Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 901: Enemy of the cage in the abyss (four thousand four hundred characters, two

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Liu Wuhai patted his chest to promise his ancestors that he must get the Crystal of Law, or he would take off his pants and stand on the wall of Heavenly Emperor City, slapping him three hundred times.

The old ancestor Liu Fan agreed, and immediately gave him three upper body opportunities for his ancestors, and sent him to the altar under the cliff of the monster world to capture the law crystal.

"Old ancestor, grant three more of your magic hair!"

Liu Wuhai requested.

Liu Fan nodded, pulled out three white hairs, and gave them to Liu Wuhai.

"Thank ancestors, ancestors I love you!"

Liu Liuhai's envious eyes turned red, and he rubbed his hands and said, "Old ancestor, I want to..."

Liu Fan also gave Liu Liuhai three magical hairs, and stared at the same time: "If this goes on, the ancestor will be plucked out by you sooner or later and become bald!"

Liu Liuhai hurriedly said, "Even if the ancestor is a bald, he is also the most handsome and handsome bald!"

Liu Wuhai followed: "My ancestors can rest assured, the children and grandchildren must take good care of the magic hair you bestowed. Seeing the magic hair as they see you, now, the children and grandchildren are going to get the law and crystal of the old man!"

Liu Wuhai saluted his ancestors.


The gate of time and space opened, and Liu Wuhai disappeared.

In the hall.

Liu Liuhai was aggrieved and fell silent.

The old ancestor sent Liu Wuhai to perform the task but did not send him, and his jealousy was turned over.

Liu Fan understood the thoughts of his descendants, touched his head, and comforted: "You are all good grandchildren of your ancestors, and your patriarchs understand your filial piety."

"It's just that although you and Wuhai are half-step kings, Wuhai's physical body and strength are far superior to you, you should know!"

Liu Liuhai nodded. Although he was dissatisfied, he had to admit that Wu Hai was indeed much better than him.

Liu Fan continued: "The ancestor's upper body magical technique bestowed by the ancestor is based on the physical strength of the person who performs it."

"The stronger the physical body, the greater the power of the ancestor's upper body magic arts!"

"Therefore, the power of Wuhai's use of the ancestor's upper body magical arts is far more than you. It is very dangerous to seize the law crystals. The ancestors must send the strongest descendants!"

When Liu Liuhai heard the words, he said with shame: "The ancestors have a good heart, and the children and grandchildren are careful."

Liu Fan said: "In the future, you can't be so careful."

"Also, you are now the leader of a clan, and you must do things carefully. In this mission of Monster World, you did not identify the big wild bull monster as Yang Shouan in the first time. You almost made a big mistake. This is a mistake. Don't repeat it. !"

Speaking of this, Liu Fan has a serious tone.

Children and grandchildren, love when you should love, and when you make a mistake and criticize, your ancestors will also criticize and point out the mistakes of your children and grandchildren in time.

Liu Liuhai thought that the ancestor didn't know about it, and he could fool it. He didn't expect the ancestor to know it, and his face flushed with shame.

He lowered his head and bit his lip and promised: "The ancestor's religious teaching is, please rest assured that the children and grandchildren will correct their mistakes and never make the same mistakes again."

Liu Fan nodded and said, "Go back, write a review, and hand it in to the ancestors."

"Ah——! Write a review?!" Liu Liuhai's eyes widened.

Liu Fan solemnly said: "It is necessary."

Liu Liuhai wilted.

Liu Fan said, "Liu Xiangtian, we are building the Emperor Xia Academy with Elder Xia. You are responsible for enrolling students. In addition to the members of the Liu family, we should also enroll students from the entire longevity world."

"Enrollment?! What about the instructor who teaches the practice? Do you want to recruit?" Liu Liuhai asked.

Liu Fan nodded, "Naturally need it!"

"Teachers who teach kung fu, including refining tools, refining medicine, guarding animals, treasure hunting, the most extensive kendo, swordsmanship, and our physical training methods, must recruit a group of high-quality mentors."

"Especially the way of physical training. Old ancestor, I am the ancestor of physical training. I have the honorary name of bulldozer, so I must vigorously develop physical training."

Liu Liuhai took a serious note, and his eyes rolled: "Since it is the Emperor of Heaven Academy, there must be a school song. The descendants suggest that the song of physical training should be tentatively set as the school song!"

Liu Fan smiled with satisfaction: "Yes! Yes, you can draw inferences from one another. The ancestor did not misunderstand the person, you are really the smartest cub of the ancestor!"

"The smartest cub!"

This is a very high praise, and it is a new vocabulary, a new title.

Liu Liuhai's face flushed with excitement as if he had been beaten with blood.

He promised loudly: "Old ancestors, children and grandchildren will complete the task."

After all, I hurriedly prepared to go after bowing.

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

Liu Fan sat cross-legged, looking inwardly at his physical heaven gate.

Tianmen is a stone gate, with rough and simple lines, filled with a magnificent and ancient atmosphere, and a sense of supreme noble majesty.


Shimen has opened 90%, and only the last achievement can be completely opened.

Liu Fan stared at Shimen. Although it had been opened for most of the time, the laws inside were hazy and there was a strange aura floating around, and he couldn't see what was inside.

I only feel that behind Shimen is a vast world.

Moreover, there are constant rumbling sounds, as if the crust is moving and the broken continent is reorganizing.

This is very possible.

This is because Lord Huang and others told the ancestors that the world after Shimen was called the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm was broken during the Primordial Age. Now that the Shimen reappears, the Immortal Realm may reappear after reorganization.

"After opening the Immortal Realm, can I be promoted to the Immortal Realm?!" Liu Fan muttered to himself, his eyes flickering, "It should not be possible, otherwise, why would Liu Changsheng conquer the cage world."

"The Longevity Realm we live in, the Great Void Realm, the Great Desolate Realm, and even the heavens and myriad realms are all part of this cage world. What is the situation outside the cage?"

"What kind of creature is the enemy who arranged the cage world?!"

Liu Fan groaned, his eyes deeper and deeper, and then he felt his mind, and he felt his descendant Liu Wuhai in one thought.

Liu Wuhai is going to the altar under the cliff to get the crystal of the law, which is likely to awaken the four sculptures guarding the altar.

These four people may be the creatures outside the cage.


Monster world, golden domain.

A whirlpool appeared in the void, and the power of time and space was mighty, and Liu Wuhai stepped out one step at a time.

His cultivation has reached the half-step king, and he has no fear of the lifespan consumption of the space-time channel.

The smelly air, the black earth mountain range, and the sky is full of blood-red clouds.


A huge monster came with a fishy wind and wanted to hunt Liu Wuhai.

Liu Wuhai breathed for a while, and the void was annihilated. The monster didn't even scream, and it turned into powder.

Around, other monsters dispersed in horror.

Liu Wuhai was proud and sighed, this time coming to Monster World and the first time, there is a world of difference.

Taking in his mind, he began to look for the cliff where he had fallen.

"The cliff, there..."

Liu Wuhai discerned the direction in the void, stepped out in one step, the void turned into a black hole, and he disappeared.

next moment.

Liu Wuhai has come under the cliff, at the bottom of the abyss.

Here, no grass grows, a patch of baldness, and there are stones that have been polished smooth or sharp by the hurricane everywhere.

And in the depths of the abyss, there is a huge pitch-black altar, with a diameter of ten thousand meters, slowly rotating.

Around the black altar, there are four carved statues of gods, wearing armors, their mighty appearances are lifelike, standing with halberds in their hands.

In the middle of the altar, there was a round table-like protrusion on which was placed a blue-white crystal.

From the crystal, there is a strong law of wind.

"Law God Crystal!"

Liu Wuhai's eyes lit up, but he didn't immediately collect it. Instead, he walked around, such as measuring the earth, taking a ten-foot step, and every time he set foot, the soles of his feet were filled with light.

He was earnestly looking into the situation under the abyss.

"It's really not easy here, it's a terrible place!"

Liu Wuhai was surprised, his eyes were deep, he saw through the ground, and saw the dense bans and ancient and obscure runes buried underground.

And the entire cliff abyss is a natural fierce formation.

"Once the law **** crystal on the altar is moved by the minute, this fierce formation will immediately activate."

Liu Wuhai said to himself.

He deduced the power of this fierce formation, and found that it was powerful enough to instantly kill the master of the star-level celestial gate, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

"A strong fierce formation, too fierce."

"However, no matter how fierce you are, are there any fierce ancestors of my?!"

Liu Wuhai was proud, touched his scalp, the ancestor's divine hair appeared, turned into a big net covering the entire abyss, covering the outside of the big formation.

Then, after touching the scalp again, another ancestor's divine hair appeared and turned into a tied immortal rope, binding the four statues carved on the altar.

Then, beside the altar, he arranged a gate of time and space, kept it open, ready to run away at any time.

"Everything is ready, it's time to take you away, baby~"

Liu Wuhai clapped his hands excitedly, his eyes blazing at the law crystal on the altar.

He didn't hesitate anymore, stepped forward, came to the altar, and reached out to grasp the crystal of law.


The soaring divine light suddenly erupted, and the power of time and space suddenly appeared, and the void was distorted, and it was misty.

Obviously right in front of him, but instantly seemed to be separated by countless cosmic time and space.

At the same time, roads and lines lit up on the altar, the restrictions under the abyss began to shine, and the large array of rune pages on the surrounding cliffs gradually flickered.

The fierce array is about to open.

Liu Wuhai no longer hesitated, his arm pierced through the time and space, shaking the river of time and space, and took the crystal of the law.

"Crack Wipe"

Outside the altar, the four statues of gods were carved, and they began to crack, a horrible aura was reviving, and at the same time a hoarse roar came out...

"Who is moving the **** crystal..."

This is not the language of any mainland, it is the notes of the Great Dao, and anyone who is a cultivator can understand it.

It can be seen that the creatures in the idols are terrible.

Liu Wuhai ignored him, his arms became infinitely long, exuding majestic power, and across the long river of time and space, he grabbed the law **** crystal in his hand.


The law of the **** crystal is the law of the wind. It smashes all kinds of terrifying power of the wind in an instant to destroy Liu Wuhai's hand.

Endless wind.

Wind of nothingness.

The wind of time.

The wind of the soul.


The combination of countless winds can instantly wipe out the longevity sky.

Liu Wuhai's fingers were withered visible to the naked eye, turning into withered fingers like chicken paws.

He was shocked.

This magic crystal is not an ordinary magic crystal!

He drew back in a hurry.

But at this moment, the four statues carved on the periphery of the altar exploded with a loud noise.

Four terrifying auras swept across the sky, turning the sky into a black hole.

The terrible divine light broke out, and four weird creatures appeared in Liu Wuhai's realization.

They are very similar to humans, they also have hands and feet, but they have an extra fleshy tail that is more than one meter long, swinging behind them.

They are very tall and burly, with a triangular head and a third eye on the center of their eyebrows.

Liu Wuhai's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

"This is what the ancestors said, the enemy outside the cage?!"

"It looks like this bird!"

The four creatures seemed to be asleep for too long, and they were a little confused.

But when I saw the altar and the law crystal in Liu Wuhai's hands, he suddenly remembered their responsibilities, his body was full of horror, and the three eyes were fierce.

"Damn the guinea pig, it didn't even grow out of scales, and you dare to steal the crystal!"

"Catch him and go to heaven!"

"It just so happens that we can also go home and have a look, stay in this **** experimental base, and haven't returned for a million years..."

The four of them uttered hoarse voices, and all they said were Dao notes, not any mainland language, but they could be understood by any creature.

Moreover, they seemed to be very confident, and did not take Liu Wuhai, who had been cultivated as a half-step king, in their eyes, and called Liu Wuhai a "test item."


One of them shot.

With a thought in Liu Wuhai, the immortal ropes left on them immediately activated, binding the four creatures.


The immortal rope made a crisp sound, and turned into a chain of gods of order, entwining four creatures.

This is the immortal rope that the ancestors have changed, and it is unimaginable.

The four creatures were furious, their bodies spit out divine light, and a strange green mist rushed out from their mouths, and fell on the ropes, still unable to break the ropes.

"Mila Adhasa Sao soft Milo slightly..."

The four creatures uttered ancient notes in their mouths, like a kind of spell.

As soon as this spell came out, the world changed color, lightning flashed and thunder, the law of emptiness fell, and the chain of order exploded.


There was a loud noise.

The old ancestors broke down.

Liu Wuhai was shocked.

This was the first time the unprofitable ancestors were devastated, and he was both distressed and shocked.

"Damn guinea pig, grab him!"

The four creatures roared and killed together.

Their footsteps moved, leading the entire universe to warp the time and space, and the horror atmosphere turned into a hurricane.

This breath is the coercion of the great master.

And it feels better than the old silver ghosts in the Great Wilderness.

Liu Wuhai's discoloration changed. He could still fight alone, but he was not sure about four.

Moreover, at this moment, there is no delay.

Because the restraint beneath the abyss is resurrecting The large array on the cliffs and cliffs is activated, and the big net of the ancestors' magical changes can't stop it for long.

"It's time for me to perform!"

Liu Wuhai yelled: "Is anxious like a law, the ancestor is alive in the sky, and the ancestor will soon come on me!"

In an instant, his aura greatly increased, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body, causing the void beside him to collapse and annihilate, turning into a black hole.

He became the only divine light in the black hole.

The four creatures also retreated several steps by the impact of this breath.

Obviously, Liu Wuhai in the upper body of the ancestor was several times stronger than Liu Liuhai.

"Great Sun God Fist!"

Liu Wuhai roared and waved hundreds of punches in a row, his fists shot out the divine light of shattering, the heaven and the earth exploded, and mushroom clouds appeared in the abyss.

In the eyes of the four creatures, there was a flickering color.

Especially in the third eye of the eyebrow, there is more deduction.

"This test item is possessed by an ancient tyrannical creature!"

"Defer his heels and feet, find the creature, grab it together, and go back to receive the reward."


Is the old ancestor something you can deduce if you want? !

Sure enough, an accident happened.


In an instant, the first creature to be deduced suddenly exploded with eyeballs and half of its triangular head burst, screaming and staggering to the ground.

"It cannot be deduced, there is a big horror!"

"Catch him and go back, and just ask God!"

The creature that fell on the ground let out a horrified roar, and also warned the other three creatures.

ps: The author is uncomfortable and can only write slowly a day. The plot is a lot in his head, but after a long time of writing, his chest becomes uncomfortable.

I really want to show the plot in my head to everyone, ask for votes, ask for support

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