Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 905: Layout, Liu 5hai’s guess (four thousand five hundred words, two

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Monster world, under the cliff and abyss of the golden realm.

On the empty altar, the pattern flashes suddenly, and a door of time and space opens.

A creature stepped out of time and space.

He came from outside the sky, wearing a cyan battle armor, his triangular head was wrapped in the battle armor, and his majestic eyes scanned all directions.

He glanced at the empty altar and found that the **** crystal was really gone, and the formation of the formation was destroyed, and he roared and roared.

"Pozoro La Galassia, where is it?!"

He was calling Ah Da, and the terrifying sound wave made the sky and the cliff explode together.


The four fields were silent and no one responded.

"Are these four guys dead?!"

He frowned, his eyes became extremely cold, and the third eye between his brows shot a divine light, scanning the entire cliff abyss, and suddenly a picture appeared in the void.

In the picture, Liu Wuhai appeared, took away the Shen Jing, and fought with the four A Da, and finally they entered the gate of time and space together and disappeared.

"Damn it!"

"The humble experimental product dare to **** the **** crystal of our Pozo realm!"

"Pozoro La Galassia is also a waste. I can't get the Shenjing for so long."

He let out a low growl, and based on the breath of the four Ada, deduced the world coordinates where they were located and quickly locked it.

"So I fled to the longevity world."

A sneer appeared in his eyes, opening the door of time and space, stepping out in one step, and disappearing.

The realm of the king has already ignored the barriers and backlashes of the major interfaces. Knowing the two points and one line, you can arrange the gates of time and space and cross at will.

He is advancing in the tunnel of time and space at extremely fast speed, like light like electricity.

In a short while, the front of the passage becomes bright, and the space-time power becomes disordered.

Go to the place!


As soon as he rushed out, the light and shadow in front of him changed, and he had arrived at the Temple of Heaven in an instant, and he had an unreserved and terrifying breath of himself as a king.

Liu Erhai, Wutian clone was shocked and then retreated.

And Qingyuan was even more frightened.

He was born in a remote corner of the wild, and he had never faced the king directly. He didn't know that this was the pressure of the king, but he felt that the person here was more terrifying than the old village chief of the Qinglin tribe, and he was extremely frightened.

However, his complexion became more and more grim.

I don't know why, but he has received too much stimulation today, and his facial muscles seem to have completely lost control.

The creature descended from the space-time passage to the Heavenly Emperor Hall.

Sweeping around, I found that there were many people in the hall, all of whom were humble guinea pigs.

And Ada and the other four people actually stood up, with smiles on their faces, and it seemed that they had a very happy conversation with the test subjects in the hall.

"Pozoro La Galassia, what are you doing?!" He roared immediately, "We have lost all the faces of Tianwaitian by you."

The four of Ada tightened subconsciously and shrank back a few steps, but when they remembered that Dadbi, who was as powerful as the world lord, was here, his waist rod straightened again.

The four of them smiled slightly, bowed to their ancestor Liu Fan, and said, "Dad, let me introduce you."

"This guest from afar is the master in charge of the cage world of our Pozo community. His name is Pozoro Lagala Dong Qiaojia, or Qiaojia for short!"

"Qiao Jia is also a heavenly king, with a decent strength, and is the nephew of Lord Pozo."

When he said these last words, a look of contempt flashed across Ah Da's face.

Obviously, Qiao Jia is a family member. As for the strength, it is obviously not as strong as the four of Ada.

After that, Ah Da smiled at Qiao Jia who was glaring at him, and said, "Master in charge, let me introduce you to them. They are--"

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Jia interrupted angrily and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not interested in the name of the test product."

"You four wastes, what are you still doing? Suppress them all, and hang their bodies at the abyss gate, in order to emulate you!"

"Also, where is Shenjing?! Where is Shenjing?"

Above the hall.


Liu Fan stretched out his hand, and the magic crystal in the palm of his hand burst into light.

Qiao Jia's eyes lit up for an instant, and she sternly shouted: "You humble guinea pig, kneel down and present the **** crystal to me. I can make your death more comfortable."

Liu Wuhai said angrily: "Presumptuous! The brazen fellow."

Qiao Jia's eyes were cold, and she shot it directly with a palm.

Liu Wuhai immediately took a palm.

In this attack, neither of them used supernatural powers, it was a pure physical attack.


The palm prints of the two hit each other, and a dazzling light broke out, setting off a hurricane.

Liu Fan waved his sleeves gently, and everything was calm.


The two were equally divided, and each took three steps back.

From this, it can be seen that although Liu Wuhai's cultivation is half-step Tianmen, his physical combat power can compete with the weaker heavenly king outside the cage.

Qiao Jia's face changed.

"The humble test product has such a powerful physical power!"

"However, you are not my opponent after all, look at the trick—"

He wants to shoot again, and Liu Wuhai also rolls up his sleeves to fight.

Liu Fan waved his hand and said, "No need to waste time."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to print out the Ten Thousand Buddha Seal. The golden "*" symbol, ignoring the space and distance, hit Qiao Jia's eyebrows at once.

This is the supernatural power of saving, extremely weird.

Qiao Jia's figure shook, then turned her head, looked at the ancestor, and knelt down with a thump, respectfully knocked her head three times, and shouted with enthusiasm and awe: "Dad, hello!"

Liu Fan smiled with satisfaction, and took another godson himself.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Yang Shou'an was so keen to accept his son, because this feeling was really good.

Liu Wuhai curled his lips, always feeling uncomfortable.

The four of Ada arched their hands to Qiao Jia and said with a warm smile: "Welcome to join our big family, fifth brother!"

"No! I want to be the big brother!" Qiao Jia respected the ancestors, but the arrogance in her bones was still soaring, and she was not strong but looked down on the four.

Ah Da did not fight with him, and directly complained to Liu Fan: "Daddy, he is not obedient, what's the matter?"

Liu Fan scolded and scolded, "Qiao Jia, you will be your fifth brother in the future. Don't mess around, or you'll be ass!"

Qiao Jia shrank her **** in fright, and hurriedly responded: "Yes, Dad, I will be the fifth brother from now on."

far away.

The eyes of Wutian clone fell to the ground.

The deity is too ridiculous, and it makes the enemy's attitude change drastically in an instant, and he calls Dadbi.

"By the way, what is the magical power of the palm print that the deity used just now?! I have to find a chance to ask him to come over!"

Wutian avatar lowered his head, his eyes kept rolling.

Qingyuan was already scared silly.

He couldn't imagine that a master who was more terrifying than the old village chief of the Qinglin tribe would be beaten with a palm of his hand by the giant sitting above the main hall.

"What strength is this?!"

"Could it be that the existence of the king-level Tianmen like the ancestor sword?!"

Qingyuan hit a violent spirit, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

The place where he was born at the corner of the Great Wilderness limited his imagination, and he could no longer imagine the strength of his ancestors.

In the hall, it became quiet.

Liu Fan didn't speak, his eyes glowed with inferential light, as if he was inferring something, a sometimes terrifying aura appeared on his side.

Others stood or knelt, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing Liu Fan.

After a long time.

Liu Fan's figure suddenly shook, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he sighed, and suddenly said, "I won't mention anything about the world in the future."

The tone is not very serious, but there is an indisputable majesty.

Others don't know who the "Sihai" is, so they can only nodded blankly, wondering if the so-called Sihai is a taboo name.

But Liu Wuhai and Liu Erhai knew that the ancestor said this to them.

Immediately the two bowed and nodded, but wondered if the ancestor had deduced anything just now, that's why they had this warning.

But the ancestors had already spoken and refused to mention them, and they did not dare to disobey the ancestors' meaning, and at the same time kept this matter in their hearts, intending to inform Liuhai and Dahai and others.

Liu Fan stopped talking, and the hall became quiet again.


Suddenly, in the palm of Liu Fan's hand, the magic crystal of the law flickered, as if activated.

It looks like a strange gemstone, seemingly crystal clear, but there are densely packed rules creeping inside.

These rules are as complicated as a mess, but they are arranged strangely and follow certain laws.

This law is the order of heaven.

Liu Fan's eyes were deep, carefully observing the rules of the crystals, and cracking the order of heaven.

When he reached his level, a single blow could make the law chaotic and order annihilated, and the so-called Heavenly Dao had nothing to do with him.

In Liu Fan's eyes, a scene of the collapse of the universe appeared, observing the law and mimicking it.

In the heart of the other palm, dense lines of laws descend from the void, squirming like life, arranged and combined with each other.


The law lines in Liu Fan's palm became denser, and the light became brighter and brighter. In the end, the void trembled suddenly, almost collapsed.

And in Liu Fan's hand, there was already a brand-new law crystal, exactly the same as the law crystal from the abyss.

Liu Fan smiled.

In the main hall, Liu Wuhai and Liu Erhai congratulated at the same time: "The ancestors are mighty, the ancestors heifer stands upside down, it is so powerful!"

A Da and others hurriedly congratulated loudly: "Dad is more mighty, Dad is invincible!"

Qiao Jia followed: "Dad is better than omnipotent."

Wutian clone also yelled: "The ancestors are just the tip of the hair on the nine cows, too powerful."

Aohara: "..."

Looking at the giant above the hall, he created a magic crystal in a moment, and his scalp was about to split in shock. What kind of terrifying giant is this?

However, the more horrified he was, the more his facial expression remained, and finally, two words came out from his mouth: "Yes!"

It's too pretending.

As soon as these words fell, there was a sudden silence in the hall.

Everyone looked at Qingyuan.

These people, their cultivation bases are generally strong, their eyes converge, and the void on Qing Yuan's side is silently annihilated.

Qing Yuan felt that his physical body was cracking, and the Golden Heaven Gate in his body was trembling and almost collapsed. However, he could not control his facial expression before, and now he can't control his mouth even more.

In the spirit, it seems that there is another person.

If he hadn't been sober, he would suspect that he had been taken away by power since he entered this hall.

Liu Fan glanced at Qingyuan, his eyes stayed on his eyebrows for a moment, and then he smiled.

"Er Hai, take this fellow Daoist down to have a good rest. If he is single, find him a wife!"

Liu Fan said to Liu Erhai.

Liu Erhai was taken aback, his ancestor was exactly what he thought.

"Yes, ancestors!"

Liu Erhai saluted, smiled kindly at Qingyuan, and left the temple with Qingyuan.

In the main hall, Liu Wuhai said in doubt: "Old ancestor, this Qingyuan..."

Liu Fan smiled and said: "He should be the reincarnation of a king. I don't know what kind of stimulation he has received, and suddenly he starts to wake up."

"Ah this?!"

Liu Wuhai stared.

When Wutian avatar heard it, he was short of breath, his envious eyes turned red and the chicken turned purple.

"Unfortunately, I am not destined to be the reincarnation of a big boss, because I am a clone of the deity at all..."

Wutian clone was inexplicably sad.

But suddenly I remembered that he was in the restricted zone of life, the big boss who was robbing the house, had reached the final moment.

As long as he succeeded in seizing the house, he could take off immediately, and he instantly became happy again.

Liu Fan mastered the arrangement rules of the law **** crystals, and by analogy, he could already refine the law **** crystals in large quantities, and he was happy.

With a flick of his finger, the previous law crystal flew out and fell into Ah Da's hand.

"You go back first, and continue to stay at the abyss gate. If there is any abnormality, report to me in time."

"Yes, Dad!"

The four of Ada bowed and bowed, opened the door of time and space, and disappeared.

Liu Fan looked at Qiao Jia again, and exhorted: "At present, my identity cannot be revealed. You cooperate with Ah Da and the others, and at the same time help me collect all the information about Tianwaitian."

"Pass the information to Liu Wuhai."

Liu Wuhai beside Liu Fan's finger.

Qiao Jia and Liu Wuhai walked out of the lead at the same time, and added a communication artifact that can communicate across borders on the spot to maintain contact and communication.

"Go!" Liu Fan waved his hand.

Qiao Jia bowed and bowed, leaving from the gate of time and space.

"Xiaotian, you continue to be a lurker and pay attention to the movements of the ancient family Liu family."

Wutian clone nodded, but said with some worry: "I heard that in order to deal with the Great Xia Kingdom some time ago, the Liu family dug an ancient ancestor called Chonglou ancestor."

"This person has a high level of cultivation, will he see through my identity?"

When Liu Fan heard the words, sliding his fingers, dragged out the long river of time and space, and then continuously hit the magic light, disappearing into the river of time and space.

"I have tampered with your past and present information. You are an epic ancestor of the Liu family, and you have no problems with your roots."

"Unless Liu Changsheng reappears, no one can see through your identity."

Wutian avatar was overjoyed upon hearing this.

This was something he had always worried about, and now that it was completely resolved by the deity, he no longer had any worries. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

"By the way, the deity father, can you teach me the Buddhism supernatural power you just displayed?!" Wutian licked his face and asked. There were no outsiders in the hall except Liu Wuhai. He called Liu Fan's deity father.

Liu Fan smiled: "This magical power is indeed suitable for you."

Immediately, as soon as he raised his hand, the divine light flashed, and the supernatural power of the Ten Thousand Buddha Seal had penetrated the eyebrows of Wutian clone.

The chaotic clone was grateful.

Seeing Liu Fan picking up the teacup, he knew that this deity was going to see off the guests, so he bowed and retired.

Liu Wuhai wanted to give the ancestor a big back, but when he saw that the ancestor seemed to have something on his mind, he also bowed and quietly retreated.

He left the Heavenly Emperor Hall, came to the Patriarch Hall, and found Liu Liuhai.

Liu Liuhai was struggling to write the "Tiandi Academy Admissions Guide". When Liu Wuhai came in, he immediately asked curiously, "Is there anything going on in the Tiandi Palace today? I glanced at it as I passed by and found Lots of people inside."

Liu Wuhai gave Liu Liuhai a white look. Liu Liuhai must have visited it specially, and said he was passing by.

Liu Liuhai smiled, brought a cup of tea to Liu Wuhai in unison, and lighted him a cigarette. Then Liu Wuhai sat down with satisfaction.

"There are many things, but the things that make me puzzled are all things." Liu Wuhai snorted.

"What's wrong with Sihai?" Liu Liuhai was surprised, "Didn't Sihai have been dead for many years? The ancestors said that they cannot be resurrected."

Liu Wuhai shook his head, his eyes were rare and deep and wise: "No! I always think that the ancestor must know something and deliberately kept it from us."

"You know, the time when the ancestor was resurrected was extremely strange."

"Just when the front foot of the whole world died, the ancestor's hind foot was resurrected. Thinking about it carefully, there may be great horror in the middle!"

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