Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 904: Tianwaitianlairen (4,600 characters, two in one)

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This is not the first time Qingyuan has come to Tiandi City.

When he first came from the Great Wilderness to the Longevity Realm, he went to the most prosperous Heavenly Emperor City.

This time, Wutian clone took him to revisit his old place, and he was no longer stranger.

"I have to admit that Tiandi City is one of the most prosperous ancient cities in the longevity world."

At the intersection of the traffic lights on the flyover outside the wall of Emperor City, Qingyuan said with his hands on his back, and smiled and nodded to a little girl who was peeking at him.

The little girl just showed a shy smile, Qing Yuan sighed again: "It's just the monks here, the cultivation base is too bad, there are not many longevity days!"

Little girl: "......"

The passers-by all around turned their heads and looked sideways, with anger in their eyes.

This person is too shameless, he even pretended to be a little girl.

The green light is on.

Wutian clone hurriedly pulled Qingyuan into the Celestial Emperor City, and said: "Walk around, don't pretend to be forced here. If you want to pretend to be forced, I will take you to the Heavenly Emperor Hall."

He was covered in a black robe, his breath was secret, no one recognized him.

With the pass token granted by the ancestor, Wutian clone went unimpeded all the way to the deepest part of the Heavenly Emperor Hall.

When the patrolling sickle army saw the token, they bowed in salute and looked solemn.

Qing Yuan was astonished. He glanced at Wutian. He didn't think that he was still a human figure in Tiandi City. He just didn't understand why Wutian was covering up and showing an inhuman appearance.

Soon, the two came to the gate of the Temple of Heaven.

The look on Wutian's face immediately became serious and respectful, and even patted his face to make his smile more festive.

Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, is it necessary? !

He turned his head and looked inside the Temple of Heavenly Emperor, but there were restrictions in the Temple of Heavenly Emperor, and he couldn't see what was inside.

"This prohibition arrangement is pretty decent..."

He whispered.

At this moment.

Wutian avatar bowed 90 degrees and bowed to the Temple of Heaven, but he did not speak. The pass token in his hand glowed, and the prohibition of the Temple of Heaven was opened. He waved to Qingyuan and the two walked in quickly.

"Hold your head down, start a trot, don't look around, just kneel and kowtow."

Wutian clone gave Qingyuan Transmission.

Qingyuan bared his teeth and raised his eyebrows, feeling uncomfortable.


"Wu Tian, ​​why are you so scared!"

"Unless I meet a leather expert like the old village chief of our tribe, no one else wants me to kowtow."

Qing Yuan groaned in his heart, and Wutian clone was in front of him and trot all the way. He carried his hands behind his back and walked with a horoscope, while curiously looking left and right.

"Wait a moment, these giants in Wutiankou see me, will they scare you?"

"Should I reduce my aura? After all, I, a master of the gold rank heavenly gate, is a bit scary!"

"Hey! Qingyuan, Qingyuan, you have changed. When you were in the Great Wilderness, you were such an honest person. You blushed after talking to Sister Wanzi. Why did you come to the world of longevity and like to pretend?"

Qing Yuan's thoughts floated, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

If Chen Beixuan was here, he would definitely exclaim: This child is so talented that I am so powerful!

Soon, Qing Yuan passed the forbidden passage and walked into the hall.

In front, Wutian was already kneeling and kowtow, and shouted one by one ancestor.

"It's shameful, I won't be friends with Wutian anymore!"

Qing Yuan felt contemptuous.

He looked up, but couldn't help being sluggish, and there was a storm in his heart.

In my sight, in front of the main hall, there were a few figures standing, and I couldn't see their faces at all, as if a few gods were floating.

Their bodies were filled with divine light, and their bodies were enveloped by the terrifying power of the Heavenly Gate. Qing Yuan's eyes burst as soon as he glanced at them, and his whole body was boiling with blood, uncontrollably spraying blood, staggering back.

And right above the main hall, there was still a person sitting cross-legged, oh no, in Qingyuan's line of sight, it was a group of ten-colored glorious days, and it was impossible to look directly.

The long river of time and space was wrapped around each other's waist like a trouser belt, which was terrible.

Looking at the hall, the only person in Qingyuan who can see clearly except Wutian is a chubby old man who looks like a Maitreya Buddha and exudes the breath of the prophetic realm, looking at him with a smile on his face.

However, Qing Yuan felt even more shocked.

"This old man can never be in the realm of prophecy!"

"He can stand with so many giants with a leisurely look. He must be a super giant who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

"In other words, he has returned to basics!"

Aohara wanted to show a look of fear.

However, Qing's cause was excessive fear, his facial muscles were out of control, and he couldn't make an expression of shock or fear, and his face remained as usual, even more relaxed.

Liu Erhai looked at Qing Yuan with a smile, and felt that this young man was extraordinary. He didn't even bend his waist when he saw the ancestor. Although he vomited blood, he still didn't bend his waist!

Especially that look didn't even change at all, it still looked leisurely.

"Cowhide! Amazing!"

"This young man, when he first entered the hall, took a horoscope and looked confident. He must be a giant!"

"I can't see his breath, but he can face his invincible ancestors, he is definitely a super big guy!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, I must let him go upside down and be the son-in-law of our Liu family."

Liu Erhai was extremely excited.

He wanted to talk to this big guy and say a few words, but the ancestor was here, he didn't dare to speak at will, so he could only keep silent.

Seeing Liu Erhai's silence, Qingyuan was too scared to move, his expression on his face became more leisurely.

I don't understand if the enemy doesn't move, the giants don't move, let alone I dare not move!

Standing there stiffly, I was afraid that if I moved, I would break my bones.

"I'm not afraid of being broken and broken, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the ancestor's entrustment and find his reincarnation!"

next to.

Wutian clone glanced at Qingyuan with a leisurely look, and was secretly surprised.

"Wutian, after all, you are looking at people in the crack of the door, and you look down upon Qingyuan. This guy is really a giant, and he doesn't even bend his knees when facing his father."

"I have to have a good relationship with him..."

"Maybe relying on him, I can negotiate terms with the deity father in the future... Tsk tsk tsk, Wu Tian, ​​you are such a clever ghost!"

Wutian secretly happy, gave himself a like.

At this moment.

Above the main hall, ancestor Liu Fan's majestic voice came: "Little god, I'm back, can this trip go smoothly?!"

The ancestor's words, try to be gentle, but the emperor's majesty is everywhere, and the ancient stone gate power is permeating.

In front of this power and majesty, every move of the ancestors possessed supreme power, which made people tremble. With a word, the void in the hall split like a spider web.

Wutian clearly felt this, and was shocked in his heart. After not seeing him for a while, the deity's father became cowboy again, and he couldn't describe the way he spoke.

If this continues, when will I turn to the peasant and sing!

He was desperate in mind and body without talent, but he looked at Aohara, who looked more and more leisurely around him. He regained his confidence and saluted the old ancestor without a hassle. He replied: "If you go back to the old ancestor, I would like to thank you. ,all the best."

"The few Taoists in the Life Forbidden Zone are very friendly. When I left, they asked me to bring you some local specialties from the Life Forbidden Zone."

While speaking, with a wave of his hand, a bunch of big medicines flew out and landed in the hall. The fragrance of the medicine was scented and radiant. They were all hundreds of thousands or even millions of years of magical medicine.

These medicines, the ancestors may be tempted before opening the gate of heaven, but now, it is just a glance.

These medicines are far worse than the town clan-level magic medicines respected by Lord Huang and others.

But in order not to chill the heart of Wutian clone, Liu Fan still smiled and said, "Xiaotian has worked hard!"

Wutian avatar replied excitedly: "It's not hard to share the worries for our ancestors!"

Then he said: "Go to the restricted area of ​​life. Several fellow daoists from the ancient bronze mine want to cooperate with the ancestors of Huoyun to conspire in a place called the Monster World."

Having said that, Wutian clone looked at Ah Da and the others warily.

Liu Fan said: "It's all my own, it doesn't hurt to speak bluntly."

Wutian was astonished, and several people from Ada were unfathomable in their cultivation. They turned out to be their own. When did the deity father cultivate these masters again.

Also, since the deity father can train them, why not train me? !

Wutian was jealous, but his words didn't let go. "The ancestors, the life forbidden zone in the depths of the wild, has several camps. Bronze mines are one of the oldest forces. They all practice the ominous way."

"They also invited Huoyun ancestors to join their ancient bronze mine."

"In a few months, they will be able to determine the coordinates of the monster world and open the door of time and space. At that time, the resources of the monster world can be obtained at will."

"and also......"

Without a detailed report, I think this information is very important.

It is true that before the ancestor Liu Fan knew about the monster world, this information was indeed extraordinary to Liu Fan, but now it is of no use.

After deducing for a while, Liu Fan replied, "Very good, Xiaotian performed very well, there is a reward!"

While speaking, Liu Fan waved his hand and a magical medicine flew out and fell into Wutian's hands.

This magical medicine, like a baby, is very lifelike, exudes a soft light, like a moon, Wutian holds it in his hand, and he can feel his qi and blood floating in his breath, and his cultivation is diligent.

He was shocked, not knowing what level of magical medicine this was, but this one was much more precious than all the magical medicines he brought back together.

Not far away, Qing Yuan saw the magic medicine in Wutian's hand, and was shocked.

"Town clan-level magic medicine!!"

He screamed out, should make a look of surprise.

But somehow, his facial expression seemed to collapse today. The more surprised he was, the more leisurely his expression became, and even a look that couldn't be said.

"Sun! What am I doing?! I am obviously shocked!"

Qing Yuan roared wildly in his heart.

Next to him, Liu Erhai had been observing Qing Yuan, and when he saw Qing Yuan calling out the name of the magic drug he didn't know, his expression was still so leisurely, Liu Erhai was secretly surprised.

"This person is really a giant!"

"I don't know which female race can be worthy of him, it hurts..."

Liu Erhai rubbed his eyebrows.

Wutian clone doesn't know what the town clan-level magic medicine is, but it's absolutely extraordinary.

He respectfully kowtows to Liu Fan, tears of gratitude.

Liu Fan said: "You are responsible for matters in the restricted life zone. You can work with them to enter the monster world to obtain resources and improve your cultivation."

This is decentralization.


No talent is overjoyed.

Liu Fan asked again: "I have something, I need to confirm it with you."

Wutian clone looked up in doubt.

Liu Fan pointed to the empty portrait above the heads of Ada and asked: "You once said that you saw a portrait of Liu Changsheng in the ancestral hall of the ancient family Liu family."

"Yes, I have seen it, but the portrait is just a back view." Wutian clone nodded.

Liu Fan smiled, "The back view is okay, you can identify these four portraits, which one looks most like Liu Changsheng?"


I found that these four portraits all have a self-confident and invincible temperament. They are exquisitely graceful and make people look at them for a long time.

Wutian clone shook his head, walked behind the four portraits, stared at the back and looked at it again.

He watched it very seriously, and sometimes whispered in his mouth that no one else understood, as if he was analyzing and inferring himself.

In the hall.

The gazes of a group of people were tightly against Wutian clone.

Liu Wuhai, who had never spoken, was also looking at Wutian clone.

Wutian avatar lived in a black robe and had a secret aura that he couldn't see through, but this person called the ancestor "the ancestor", obviously he must be from the Liu family.

However, Liu Wuhai hollowed out his head, and he never thought that there was such a master in his tribe.

And this person can actually break into the ancient family Liu family, and enter and exit the other family's important ancestral hall, that is really incredible!

at this time.

Wutian clone's eyes lit up, and he slapped his knees with a "pop", and said loudly, "Ben...old ancestor, I have found which one is Liu Changsheng!"

Excited, he almost yelled "the deity father" and changed his mouth at a critical moment.

With so many people here, he didn't want to expose the fact that he was a clone.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Liu Fan said anxiously: "Oh?! Tell me, which one is Liu Changsheng?"

Wutian clone smiled confidently and pointed to the portrait on top of Ah Er's head, which was suspected to be Liu Sihai.

When Liu Wuhai and Liu Erhai saw this, they were all excited. Could it be that the four seas are really Liu Changsheng!

However, Wutian clone spoke: "First of all, get rid of this portrait!"

"This portrait is definitely not Liu Changsheng!"

He first excluded this portrait of Liu Sihai.


Liu Wuhai and Liu Erhai stared, their mouths grew wide.

Wutian clone confidently analyzed: "According to what I saw in the ancestral hall of the ancient family Liu's family, the portrait of Liu Changsheng was thin, and this portrait was a little fatter."

Then, pointing to the portraits on the heads of Ah San and Ah Si, "These two are not the same. The neck is a bit thick and the back is wider."

In the end, he only thought about the remaining portrait of Ah Da's head, and smiled confidently: "I'm 80 to 90% sure. This portrait is probably a portrait of Liu Changsheng."

The portrait on top of Ah Da's head is of a man with a handsome appearance, not inferior to the ancestor Liu Fan.

Liu Wuhai questioned: "Can you be sure that he is Liu Changsheng only by the elimination method?!"

Wutian shook his head and smiled confidently: "No! I have other reasons!"

"Because the portrait of Liu Changsheng hung in the ancestral hall of the Liu Family, although it is a back view, the portrait looks up at the sky. I just remember that there are three spinners on the head of that portrait!"

Having said that, he pointed to the portrait on the top of Ah Da's head and said loudly: "Look, there are four on top of this portrait, there are three Xuan'er!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an exclamation in the hall.

Because of the portrait on the top of Ada's head, there really are three Xuan'er.

Liu Fan couldn't help but wonder.

"Liu Changsheng, is it a man?! And the temperament is not inferior to me?!"

Liu Fan got up and paced, frowning, and occasionally glanced at the portrait on the top of Ah Si's head.

This is a portrait of a woman. Her eyes are very similar to those of Liu Fan when he was fighting in the Chaos Zone.

Majestic and indifferent, with a sense of extreme coldness and ruthlessness.

Therefore, in Liu Fan's mind, he thinks this portrait is more like Liu Changsheng.

However, Wutian clone gave him another answer.

And the portrait of Liu Sihai above Ah Er's head is also very strange.

Over the years, the fourth elder of the Liu family has been undecided, not only because of Wu Hai and Er Hai's thoughts, but also because of his many deductions. The hexagram shows that Liu Sihai seems to be dead.

But at the time of the sacred mountain of the Liu family, Liu Fan had spied on Liu Sihai's tomb many times when Liu Wuhai and others worshipped Liu Sihai, and found that Liu Sihai's tomb was empty.

Based on the remaining breath in the tomb, Liu Sihai seemed to be alive again.

The state is extremely strange.

Liu Wuhai and others asked him to resurrect Liu Sihai, but Liu Fan also refused.

Liu Sihai's bones and scum are not at all, and the tombs are empty. How can he come back to life? !

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

at this time.

The four of Ada changed their complexions one after another, and exclaimed: "Daddy, it's not good. On the altar under the cliff and abyss, King Bozo has sent someone!"

"The **** crystal is lost, he has come to hold him accountable, and he is calling us now."

"Ah! He has passed through the gate of time and space, and is coming through here..."

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