Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 804: The ancestors show their power, fight 4 parties

     Time to go back to the moment when Gao Liang just promoted to Changshengtian...

   At the back mountain of the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom, everyone is earnestly guarding, the sky is silent, and the depressive atmosphere is permeated.

   This is the change caused by the hiding of several eternal heavens in the void.

   In the depths of the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Divine Kingdom, those elders also awakened, and the vague and tyrannical auras were intertwined in the void, and they were also exploring what awaited.

   Liu Fan is in the void, incarnate as an old man with red hair and red eyebrows, with an ominous air entangled in his body, hiding his figure.

   He noticed that since the highlight breakthrough to the longevity heaven, there have been subtle changes in this world, which is hard to say, but real.

   For example, this day, it is getting darker, the air is more viscous, and the wind, it is colder, so gloomy that makes the back chill, as if it is blowing from hell.


   On the ground, the highlight was very nervous. On his forehead, a drop of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, hitting the stone under his feet, melting the stone, and shattering the restrictions on the ground.

   The sweat of the longevity sky is also extraordinary, with terrifying power, it can instantly kill low-level cultivators.

   Seeing this scene brightly, he couldn't help feeling a while.

   He still doesn't believe that one day he will break through and become the longevity heaven, become an existence overlooking the longevity world, and become one of the small group of big bosses on the pyramid.

   But just then.


   The void in front of him suddenly tore.

   No warning!

   very suddenly!

  'S claws, which have been full of scales, suddenly took off the highlighted head.

   The speed is too fast, and the Qi machine is locked, like a killer attacking, and like a wolf pounce, it will kill you with one blow.

   The skillful movements and terrifying suffocation made Gao Liang's longevity unresponsive.

   "Ah——! Help!"

   screamed brightly, furiously counterattacked, trying to reorganize his body, and grow his head again, but he was terrified to find that a strange force entangled his neck wound, preventing him from rebirth.

   There was a sudden fear in his heart, and his headless body retreated quickly.

   The cracks in the void burst to pieces, and a scaly humanoid monster appeared.

   did not use any magical powers, his body rumblingly rushed over, with a terrifying tank impact, suddenly squeezing the void, and at the same time, the regressive highlight impact exploded, turning the soul into powder.


   The humanoid monster uttered a cry of joy, like a roar of a beast, swallowing a rain of blood and minced meat.

   This series of movements is too fast, let alone a breath time, even if there is no half of the breath, the highlight is robbed and completely fallen.

   Around, everyone was shocked.

  In the distance, a group of students from the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Shen Kingdom, such as Senior Tao and others, screamed in grief when they saw it.

   "Senior Gao Liang!!!"


   Elder Xia and a group of mentors from the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom, with red eyes and roaring to the sky, they all charged towards the monsters.

   In the void, other longevity heavens are also shocked and horrified.

   With their cultivation base and strength, only had time to see Gao Liang screaming backwards, and then Gao Liang was killed on the spot in an instant.

   Everyone's eyes are concentrated on the monster.

   In the void, Liu Fan's eyes were bright and he looked at the monster carefully.

   The monster is a human form, if it weren't for the scales, it would definitely be a person.

   But at this moment, its whole body is cyan scales, its eyes are blood-red, and its head is protruding like a fleshy horn, palms and soles of feet, and five fingers are all blade-like claws, exuding a cyan glow.

   was besieged by the crowd, it didn't fear at all. Instead, it let out a fierce and evil laugh, threw away half of the flesh and blood, and rushed to the elder Xia and the others.

   On the ground, the bright flesh fell.

That is the flesh and blood of the longevity sky, already extraordinary. It landed at this moment and instantly melted a large area. The white smoke evaporated, like sulfuric acid, which emitted a burning smell, and had a strong radiation force, like a nuclear leak. .


   The area sank and turned into a great abyss in the blink of an eye.

   However, no one paid attention to this scene around, because the battle in the void was even more touching.

  'S bright breakthrough, really brought out the Great Tribulation, and this Great Tribulation turned out to be a humanoid monster.

  Thinking about the monster's ability to easily kill Gao Liang just now, everyone was frightened.

   Just, does this monster have anything to do with Liu Changsheng? !

   Liu Fan was also pondering, the aura of this monster was completely different from the aura of his eyes when he was fighting in the Chaos Zone of the Supreme Void.

   To be more precise, it is much weaker. Without the deep and unfathomable breath of those eyes, it has a tyrannical and eerie feeling.


   At this moment, a person in the distance screamed, blood spilling into the void.

   It turned out that a mentor was torn apart by the monster. The remaining half of his body was frightened and fleeing, and the other half of his body was swallowed by the monster.

   Elder Xia was furious and launched a big killer move.

   "A designated sky, extinction!"

   He broke through the space barrier, cut through the void with one finger, and hit the monster's brow fiercely.

   This magic trick, Liu Fan and Elder Xia saw when they were discussing the Dao in the Hall of Longevity, it was very powerful, enough to destroy a universe with one finger.

   But at the moment.

   The finger dropped, only a gap was opened between the eyebrows of this monster, and a black trace of blood shed.

   The monster is okay, Elder Xia was shocked, seeing the blood flashing in the monster's eyes, his heart was not good, and he hurried back.

But the monster is faster, and the claws are raised like a knife, and they want to split Elder Xia's force in two. Elder Xia moved sideways, but he was still a bit slower. The left arm was cut off, and the blood was emptied. .

   Elder Xia screamed, there was a strange power permeating the broken arm, he could not heal the wound at all, let alone rebirth with the broken arm.

   At this moment, he understood why the highlight was so vulnerable just now.

   This monster is really weird. He has never seen that kind of strange power. It is simply the nemesis of longevity.


   Around, a group of mentors saw that Elder Xia was in a crisis, and they rushed to rescue Elder Xia.

   The monster waved his hands and struck out a set of weird punches. It seemed to hit a piece of fist, but the sky was turned upside down, and the long river of time and space was detonated.

   "Ran Shen Fist!"

   Elder Xia screamed in the void, recognizing this long-lost ancient boxing technique, knowing its terrifying power, hurriedly shouted, and made everyone retreat.

   However, it was still too late.

   A group of elders who flew over, all screamed and flew back.

   Elder Xia was even worse. He was chased by the monster, his claws swept, and Elder Xia's legs were directly cut off.

   The body of the longevity body, which has been cultivated for many years by growing vitality, is vulnerable to a blow in front of this monster, like paper.

   At this moment, Elder Xia was horrified and yelled for help.

   In the void, the other Wang Changsheng, Li Changsheng, and Gao Changsheng who wanted to rescue Elder Xia, as well as several other hidden longevity heavens, were so scared that they did not dare to take action.

   The strength of a few of them is only equal to Elder Xia.

   The monster slaughtered it over, the blood-red eyes glowing cruel and tyrannical, and the big scaly claws slashed towards Elder Xia's head.

   Elder Xia raised the only remaining arm to block it, but with a click, this arm was also cut off.

   He screamed backwards, the monster was like a tarsal maggot, chasing him, and the tutor who came to block him was all vomited and flew out by the monster.

   The longevity heaven is under the hands of this monster, vulnerable to a blow, the strange power it cultivates, it specializes in the energy of longevity.

   Elder Xia yelled into the depths of the college: "President, veteran, help!"

   He didn't understand why the elders in the academy still didn't take action!

   However, the obscure aura in the academy is densely intertwined, and the coercion is even worse, but no one takes action, it seems to be jealous of something.

   Elder Xia was desperate, seeing the monster rushing up again, his heart was sad and cool. In this life, he had served for the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom for hundreds of thousands of years. In the end, this was the result.

   At this moment, he suddenly understood that the dean's wonderful eyes when the veterans proposed the plan to use three students to advance to the eternal life.

   "It turns out that I am a cannon fodder, a pathfinder, and a chess piece for the big guys!"

   Elder Xia was sad in his heart, with tears in his eyes and a grim complexion. With a sorrowful roar, he planned to explode Daoji and ended in battle.

   But at this moment, in front of him, a red light flashed, and a figure appeared, unexpectedly faster than the monster.

   This man grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him far away. Just before the monster came, he rescued him and said, "Little baby, stay alive!"

   The voice is old and powerful, but in Elder Xia's ears, it is the best voice in the world.

   "Which senior saved me?!"

   Elder Xia was surprised and happy, and cried again with excitement.

   He stared at it, and there was a big battle in the void.

   That is an old man with red hair and red eyebrows, blocking the monster, and fighting the monster.

This old man is obviously decayed and his back is buckling up, but in the void, he moves left and right, moves up and down, impacts back and forth, moves fast like lightning, moves like a rabbit, very swift, every time he moves, he takes it up Void explosion.

   "What a powerful senior, what a powerful body!"

   Elder Xia exclaimed, looking at this old man who saved his life at this moment, his heart is full of gratitude and awe.

   He made up his mind. When the matter was over, he resigned from the position of elder of the college and followed this red-haired and red-brow old senior. He would go wherever he went.

   Life-saving I have no intention of repaying it. I hate that I am not a daughter. I can only follow and serve his elderly to repay me.


   Gao Changsheng, Wang Changsheng, Li Changsheng, and other longevity days were all amazed.

   They never expected that such a terrifying strong man was hiding beside themselves and others, and with their own power, they abruptly blocked the terrible monster.


   The monster roared, his eyes filled with blood, and the cyan scales glowed all over his body, rushing towards Liu Fan.

   Its body is too strong, and under the blessing of its scales, it is even more terrifying.

   Liu Fan did not use the physical heaven gate, only used a powerful physical body to fight against the monster. Every time he bombarded, his hands were numb, but the scales on the monster's body splashed.

   There is no magical technique, no secret technique, only primitive and ancient killing and cutting techniques, very crude and barbaric, but extremely terrifying, a punch is a black hole.

   The monster roared, and he hit the same fist before, it was a chaotic fist, and the four directions of the world were all filled with mushroom clouds.

   Liu Fan yelled and fought fiercely.

   When the two collided, the void exploded and annihilated into a black hole.

   In the black hole, one person and one monster carry two divine lights, one is red light and the other is cyan light, as if two big suns are colliding, very intense.

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