Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 909: Ancient Temple of Universe, Faceless God General (2

Liu Changsheng has disappeared for millions of years. Many people think that Liu Changsheng has already fallen, but the ancient family Liu family firmly believes that their ancestor Liu Changsheng is still alive.

This is a belief and a belief, and it has never changed.

Several days have passed.

A letter from the Kingdom of Great Xia said that he was going to the Monster World in three days, and he informed the ancient family Liu Family to come and join.

The ancestor of Chonglou summoned Wutian clone, as well as a group of elders and Qijie.

"Since we are going to the Monster World, we can't be unprepared." Chonglou ancestor said, waving his hand, "Go, I'll take you to dig a big guy."

Wutian clone and others were surprised. Could it be that the ancestor of Chonglou wanted to dig another ancestor? !


The ancestor of Chonglou did not touch the stone shovel and stone **** in the ancestral hall.

He took everyone straight to the ancestral land.

The ancestral land is vast and vast, like a big world, but it is densely covered with terrible restrictions. The vast array of voids is like lightning, flickering, and once killed the longevity sky that sneaked in.

"Boom Rumble"

When he came to a certain place, the ancestors of the heavy building made his mark, and the earth shook and cracked.


A bronze hall that had been buried for countless years emerged from the ground. It was more than ten feet high. The hall was full of patina. I don't know how many years it had been buried in the ground.

Liu Changgui and other elders were surprised.

They didn't even know that there was a bronze hall buried in the ancestral land.

The ancestor of the Chonglou mysteriously explained: "In the ancestral land of our Liu family, there are treasures everywhere. They are all left behind by the ancestor Liu Changsheng, but most people can't dig it."

When a group of elders heard this, they couldn't help but suddenly.

Hearing the words, Wutian avatar turned his thoughts in his heart, thinking about whether to notify the deity, and let him send Liu Wuhai and his descendants to dig.

After all, the descendants of the deity are best at digging graves.


The ancestor of the Chonglou waved his hand, and the patina on the bronze hall fell, revealing some ancient patterns on the hall and the name of the plaque on the hall-Qiankun Ancient Hall.

"The Ancient Palace of Universe is one of the treasures made by the ancestor Liu Changsheng himself. It contains the Universe, which can accommodate hundreds of millions of troops, and can also suppress powerful enemies and defend against attacks."

The ancestor of the Chonglou said with enthusiasm in his eyes, and he punched the seal of the law in his hand, and the bronze hall opened rumblingly.

The ancestor of the Chonglou walked into the hall with Wutian clone, a group of elders, Qijie and others.

In the main hall, stands a bronze statue, one hand is half raised on the chest, there is an ancient bronze lamp in the palm of the palm, and the other hand is placed in front of the lower pubic area, in the shape of a half clenched fist.

The idol wears a mask and can't see what it looks like, but the whole body exudes majesty.

Liu Changgui asked curiously: "Ancestor, who is this **** like?"

The ancestor of Chonglou replied: "He is a general under the command of ancestor Liu Changsheng. I don't know the specific name, but he is wearing a mask, he should be a faceless general."

"Faceless God General?" Wutian clone was curious.

The ancestor of Chonglou nodded, looking at the statue in awe.

"Faceless generals, natural faceless people, ugly and weird in appearance, abandoned at birth, adopted by ancestors and grown up, with amazing talent for cultivation and extremely strong combat power."

"He is the most heartfelt and powerful general among the ten great generals of the ancestors. Back then, he was already a half-step emperor. It is a pity that he disappeared with the ancestors millions of years ago. ..."

Everyone was stunned and surprised when they heard the words.

The ancient family Liu family has a long inheritance and a complete system of cultivation. Therefore, knowing the last realm of the four indescribable realms, the longevity realm, you can open the door to the flesh when you cultivate to the extreme.

And the half-step emperor, that has almost cultivated the physical door to the extreme, which is very scary.

"Ancestor, if the Faceless Warrior is still alive, can he suppress the ancestor of Thieves?"

Liu Changshou asked suddenly.

When these words fell, everyone looked at the Chonglou ancestor.

The ancestor of Chonglou sneered: "Comparing the old ancestor Liu with the faceless warrior, this is simply an insult to the faceless warrior!"

"The faceless warlord suppressed the ancestor Liu, a finger is enough!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Wutian avatar also smiled, but there was a burst of contempt in his heart. How could you imagine the horror of the deity's father.

At this moment.

The ancestor of Chonglou pointed to the ancient bronze lamp held in the palm of the **** statue, and said: "When the magic lamp is lit, the peerless power of this bronze temple can be exerted."

"And the level of killing is probably 50% of the strength of a faceless general."

"The half-step emperor's 50% power is enough to sweep the monster world, let alone the faceless warlord is not an ordinary half-step emperor."

A group of elders were very excited when they heard this.

"With this treasure in hand, our trip will be safe and worry-free."

"Go, hurry up and join Daxia Divine Kingdom, explore the monster world, and find the ancestors."

Everyone is very excited and can't wait for a moment.

The ancestor of the Chonglou printed the seal, and the bronze hall carried the crowd, shattering the void, and flashing away from the black hole.

at the same time.

In the Great Wilderness, a whirlpool appeared in the void, and the power of time and space was mighty.

Liu Wuhai stepped out of it.

He discerned the direction and instantly disappeared in place.

After a while, he has come to the Jinlin tribe.

The Jinlin tribe guarding Jinling City saw Liu Wuhai and was taken aback for a moment. Then he was very excited and hurriedly saluted with excitement and awe.

"Meet the Great Sage!"

The other guards nearby also hulled to the ground.

Liu Wuhai nodded and disappeared.

As soon as he left, there was an uproar around him, and many people started talking.

"I heard that Lord Huang convened many tribal leaders for a meeting that day. I thought that the Great Sage was suppressed by Lord Huang on the Wild God Mountain. Now Lord Huang has returned, our Jinlin tribe is safe."

"Yes, there is a great sage, who dares to come to our Jinlin tribe to go wild."

"But, why don't you see the Second Saint? Where is the Second Saint..."

In Jinlin City, the people of the Jinlin tribe were very excited, but the people of other tribes frowned and passed the news back to their respective tribes.

The result was less than a stick of incense.

The kings of the nine king tribes, as well as some other big tribe masters, have come to the Jinlin tribe one after another.

They were sitting on the beast horse miraculous palanquin and various beast mounts, and the horrible aura wiped out the void outside Jinlin City.

The guards on Jinlin City almost sounded the alarm.

"Don't be nervous!"

"We are here to visit the Monkey King of your tribe. I hope the little brother will tell you."

The old silver ghost of the Silverscale tribe said politely, smiling and calling one of the guards on the Jinlin tribe's city wall a "little brother", and was shocked that the guardian almost fell from the wall.

He has guarded Jinlin City for thousands of years. When did these big guys take a look at him, today he is called the "little brother" by the Dacheng King. It is simply a smoke from his ancestral grave.

This incident is enough for him to brag about one hundred thousand years, and continue to brag about it from generation to generation.

"Well..., seniors wait a moment, I will report to the Great Sage!" The guards blushed and said excitedly.

Not long after, news came.

"The Great Sage asked me to take you seniors to the Welcome Hall, please come with me!" the guard said, leading everyone away.

Along the way, the golden armor guards of Jinlin City opened their way, and guards stood guard on both sides of the street. Everyone else in the city looked up. When they found that it was a big man of their own tribe, their eyes fell to the ground.

"What happened? The kings of our tribe have all come to the Jinlin tribe..."

Everyone is very confused.

In the welcoming hall.

Liu Wuhai sat on the top with a majestic expression, with the Three Saints Chen Beixuan and the high priest standing beside him.

Taishang sacrificed Jin Wentian to retreat.

"Big brother, where did you pretend to be during this period of time? You don't bring your little brother, you are not loyal enough!" Chen Beixuan helped Liu Wuhai light a cigarette, his tone aggrieved like a little wife.

The high priest folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen, squinted, and looked like he was asleep, but seeing his ears have been shaking, he was obviously also curious about where Liu Wuhai had been during this time.

Liu Wuhai took a cigarette and said with a smile: "I went to a good place and met a super giant!"

Chen Beixuan's eyes lit up and said, "Super giant? How super?"

Liu Wuhai replied: "It's so super beyond your imagination. If you see someone called Baba, they won't care about you."


Chen Beixuan raised his **** with a face of disbelief.

The high priest beside him narrowed his eyes, but there was a smile on his face, obviously he didn't believe it either.

at this time.

There was an announcement from the clansmen outside the hall, and then a group of people walked into the hall.

"Yeah! Great Sage Thunder Monkey, after a long absence, the style remains the same!"

"The Great Sage has been doing well recently. Goodbye that day, I think you can't sleep at night!"

"I learned that the Great Sage is back today, we come here uninvited, and I hope that the Great Sage will understand!"

A group of big guys just walked into the main hall, they said politely, with friendly smiles, just like a close friend who had been with each other for many years.

Chen Beixuan was stunned, and the high priest also opened his eyes, staring blankly.

Are all these guys in love? ! What are you talking about here?

Liu Wuhai stood up and greeted him, and bowed his hands to the big brothers.

After some courtesy, Yin Laogui and others asked sideways: "Is that adult healthy recently? I heard that the world of longevity has been a little uneasy recently."

Liu Wuhai made everyone feel at ease, saying that the old ancestor had a very good impression of everyone. After listening, everyone sighed and smiled.

Chen Beixuan and the high priest were at a loss.

At the same time, he was secretly surprised at how sacred it was that he was called "adult" by the great masters like the silver old ghost.

After some small talk and recounting the past, the old ghost of Yin spoke and asked about the business.

"Why is the Great Sage returning this time? Is there anything I need to help, please feel free to speak?"

Others also expressed their opinions immediately.

Liu Wuhai pondered slightly and said, "I have nothing to bother you when I come back. Instead, there is a big chance that I want to give to you old brothers."

Yin Laogui and the others looked at each other, their faces calm, only a trace of curiosity.

When they arrived at their realm, all opportunities and treasures of heaven, material and earth were no longer needed.

In the world, there are few opportunities and things that make them tempted.

Liu Wuhai smiled slightly and whispered: "I wonder you, are you interested in the emperor's cultivation and breakthrough?"

As soon as these words fell, the old silver ghost and the others got up suddenly and even knocked over the tea cup on the table.

"Great Sage, what's the answer to this? Please elaborate."

Liu Wuhai said: "It's the emperor's preacher!"

"What?! Does that lord want to preach?!"

The excited eyes of Yin Laogui and others were red.

Liu Wuhai smiled and nodded.

Immediately, the ancestors opened the Tiandi Academy and taught them personally.

"There is only one class per month, but you should understand that the emperor's class is not something you are qualified to hear casually."

"Even if you realize that there is only scale claws, you may be able to break the bottleneck under your eyes, and make progress."

The words stop here, but the significance is extraordinary.

Liu Wuhai closed his mouth and didn't say any more, but the old ghost Yin and the others were so excited, their eyes kept turning, and the thoughts in his heart kept rolling.

And beside them, those masters from other tribes in the later stage of the Star-level Heavenly Gate were even more excited.

They have been stuck in the late stage Tianmen of the Stars for many years, and they only need an opportunity or a touch to instantly prove the Dao King.

Now, the news brought by Liu Wuhai is undoubtedly a great opportunity for them to fall in the sky!

"But, the emperor is aloof, why do you want to preach everywhere?" someone asked, keeping calm.

The others also looked at Liu Wuhai.

Liu Wuhai groaned: "I don't know the answer, but according to my guess, maybe the emperor has deduced something, so prepare early."

This answer speaks to everyone's heart.

Everyone can't help but feel stunned.

The emperor is the supreme realm that they have been struggling to pursue and look up to all their lives. That realm is only one step away from the indescribable immortal realm.

Perhaps, the emperor really deduced something, and perhaps something really happened in the future, and even a catastrophe!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel worried and uneasy.

Liu Wuhai didn't bother to speak, and said directly: "The news, I have brought you the news, you are all willing to go or not."

"Also, Tiandi Academy is enrolling students. You can also select a group of outstanding tribesmen in the tribe. Let's try it in the past!"

Yin Laogui and the others nodded, thinking about what Liu Wuhai had told them. After a few words of greeting, they all left and left in their own form.

After leaving the Jinlin tribe, they stopped in a deserted mountain range.

"Everyone, what do you think about this matter?" Old Silver Ghost asked.

Old Tongdao said: "With that adult's cultivation base and strength, we should not be able to calculate us. I think this is feasible."

Another king echoed: "Yes, although we are great kings, we are far from the emperor, and our longevity is exhausted. If we can't make more breakthroughs, we will sit down sooner or later."

"But you can't be careless, what if that adult has any calculations? Can't help but guard..."

A few people are talking about it, but they are also It's better, let's go and ask Lord Huang, his old man is a half-step emperor, he is very knowledgeable, he can definitely give us some good suggestions . "

Old Silver Ghost suddenly suggested.

"However, after seeing the adult from the realm of longevity, Lord Huang started to linger..." Old Tong Dao frowned.

"It's okay, go check it out first."

Everyone immediately got up and headed to the Wild God Mountain.


In the main hall of the Jinlin tribe.

Chen Beixuan and the high priest heard Liu Wuhai's words with a group of big guys just now. At this moment, there are no outsiders and neither of them pretends. They ask directly.

Liu Wuhai smiled and said, "This matter is indeed a great opportunity. You guys should prepare and go to the class with me."

"You are all star-level celestial gates, maybe by going here, you can break through to the king."

"Also, select a group of outstanding people from the tribe and bring them together."

When the high priest heard the words, his beard trembled with excitement, but he forcedly asked calmly: "Will you tell Taishang about this matter?"

Liu Wuhai groaned: "I'll go tell him, I hope he can go together."

The high priest nodded, and immediately retreated to prepare to go.

Chen Beixuan kept turning his eyes on one side.

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"There are so many big guys going to listen to the class with even better big guys. It must be a gathering of masters"!

"If I can be a squad leader or something, and then pretend to be forced, wouldn't I just break through on the spot?!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, Chen Beixuan, Chen Beixuan, you are not only a strong king, but also a clever ghost!..."

His thoughts rolled, he couldn't help but laughed out of a pig cry while covering his mouth.

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