Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 903: 36 realms outside the sky (4,800 words, two

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Facing the ten thousand Buddha seals of the ancestors, the four creatures outside the cage gave up their last stubbornness, knelt down and surrendered, calling the ancestors to compare.

This is a Buddhist supernatural power, which can be forced to save, very strange and terrifying.

Liu Wuhai was dumbfounded, and gave his ancestor a thumbs up and said, "Old ancestor, real cowhide!"

"Can this magical power of ten thousand Buddha seals be taught to my descendants?"

Liu Fan bluntly said: "If you want to eat ass, this magical power is not suitable for you."

As he spoke, when he lifted his palm, the four creatures flew out of the palm and landed in the hall, kneeling in a row respectfully.

"What's your name?" Liu Fan asked.

"Pozoorora Galassia, Pozoorora Galassia two, Pozoorora Galassia three, Pozoorora Galassia four!" The four creatures replied in turn.

Liu Fan frowned, "The name is too long, so I will call it Ah Da Er San Si!"

"Yes, Dad!" the four creatures responded respectfully.

Liu Fan asked, "What is your identity? Why do you call our world a cage world?"

Ah Da replied: "Our four brothers are the guardians of the 36th realm of Poso Realm."

"We are here to guard the gods on the order of the Lord Bozo to maintain the stability of the monsters in this cage world."

"As for why this world is called the cage world, it is because the universe worlds you are in are all old worlds abandoned by us."

Speaking of this, the expressions of several people in Ada were complicated.

"In Tianwaitian, the thirty-six worlds have smashed countless planes in the long war. Your longevity realm, the great wasteland, and the emptiness world, as well as other cosmic worlds, are all broken and abandoned. world."

"The old world was shattered and abandoned, and then transformed into a cage, with the law of the cage outside, so it was called the cage world."

Liu Fan was surprised when he heard it, and Liu Wuhai was also stunned.

He could not imagine how magnificent the sky was that day.

Liu Fan asked, "How big is the Thirty-Six Realm of Heaven?"

Ah Da replied: "Tianwaitian is the place of origin, the ancestral land of all souls!"

"It is impossible to describe its vastness and vastness. Each of the 36 realms is hundreds of times the size of the Great Wilderness of the Longevity Realm."

"Just like the longevity world you are in, it's a mountain range that accidentally shattered when our Bosuo realm's realm master was fighting with another realm's realm master."

Liu Wuhai exclaimed, "The vastness of the Longevity Realm is just a mountain range in your Pozo Realm?"

Ah Da's triangular head shook, glanced at Liu Wuhai, and turned away proudly.

He was saved by his ancestors and respected his ancestors, but it did not mean that he would be in awe of Liu Wuhai.

He still looked down on Liu Wuhai in his heart.

Liu Wuhai gritted his teeth angrily.

Liu Fan said: "Wu Hai is my favorite cub, you have to respect him."

The four of Ada hurriedly bowed and nodded: "Yes, Dadbi!"

next to.

Liu Wuhai triumphantly swept the same four of them, feeling very excited.

"The ancestor actually admitted positively that I was his most beloved cub. No one, Wahaha, so happy!"

Immediately, a divine light flashed in his hand, and a dry tobacco pot appeared.

Quickly install cigarettes, light cigarettes, and do it in one go, and then take advantage of the moment the ancestors have just finished speaking and have not closed their mouths, plug in cigarettes like lightning.

Without a breath, the dry cigarette holder has been inserted into the mouth of the ancestor.

Feeling the foreign body in his mouth, the ancestor was taken aback.

I found it was a cigarette holder, so I smoked it chuckingly.

"You keep talking."

Old ancestor Liu Fan instructed the four Ada.

A Da said respectfully: "The outer sky is the place of origin, the ancestral land of all souls, and its vastness is unimaginable. It is not surprising that a mountain range collapsed to form the longevity world."

After speaking, he glanced at Liu Wuhai and added kindly: "Master Wuhai, are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Well, it's okay, I see." Liu Wuhai nodded and asked: "With your cultivation base, can you be ranked in the sky?"

The four of Ada immediately raised their triangular heads with pride, and replied: "We can be sent by God as guards, naturally there are a few brushes."

"Our cultivation base is second only to Bosuo God in the Bosuo realm, and is a master of the heavenly kings."

Liu Wuhai understood clearly, "That is to say, the Great King of our cage world is equivalent to your Heavenly King Realm?!"

Ah Da nodded: "Yes."

"But your cage world is an interface abandoned by our Tianwaitian, and your space has been abandoned."

"So your attack is immune to us, so our heavenly king is much stronger than your great master."

Liu Fan suddenly felt in his heart.

No wonder these four guys are immune to attacks.

Liu Wuhai rolled his eyes and said, "Then what realm of my ancestor's cultivation is in your outer world?!"

Liu Fan also pricked his ears at this time.

He wanted to know what level of existence he was in Tianwaitian, and whether he was the same cow.

Ah Da looked at Liu Fan respectfully, and said in awe: "Daddy is the world of cages. Among the countless experimental products, the only successful product is the emperor."

"In the cage world of other realms, although the emperor is strong, but because he is immune to us, the combat power is not strong, so he is equivalent to our top master of the king."

"However, Dadbi is different. Dadbi has the power of a terrible ancient curse. We are not immune to this power, so Dadbi is in the realm of God outside of us."

Liu Fan frowned: "Am I such a dish?"

"Only God Realm?!"

"Would you like me to do my best? The four of you will feel it carefully. When dealing with the four of you just now, I only used 10% of my strength!"

A Da waited for the four people to be dumbfounded, and stunned and exclaimed: "Yi Cheng Li? Dad only used 10% more energy than you just now?!"

"Worri! Dadbi! You didn't brag, did you?! Is the emperor so strong?"

"No kid in bragging life!"

Liu Wuhai said angrily: "Shut up! What are you talking about!"

"Our ancestors are just the tip of the hair, what's all the fuss about."

Turning his head, he bowed to the old ancestor and said: "Old ancestor, come on, show off your perfect power! Let them feel."

A Da and the other four also looked at Liu Fan expectantly.

"Dad, let us experience your ten percent strength!"

Liu Fan nodded, he also wanted to know what level of existence he belonged to in the outer sky.


Liu Fan waved his hand quickly, and the mysterious runes flew out, strengthening the restriction of the hall, and after opening the shielding formation, he raised his hand and pressed it down with a palm.


The horror of this palm could not be described. Without any sign, the void of the hall was annihilated and turned into a black hole.

In the black hole, only one hand of the ancestor was left, exuding majestic majesty, shining with ten-color light, circulating the mighty power of the heavenly gate.

At the same time, there are terrifying physical powers surging, the crevices of the cosmos linger in the long river of time and space, the palm prints in the palms of the palms are the chains of order, and the lines on the nails are the law of endless roads.

His palm pressed down slightly.

In the main hall, the four of Ada didn't even have a chance to react. They burst to pieces all at once, their bodies and spirits were being worn away, and there was no chance of reorganization.

The four of them were desperate and fearful, and their souls trembled for help.

At the critical moment, there was a divine light in the palm of the old ancestor's hand that wrapped the four of them, and only then survived.


The ancestor closed his hand and brushed his palm across the void of the hall, as if time and space had reversed and everything was restored.

Your Highness, the four of Ada reorganized their bodies, their triangular faces were pale, and the color of fear remained in their eyes, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

At this moment, they clearly understood Liu Fan's strength, and also knew that Liu Fan had deliberately tested them before, and did not use all his strength, like a play.

Next to the ancestor, Liu Wuhai "cracking" was also reorganizing his body.

He also exploded just now.

While I was more in awe of the ancestors in my heart, I also asked curiously: "A big two, three, four, you have also experienced it just now, what level does the strength of our ancestor belong to in your outer world?!"

Ah Da's lips trembled for a long time, unable to say a word.

Ah Er trembled: "A freshman was nervous and stuttered. He's getting sick, let me talk about it!"

Ah Er bowed a salute and said respectfully: "To borrow your words from Master Wuhai, even if Dadbi goes to Tianwaitian, that's a sharp point!"

"Daddy, it's definitely the realm of Tianwaitian!"

Liu Wuhai asked, "Lord, is Tian Waitian the strongest existence?"

Ada eased his anger, stopped stammer, and replied: "Thirty-six worlds outside the sky, a total of thirty-six world masters, can you say it is not strong?!"

Having said this, he glanced at Liu Fan in awe and fanatical expression, and said respectfully: "If Dadbi goes to Tianwaitian, he will be the thirty-seventh realm lord, and he can create his own Tianwaitian, the third most respected. Seventeen Realms."

"Create a heaven of your own, the thirty-seventh realm!" Liu Wuhai took a breath, making the Siberian cold current and a blizzard blowing in the hall.

He turned his head to look at the old ancestor, and shouted with excitement: "Old ancestor, do it!"

"If you are the master of the world, my children and grandchildren can follow me to heaven!"

Liu Fan hit Liu Wuhai's chestnut with a "pop", and a mushroom cloud popped up on his forehead.

"What a fuck, are you the protagonist or the ancestor the protagonist?! Why do you talk so much!" Liu Fan scolded with a smile.

Liu Wuhai rubbed his palms, grinned, and wilted.

Liu Fan pondered for a moment, looked at the four Ada, and suddenly asked: "Liu Changsheng, have you heard of it?"

The four of Ada changed their faces and said in unison: "This is a cruel person."

"Millions of years ago, Liu Changsheng emerged from the world of prisons, smuggled into the outer world, and slaughtered the lord of our Pozo realm, and took his place in the magpie's nest."

"Next, Liu Changsheng secretly united with the other emperors of the cage world to launch a great war against the sky, wanting to break the cage world and gain great freedom."

"After the defeat, the other imperial capitals of the cage world were suppressed by the owner, but Liu Changsheng escaped."

"Liu Changsheng, it exists outside the sky. It is a taboo name and cannot be mentioned."

Liu Fan was shocked.

Liu Changsheng was so powerful!

At the same time, he inexplicably admired Liu Changsheng's grandeur.

Liu Changsheng is worthy of the title of "ancestor of man".

Liu Fan's eyes flickered, and he continued to ask: "Liu Changsheng, is it a man or a woman?"



Ah Da and Ah Er replied in unison, but they said opposite answers, and then stared at each other, thinking that each other was nonsense.

Ah San and Ah Si also think that one is male and the other is female.

The four even started arguing in the hall.

Liu Wuhai looked speechless.

Liu Fan waved his hand, an aura of horror permeated, and the four arguing people stopped on the spot.

"Have you seen Liu Changsheng? Or the portrait of Liu Changsheng." Liu Fan asked.

The four nodded and immediately waved their hands to form a picture in the void.

As a result, four people drew four portraits.

The two men and two women are both beautiful and outstanding. Even if they are portraits, they can see their invincible temperament and demeanor, like immortals and gods.

Liu Fan frowned for a while.

Liu Changsheng is too mysterious.

After seeing the four portraits, Liu Wuhai stared directly at one of the portraits, exclaiming: "Ah! This, this, isn't this the world?!"

Liu Fan was taken aback for a moment, "The Four Seas?! Which Four Seas?!"

Liu Wuhai said anxiously and excitedly: "Sihai is the Fourth Elder Liu Sihai!"

"Old ancestor, when digging your ancestor for the 23rd time that year, Si Hai was cut off half of his head by the master of the Heavenly Sword Sect and died on the spot."

"After so many years, I almost forgot about the whole world. I didn't expect to see her portrait today."

Liu Fan's eyes flickered, and said: "Are you sure she is from the world?! Take a closer look."

Liu Wuhai examined this portrait carefully.

This is a portrait drawn by Ah Er, vividly, like a real person, in a three-dimensional pattern.

Liu Wuhai looked around in a circle, shook his head, nodded, and finally hesitated: "It looks like the whole world, but its temperament and eyes are not the same."

As he spoke, he patted his head and said: "Old ancestor, Erhai had a good relationship with Sihai back then, should you pass on Erhai to see?"

"Good!" Liu Fan nodded.

Liu Wuhai moved his lips slightly, directly transmitting the voice.

After a while.

Liu Erhai ran into the hall with excitement.

He originally looked like a Maitreya Buddha, with a round face and slightly fatter face. He has recently become fatter. Wearing a large elder suit, he runs like a panda rolling in.

"Second-grandchildren Erhai, I paid respect to the ancestor and kowtow to the ancestor!"

Liu Erhai bowed his head in salute.

Liu Fan waved his hand, a force helped him up, and said with a smile: "Erhai has grown more and more blessed, and he is the most blessed descendant of my ancestors!"

As soon as he came up, Liu Erhai narrowed his eyes with a happy and excited smile.

Then, Liu Fan pointed to the portrait of Void and let Liu Erhai take a look.

Liu Erhai was puzzled. He looked up at the portrait painted on the head of the four Ada. When he saw the portrait on the head of Aer, he couldn't help but stayed still for a long time.

Finally, he suddenly slapped his knees and exclaimed: "All over the world!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my lovely world!"

"After many years, I see you in my dreams every day and night."

"You died so miserably back then. I remembered that half of your head that was cut off by the Heavenly Sword Sect was not found, so I buried you. I have been guilty and uneasy all these years, oooooooo..."

He cried like tears, wet his gray beard.

Liu Wuhai was also sad, and his eyes were red.

"The Four Seas were my favorite back then. In order to compete for the hearts of the Four Seas, we had never fought less in those days. Once I was at odds with the Two Seas. The main reason was because of the Four Seas!"

Liu Wuhai sighed and told something about the past that Liu Fan didn't know.

"Later, after the death of Si Hai, Er Hai and I were the most heartbroken and determined not to marry forever!"

Seeing the ancestor's weird eyes, Liu Wuhai hurriedly explained: "Old ancestor, you don't know what a beautiful, kind and intelligent woman Sihai was."

"Look at this portrait. Although the eyes and temperament are not the same, this appearance and body are definitely better than Liu Meimei, even better than the little ancestor, right?!"

Liu Fan nodded and glanced at the portrait.

He had to admit that if the Four Seas really looked like this, it would indeed be an overwhelming beauty!

But here is the problem.

Liu Sihai, is it Liu Changsheng? !

"By the way, Wutian clone mentioned that there is a portrait of Liu Changsheng in the ancestral hall of the ancient family Liu has seen it!"

"Although that portrait is a back figure, Wutian clone should be able to recognize who is Liu Changsheng among these four portraits!"

Liu Fan groaned, his eyes shone brightly.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes pierced through the void, and he looked outside the Heavenly Emperor City.

Outside the Tiandi City, Wutian's clone came back, beside him, a young man followed, with a smile on his face, a little silly.

This young man, the Qingyuan of the Dahuang Qinglin tribe, was sent by the ancestor of the sword to the longevity world to find his reincarnation.

These days, he has traveled all over the world of longevity, looking for Dao'er Tower, and even went to the life exclusion zone in the great wilderness to sit and drink tea with those big men.

However, Daoer Tower was still not found.

On the way back, they met Wutian clone, and the two walked together.

"Aohara, why do you have to look for that knife tower?!"

"You are so strong, just follow me, don't look at my current cultivation base is not high, but I tell you, I have a great person behind me, that person is a giant...

Wutian clone hooked Aohara's shoulders and said with a temptation face.

Hearing Wutian's words, Qingyuan shook his head for a while, not believing it at all.

Known as the big man in the life forbidden zone of the longevity world, he had to bend over to call senior when he saw him.

He doesn't believe in this longevity world, what other master can be called a giant?

If someone is really called a giant, isn't he a giant? !

Wutian raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed, and smiled: "Zhedi, don't you believe it?!"

"Okay! I'll take you to meet the giant behind me now, and I hope you don't cry!"

Qingyuan smiled, looked up at the sky, and confidently said: "The one who can scare me to cry has not yet been reincarnated! Hahaha..."

ps: ask for votes

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