Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 895: Master Huang is here, we must train our ancestors

Just now.

In the restaurant welcoming guests, there was a tumult and evil spirits.

Then someone yelled: "Shadow Guard is the public office, the idlers are waiting to escape!"

In the restaurant, there was a moment of silence, and some people were so guilty that they even fell under the table in fear.

At this time, the stairs sounded "puff puff" footsteps, and a group of shadow guards walked up, looking sharply at each table.

The old shopkeeper greeted the guests and walked up with a smile.

At the same time, without a trace, he glanced at the three young men who were wiping the table in the distance, and felt secretly. Could these three guys send another message to the Shadow Guard to arrest someone? !

The leading Shadow Guard saw the old shopkeeper who was welcoming the guests, and knew that this person had had a drink with Liu Erhai, the second elder of the Liu family, so his serious complexion eased, and he squeezed out a smile and said: "Old shopkeeper, how disturbing ,Please understand that!"

After all, a portrait appeared in Xukong.

"Where is Monk Liujie?! Vice-Chancellor Yang Yi summoned!"

The portrait of the void is exactly what the monk Liujie looked like.

Li Duobao and others lost their color in shock, and Emperor Feiming said in horror: "Father of the Six Commandments, what have you done, how can you provoke the Shadow Guard?!"

As he was talking, someone had spotted the monk Liu Jie, and the Shadow Guard hulled around, raging.

Monk Liujie swallowed his saliva, his face pale.

"You are the monk of the Six Commandments, the deputy town magistrate Yang Yi summoned, please come with us, please!"

The Captain of the Shadow Guard said, with sharp eyes, saying yes, but the group of Shadow Guards beside him was half unsheathed.

"Amitabha! Harmony generates wealth, Harmony generates wealth!"

He turned pale, chanting the Buddha's name, and followed a group of shadow guards.

The restaurant soon returned to order, and Li Duobao, Li Qingshan, Feiming Great Emperor, Fang Yu and others felt sad.

"Six Commandments are over, hey, I hope he won't be a monk in the next life!"

"Yes, bless him, and hope that he will be reborn in Liu's family in the next life, become a female tribe, be married by me, and be married..."


On the threshold of the Hall of the Elders.

Liu Erhai squatted, smoking a hot pot, looking at the sunset in the sky, very comfortable.

A fly flew in front of his eyes, and his dry tobacco pot suddenly sucked. Unfortunately, the fly was sucked into the tip of the tobacco pot, with a snap, and died!

Liu Erhai didn't notice anything, his eyes were misty.

"It's kind of boring!"

"The sea is in retreat. Wuhai and Liuhai are going to perform their missions. Sanhai, the big villain, is still in the Taixu realm. The huge Liu family can't find a person to speak with me, hey!"

"Sihai, Sihai! Hey, if Sihai did not die, I would have married her now! I think she had the best relationship with me back then...No, she seems to like Wuhai a little more..."

Liu Erhai was muttering to himself, and his expression became sad and sad.

at the corner.

Yang Qi came with the monk Liujie.

Recently, the commander of Yang Shouan made the adults not present, and the Shadow Army was controlled by him and the town caretaker Qian Lixian. Qian Lixian put on small shoes for him many times, and he was very uncomfortable.

In particular, I heard that Qian Liexian, who had been broken by the Emperor of Heaven some time ago, practiced "Pregnancy Ability" and became pregnant with nine children.

Nine twins, as long as they don't have a miscarriage, they will definitely explode after giving birth, and will directly advance to the half-step longevity.

Thinking of Qian Liexian's promotion to the half-step longevity, Yang Qian was restless and had difficulty breathing.

Therefore, he wanted to hug an elder's thigh in advance.

Finally, a few days ago, when the second elder Liu Erhai was drunk, he said that he wanted to accept monk Liujie as his son, and said that this was an instruction from the ancestors, but monk Liujie went to explore outside the border and could not find anyone.

Yang Yi kept his eyes on him, and when he found that Monk Liu Jie had returned to Heavenly Emperor City, he immediately brought Monk Liu Jie over.

At this moment.

He saw Liu Erhai smoking and heard Liu Erhai's self-talk, and he was surprised.

Many people know that among a group of senior members of the Liu family, there are two old bachelors who have never touched a woman in their entire life. One is the fifth elder Liu Wuhai and the other is the second elder Liu Erhai.

Yang Qi always thought that the two elders were not interested in female sex. Only today did they know that the two elders were infatuated with the mysterious fourth elder of the Liu family.

"I heard that the fourth elder has been dead for many years, but the position of the fourth elder in the family has been left in the air. I don't know what it means?..." Yang Chen narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment.

But quickly shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He rubbed his face to make his smile full and natural, then bowed towards Liu Erhai, and hurriedly saluted ten steps away.

"Shadow Army deputy town solicitor raises his feet, see the second elder!"

Yang Qi said loudly.

Liu Erhai glanced at Yang Shi, then smiled after a moment: "I remember you, the old ancestors called you before, and the little guys are fine, and now they are all the deputy solicitors."

Yang Qi hastily humbled.

Liu Erhai asked: "What can I do when you come to see me? Let me talk about it first. If it is for your Shadow Army's troubles, then don't speak."

He is very shrewd, and he will never interfere in family matters.

Especially in the Shadow Army, he had heard of those nasty things.

Yang Qi hurriedly bowed and said, "The second elder has misunderstood. This time I came here to hear that you are always looking for monk Liujie, so the junior brought you."

He is much older than Liu Erhai, but his face looks like a middle-aged man, and he is well-known as the true biography of Zhang Hao. He can talk, compliment people, and be troublesome.

When Liu Erhai heard that Yang Shi had found the Liujie monk, he immediately stood up and looked at the Liujie monk beside Yang Yi with a smile of joy.

The monk Liujie looked excited and frightened, and he was about to bow and salute, but Yang Yi quietly stabbed him with his finger, and said through the voice: "Forgot what I told you?! Kneel down and call the righteous father! "

The monk Liu Jie reacted instantly, threw himself under Liu Erhai's feet, and kowtowed and said, "Liu Jie, kowtow to the foster father!"

Liu Erhai laughed happily, "Well, good! Today, I will accept your son!"

Immediately, he asked: "Do you know why the old man accepted you as a righteous son?"

Liu Jie was at a loss, shook his head and said: "I don't know the child?!"

Yang Qi also didn't tell Liu Jie that it was about the Emperor of Heaven, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense, just enough to survive is the way to survive.

Liu Erhai smiled mysteriously, remembering that the old ancestor suddenly gave him a voice transmission that day, saying that the Six Precepts and the Unexpected will become a great weapon, and he can prove to the Buddhism World Venerable, so that he can be admitted to the Liu family as soon as possible, and it is best to accept him as a son.

He also said that he was the one with the lowest cultivation base and the best combat power among a group of elders, and had no children under his knees, so he needed to plan ahead.

Liu Erhai was very moved, and his ancestors were so kind to him.

Therefore, he learned the tone of the old ancestor, and said leisurely: "Because the old man deduced, you will become a great weapon in the future, and you will prove to the Buddha of the Buddha, so he will accept you as a righteous son and help you become a talent."

Next to him, Yang Qi's eyes were protruding from hearing, and he looked at the same dull Liujie monk with a dull look.

This bald head, will prove the Buddha in the future? !

real or fake? !

Why don't I believe it? !

But after all, Yang Qi was very human, and he quickly reacted and stabbed the Liujie monk who was in a daze.

The monk Liu Jie kowtows his head in a hurry and vowed to heaven, saying that he will develop in the future and will never forget the great kindness of Liu Erhai, his foster father.

Liu Erhai lifted up the monk Liujie with a smile on his face, then waved to call in the genealogy and wrote the name of the monk Liujie.

"Liu Jie... well, let's call it Liu Jie!"

Liu Erhai said.

He was given a lot of treasures and resources needed for cultivation to the monk Liu Jie, and ordered a member of the tribe to arrange a house for the monk Liu Jie in Tiandi City.

"The ancestors are going to welcome some distinguished guests recently, and can't get away. After a few days, I will take you to visit the ancestors!"

Liu Erhai said.

Monk Liujie was shocked and excited, "I, I, I...I am qualified to visit the ancestor?!"

Liu Erhai Nianxu laughed and said, "You are my adopted son, so you are naturally qualified to see the ancestors!"

Monk Liujie suddenly fainted happily.

Next to him, Yang Qi's envied eyes were red and bloody, and the jealous chicken turned purple and would Looking at the Liujie monk next to him, Yang Qi wanted to strangle the man with envy!

As soon as he entered the Liu family tree, the monk Liu Jie flew into the sky, and he was still the adopted son of the elder Liu Erhai. It was simply ascending into the sky in a spiral!

"What kind of **** luck did this monk of the Six Precepts take?!!!"

Yang Qi couldn't understand.


at the same time.

Outside the Tiandi City, on the sky bridge leading to the city gate, a group of people came.

They seemed to appear out of thin air, and their bodies were covered with scales, and their bodies were filled with terrifying and vast coercion, causing the void to rumbling and collapse.

Around, everyone retreated in shock.

"Great Sage, Second Sage, is this the place where the mysterious master behind you is?!" Master Huang asked with a twisting beard, staring at the Emperor City with deep eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai looked at Heavenly Emperor City with excitement, and said, "Yes, the mysterious master behind us is here."

The king giants of the nine king tribes, as well as the masters of several other big tribes, all had bright eyes and looked at the **** city suspended in the void.

"Tiandi City?!..." The old silver ghost of the Yinlin tribe said in surprise, "I heard that Jin Wentian from the Jinlin tribe was deduced to the Tiandi City and was severely injured by backlash. Could it be this city?!"

When this word fell, everyone was shocked.

Lord Huang couldn't help but his smile freezes, his face became serious, and his eyes grew deeper, reflecting the terrifying scene of the universe's destruction.

"Let's go, don't persuade!"

"Although the old man is practising Gou Dao, he never fears anyone. Today, let the old man take a good tour of this Heavenly Emperor City. By the way, let's train a mysterious master!"

After all, strode forward.

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