by the birth of human beings...they shouldn't know this. In, there are some things they should never know, and there are no more than 5 people in NERV KNOW THIS STUFF... WHERE THERE ARE THEY FROM... SEELE?"

"There are also materials copied from their computers."

"The Antarctic Exploration Program... artificially activate ADMS?" Misato subconsciously clutched the cross pendant on her chest. "Wouldn't the second impact be...?"

"Yes, part of a cohesive plan."

"Have humans completed the plan..."

"That's right. Human beings completed the plan. The theory of original sin... I personally feel that the most stupid theory can lead to the death of half of the population. It's a waste of air to keep those people alive for a day."

"Now the problem is..."

"Where are they?" Ian put away the tablet. "I've searched all over the world except the NERV headquarters. I believe you should know that there is a black box underground in the headquarters?"


"Then you know now. This should be the last tacit understanding between me and Lao Ding. I don't ask what he is doing behind the scenes." He also didn't ask who I am. Of course, this sentence is not yet said.

"You think they're on base?"

"There is no evidence." After all, there is a TV version of the plot, and it is normal for Speaker Keir to come out of nowhere. "I searched the entire network and monitored every communication line. I can find traces of SEELE everywhere, and I can find their minions everywhere. Consortiums, high-ranking officials, the army, intelligence organizations, terrorist organizations, religious orders...everything related to power Everything has their minions."

"They have such a strong force, why did they set up NERV..."

"Probably because they couldn't make EVA without Ikari." Ian spread his hands. "Sometimes the world is driven by one person."

"Why are they so obsessed with EVA..."

"Of course it is used as a prop to trigger the third impact." Ian found a flat wall to lean against.

"Then what is our current battle? If EVA hadn't been created then..." Misato bit her lip.

"Then human beings have no future, and N2 weapons have limits."

"It's ironic..."

"Who said it wasn't?"

After a two-day voyage, the remnants of the Pacific Fleet docked at Shin-Yokosuka.

"Ara, Ritsuko..."

"I'm here to pick you up, where's the synchronization rate data of the No. 2 machine?"

"I brought it here for you." Misato pulled out a bunch of documents from the bag.


"What's wrong?"

"Without thinking noise..."

"That's not surprising that the legendary heart like calm water appeared on him." Misato's eyes were still a little erratic, what exactly is EVA? What is the secret of EVA...

"The treatment here at the headquarters is really good..." Asuka followed Ian into their residence.

"The second generation of officials is always a bit privileged."

"Mr. Ikari, are you back?" Li came out of the room holding a teacup.

"Huh?" Asuka was taken aback. "Eh?! Are you living together???? Didn't you say that men and women cannot live together after the age of seven?!"

"If you knew Li's previous living conditions, you wouldn't let her live by herself anymore."

Asuka frowned.

"I heard that you became the pilot of Unit Zero because you were favored. It doesn't seem to be the case."

"The EVA pilot didn't get the job because he was favored." It's all because of misfortune.

"But Miri, where do I live? Will you send me there later?"

"Asuka lives here too." Misato arrived one step behind Shinji and the two.


"We think you need more in-depth communication. Since you have already had a good cooperation this time, I believe you will not be in a stalemate. Isn't it?"

"Yahoooooooo! Sure enough, drinking a bottle of beer after taking a bath is the best..." Misato still had a can of beer every night.

"Yah!!!!" Ian heard Asuka's scream from the bathroom behind her. I exchanged a glance with Ritsuko, put away the tablet, silently turned around and closed my eyes.

"Crack!" "Misato Misato! There is a strange bird in the bathtub!" Asuka pushed open the bathroom door and came out without any clothes on.

"It's a bird called a penguin. It's called penpen. It's our other roommate." Misato took another sip of beer.

"By the way, why don't you cover it up? There are boys here~"

"Eh?" Asuka looked down at the back of Ian's head, blushed, closed the door silently, and went back to take a shower.

"Huh... I thought she would come up and give me a kick in excitement..." Ian opened his eyes.

"Cut..." x 2

"Isn't it too serious..."

"It doesn't look like a 14-year-old at all..."

"You actually avoided it in advance..."

"I really didn't look at it..."

"You two are enough..."

Rei Ayanami over there realized that she was no longer having fun, so she silently withdrew her eyes and continued drinking tea.

Seeing Rei's small movements, Misato raised her lips slightly.

No matter what Shinji does, just seeing Ayanami Rei change from a real doll to a normal girl with few words, Misato is also a little happy.

When Rei Ayanami first moved in, she didn't smell human at all. It's hard to get along with.

"Ian, can you hear me?"

Yi An, who was bickering with two older leftover girls, was taken aback for a moment.

"Linda? What's wrong?"

"Someone rose from the coffin! Not an apostle! Human beings!"

"Is Kaoru Nagisa up... Ready to lift the floor~ The Enterprise is ready for a short-distance warp. Wait for my signal to teleport me back."

"I know. The boy over there has awakened and entered... huh?" The beautiful boy who emerged from the coffin on the moon couldn't continue speaking as he spoke his lines.

"That's right... the Dead Sea Books have become an established book. The time of the contract is approaching. Is there anything strange?" A stone tablet suddenly appeared in front of the beautiful boy.

"Ikari Shinji-kun...there are two?" Zhu Kaoru looked in the direction of the earth in shock.

A soul is complete and extremely strong, and I am afraid that I will not be afraid to fight with "father".

The other soul is also complete and strong, at least not afraid to fight with the apostle.

"Perfect human?" Zhu Kaoru looked at the existence of two fried eyes. "Disappeared?"

"Boom!" Through some unknown medium, the roar of the Enterprise's short-distance jump directly smeared on Nagisa Kaoru's face.

"How is this going…"

The three-kilometer-long warship covered the sky and the sun, and was parked less than one kilometer above Zhuxun.

My mentality is a bit fried... Maybe I'm going to break up in love... I want to cry...

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