Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 803: Highlights fall, the ancestors are besieged

"The ancestors are in the sky ( to find the latest chapter!

Wutian's pupils shrank.

"Liu Changsheng, the ancestor of the ancient family, is it possible that he is a woman?!"

He was shocked, but a cloud and mist drifted past the portrait, and the figure turned his head again, leaving only one back.

And Liu Changshou and others were also in a daze, looking at each other, trying to say something, but didn't dare to open their mouths.

Soon, the portrait fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other, Wu Tian did not dare to delay, and went to fetch the stone **** again, very cautiously.

But a scene similar to the one just now happened, when a terrifying force erupted and Wutian was knocked into the air again.

Liu Changshou and others were stunned.

"Strange! Shi Chu has never reacted like this before!"

"Yes, as long as it is from the Liu family and the spell and seal are correct, you can get it."

"We are not members of the Liu family, the stone **** will die if it touches it. I thought that there was a longevity in the beginning and wanted to steal our town's artifact, so I was directly shaken by the stone hoe!


Wutian climbed up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and heard the discussion of Liu Changshou and others, and he couldn't help but feel horrified.

This stone hoe, who is not a member of Liu Changsheng's tribe, will die if touched!

He couldn't help being shocked with cold sweat on his back.

But in an instant, he was puzzled, why didn't this stone **** shock him to death just now? !

Did you keep your hands? ! Or other reasons.

"Could it be that I am also a member of Liu Changsheng's tribe?!"

Wutian shook his head and smiled, feeling impossible.

"Fine, how can the artifacts of the town clan left by Liu Changsheng have no successors, hey!"

He sighed in his heart.

However, in the current situation, although a group of elders did not doubt himself, he must take precautions and clean himself thoroughly.

So, his eyes turned and he hurriedly said: "Changguier, go get a stone **** and see, is there something wrong with the stone hoe?!"

Liu Changgui listened to Wutian the most. Hearing that a rabbit jumped, he hurried into the ancestral hall and reached for a stone hoe.

In the distance, Wutian's eyes flashed, and the fingers in his sleeve pinched the tactics, and a vague divine power sank into the void. The moment Liu Changgui's fingers were about to touch the stone hoe, the divine power suddenly exploded, sending Liu Changgui flying out.

Everyone was surprised.

Is it true that Shi **** has a problem!

Another elder stepped forward and repeated his tricks without any reason, and the attack was heavier. The elder screamed and flew out, unable to get up for a long time.

Wutian's cultivation base and strength are much higher than that of Liu Changshou, the strongest of the others, and his spellcasting is very secretive, so no one notices it.

Seeing Shi **** once again hit an elder, everyone was horrified.

Wutian took the opportunity to say: "It seems that an abnormal situation has occurred that has caused the stone **** to change. Please don't touch the stone **** anymore during this period of time!"

He quickly changed the subject.

Everyone immediately began to talk about the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom of God, and they also said a few words from time to time, but they were secretly sorry in their hearts, and had a headache and did not know how to explain to the deity.

Because he boasted Haikou in front of the deity before, saying that he must get the stone **** and the stone shovel and give it to the deity, but now...

Wutian turned his head and glanced at the portrait hanging on the wall of the shrine in the ancestral hall, his eyes gradually narrowed.

This portrait must have another mystery.

And Liu Changsheng, even though he had a startling glance just now, he looked like a woman!

Wutian glanced at Liu Changgui, pretending to say with emotion: "Changgui, you said our ancestor portrait, why do you have your back to us?!"

Liu Changgui was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Perhaps it is to retain mystery!"

Liu Changshou next to him glared at him and said, "Nonsense!"

"This portrait is rumored to be made by a confidant of our ancestors during the immemorial years!"

"But later, the confidant disappeared mysteriously, and the ancestors couldn't find it, so they kept this painting."

"When I was young, I heard my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather told me that in this portrait, there is the obsession of the ancestor for the first time, and he has been waiting for that confidant."

"Say that one day, that confidant will come to this painting, the obsession of the old ancestor will be completely awakened and come out of the painting..."

Speaking of this, Liu Changshou also smiled, and said, "These are all distant legends and stories, and they can't be true!"

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Liu Changgui whispered: "Have you seen that the ancestor in the portrait seen just now suddenly turned back, but turned back halfway, but it looks a bit like a woman..."

Qijie was surprised: "Is our ancestor Liu Changsheng a woman?!"

Liu Changshou glanced at everyone weirdly, "Does it matter whether the ancestor is a male or a female?! As long as the ancestor is Liu Changsheng!"

Everyone nodded and said yes.

Wutian heard this and was speechless. It turns out that your ancient family Liu Family didn't even know whether your ancestors were male or female.

"Are there no positive portraits and records of ancestors in the family?!"

Wutian asked.

A group of elders shook their heads together.

"Our ancient family, Liu Family, has everything. It does not have any written portraits of the ancestor. I heard that an ancient ancestor personally ordered the destruction. The purpose is to prevent the ancestor from being reincarnated and practicing his life. People are plotting."

"After all, the ancestors set the rules of one family and one longevity, and there are many offended enemies!"

Suddenly, I couldn't help but admire.

Liu Changsheng's move was really amazing. When he did a lot of bad things in the future, he would do it like this.

Just now.

From the far end of the sky, there were vast energy fluctuations, as well as a screaming and piercing scream.

A group of people hurriedly flew into the sky, looking for reputation.

Liu Changshou said: "It looks like something happened to the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom!"

Sure enough, far away, everyone saw that in Tianyu, someone was fighting fiercely and fighting, and there were roars from time to time, and the coercive roar, the law was like the sky, and the eternal life was shooting.

With a move in Wutian's heart, he vaguely perceives the deity's breath.

"Could it be that this deity is not good to stay in the Emperor City, and secretly ran to the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom?!"

"Hey! I have to look at this messy thing. If he dies, I have to go back and inherit his inheritance!"

Immediately, he turned his head and said to Liu Changshou and the others: "You take a good look at the house, I will go back when I go, ancestor!"

Immediately, he stepped on the soles of his feet, and the stone boots in the cave were radiant and disappeared instantly.



Wutian escaped from the void in the void, but as soon as it appeared, a divine light shot down.

He roared, and hurriedly counterattacked, and the person hit flew out with a whisper, his figure shook, and he disappeared instantly, flying into the void.

Wutian narrowed his eyes and resisted the killing intent and did not pursue.

That person seemed to be Elder Xia from the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom, and several people were following him beside him.

On the ground, there was a pool of shredded flesh and blood, melting the earth into a huge exuding a terrifying aura and a terrible resentment.

"Blood of Changshengtian!"

"Eternal life is dead?! The grievance is so big!!"

Wutian was shocked, but a majestic voice suddenly heard from his ear.

"What are you doing, go back quickly, this is not a place where you can intervene!"

It was the voice of the deity Liu Fan.

Without the world's consciousness, he was clever.

There is a fear called the fear of being dominated by the deity.

He raised his head and stared above Tianyu.

There, several silhouettes were conquering and besieging two silhouettes, fighting extremely fiercely.

Among them, a figure is a humanoid monster covered with scales, with a fierce aura soaring to the sky, killing the other Changshengtian with blood.

The other figure that was under siege was an old man with red hair and red eyebrows. His body was entwined with a strong ominous atmosphere, so that a group of masters could not get close.

"Tsk tusk tusk, this deity is a troublemaker, forget it, I withdrew, seeing his look like a dragon and a tiger, I want to collect his body and inherit his inheritance, there is no chance!"

Wutian flew away instantly, listening to the deity's words very much.

But when he was leaving, his eyes flashed, and his big sleeves waved, swept away the flesh and blood of the longevity heaven in the abyss of the ground.

"Bold thief, how dare you steal the body of our senior Gao Liang!"

"So courageous! Dare to steal from our Daxia Shenuo Academy and take it for me!"

On the ground, a group of students from the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom of God was roaring, and the leader was indeed Senior Tao. Each of them had tears in their eyes, because the previous catastrophe really appeared, and it took Gao. Bright life!

In the void, Elder Xia roared and ordered several instructors to pursue Wutian.

ps: It’s a bit of Cavan, it’s relatively short today, the two chapters were sent together

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