Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 911: There is great terror in the willow, Yang Shouan is suppressed (Five thousand four...

69, the fastest update ancestors are in the sky!

At the entrance of the Qinglin tribe, a sacred willow swayed in the morning breeze, like a fairy and a god, with little lights scattered on the branches and leaves.

Look closely, that divine light is actually a microcosm of the universe's time and space.

Very strange.

Yang Shouan wandered around Shenliu, observing left and right up and down.

He could be quite sure that a strange life was born in this sacred willow.

"Maybe it is the treasure, get it, just take it back to honor the ancestors!"

Yang Shouan's scarlet bull eyes were full of excitement.

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far away.

The people of the Qinglin tribe, hiding behind the stone house, secretly looked at Yang Shouan.

Not only did he not leave, but he was staring at the willow of his village, and he couldn't help but be frightened and angry.

"What to do? This bison didn't find the village chief, so he wanted our sacred willow!"

"Shen Liu is our ancestor, how can we allow it to act recklessly!"

"Quickly, communicate with the willow, open the big battle"

Several old people in the Qinglin tribe made a decision, hurriedly sat cross-legged, and began to cast the seal.

The young masters in the village all followed the old village head to the longevity world, but when the old village head left, he left the seal of the formation.

This move was originally intended to deal with the monsters and monsters in the wilderness outside the village, but he did not expect that Yang Shouan was used at this moment.


On the ground of the Qinglin tribe, there are array patterns constantly being lit, the willows swaying, divine light is injected into the array patterns, and a terrifying killing array rises to cover the sky.

Yang Shouan raised his head and glanced at this killing formation, without paying attention, he continued to observe the willow, and wanted to see through the willow, what kind of life was conceived in it.

He looked like this, was mistaken for arrogance, making the people of the Qinglin tribe in the distance look annoyed and angry.

"This big bison is pretending to be a fork, let him know how powerful it is later."

"But Ancestor Dao didn't hurt this cow before."

"Now it is the Shenliu, the power of the ancestors, it is different, everyone will wait and see!"

Several old people quickly manipulated the big formation, and the thousands of branches and leaves of the willow swayed, exuding magnificent power to bless the big formation, making the big formation even more terrifying.

Void wind and clouds changed color, lightning and thunder.

The law turned into a blade and struck Yang Shou'an horizontally. The purple-gold scales glowed, defending against this attack.

After he was promoted to the Starlight Tianmen, his defense was stronger.

"This cow"

The clansmen of the Qinglin tribe changed color and continued to cast the seal to communicate with the willow.

The branches and leaves of the willows moved rustlingly, as if the wind was blowing, and the gods and the great array were scattered all over the sky.

A more terrifying attack fell.

The force of law and order cuts the void, and the void disappears silently, turning into a black hole.

On Yang Shouan's body, purple-gold flames burned on purple-gold scales, like a fire cow, standing still in the black hole.

His eyes were blood red, like the eyes of a blood moon, staring at the willow carefully.

Because at this moment, at the bottom of the sacred willow, the conceived thing actually exudes life fluctuations.

"Is it a creature?! There is a creature in the willow?!"

Yang Shouan stared.

But this time.

In the sacred willow, the conceived creature seemed to have awakened, and the fluctuation caused ripples in circles, and a terrifying and unfamiliar aura appeared.

Vicissitudes, ancient, primitive.

The mighty and mighty, permeated into the great wilderness, rushing to the nearest monster world.

The forbidden enchantment couldn't stop this breath, countless monsters felt it, and there was a panic.

Silver domain.

In an unfamiliar mountain range, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the void, flowing the power of time and space and the light of time.


A group of people walked out of the whirlpool.

Look at the number of people, no less than a thousand people.

They are impressively masters of the Great Xia Kingdom and the ancient family Liu Family.

Among them, in the Great Xia Shen Country camp, the King of War was standing out, his eyes bright and deep, and he scanned the square.

On the other side, Chonglou ancestors brought Wutian clones, Liu Changshou, Liu Changgui and other elders, as well as Qijie, and a group of other clansman masters.

"Is this the monster world?! It's really different from the longevity world!"

"Old ancestor Liu Changsheng, is he really here?!"

Wutian clone sighed, pretending to care about Liu Changsheng.

He scanned the sky and the ground, and saw a sea of ​​bloody clouds rolling in the void, and the mountains in the distance were pitch black, like a magic mountain, the ancient trees on the ground towering, and the surroundings were filled with strong evil and blood, scarlet eyes peeping around.

It is an ancient and cruel world, like hell.

at this time.


Some monsters couldn't help it, and they came and smashed them. The grandfather ancestor shot it out with a palm, causing the monsters to explode in the void, and the screams startled other monsters to flee.

After the ancestor of Chonglou was dug out, he used the secret technique left by Liu Changsheng to open the physical heaven gate. Although it was a gold-level heaven gate, it was also very scary.

The king of war and the masters of the Great Xia Kingdom were awe-inspiring.

But at this moment.

A breath of mighty ancient power permeated.

The moment he felt this power, the ancestor of Chonglou changed his expression and became particularly excited.

"It's the breath of the ancestors!"

"Oh my God! We just came here, we felt the breath of our ancestors, this kind of luck, Wo Ri!"

"Quickly, go, follow me, and meet our ancestors together!"

The ancestor of Chonglou shouted excitedly and his eyes were red.

When Liu Changshou and others heard this, they couldn't help but let out a long roar.

Wutian dumbfounded, is it such a coincidence? I felt Liu Changsheng's breath when I first arrived.

Also, is Liu Changsheng dead? Still alive? !

He couldn't help but shudder, do he want to follow? I am a fake!

However, before he had time to speak, the ancestor of the heavy building had already rolled up him and other tribesmen, and sprinted along the place where the breath came.


A group of masters from the Great Xia Kingdom, such as Zhan Wang, looked at each other, eyes full of incredible and shocking expressions.

"Liu Changsheng is here?!"

"How is this possible!! Emperor Taizu said that Liu Changsheng has fallen!"

"Go, follow up and have a look."

The King of War sacrificed a secret treasure, rolled up everyone, and disappeared instantly.

At the same moment.

At the entrance of the Qinglin tribe.

The mysterious creatures conceived in the willow seem to have awakened, emitting ancient and tyrannical power.

Very domineering!

This force permeated through and hit Yang Shouan directly.


Yang Shouan's body was filled with ten colors.

This is the automatic protection of the copper pea magic technique bestowed by the ancestors, blocking this blow.

Yang Shouan changed color, and then took a few steps back.

"The body protection magic given by the ancestors will generally not appear unless the attack power exceeds the limit I can bear."

Yang Shouan was surprised, and then the cow's tail swept across, exploding the void, and hitting Shenliu directly.


The sacred willow shook, and the horned dragon-like bark exploded with sacred light, blocking Yang Shouan's blow.


The aura of life in the tree became stronger, as if Yang Shouan's blow had angered it.


On the sacred willow, a willow branch radiated the radiant and chaotic light, just like the first willow branch since the beginning of the world.

It is different from other willow branches in that there is only one willow leaf on it, but it exudes an emerald green metallic luster, lingering the light of the universe and permeating the atmosphere of the law.


Like a divine whip, he lashed towards Yang Shouan, which exploded in the void.

Yang Shouan waved his tail and fought with this willow branch.

In the distance, the people of the Qinglin tribe were dumbfounded.

They have lived for so many years, and they have never seen the willow branches of the willow will fight the enemy.

This is the first time.

Unable to help, they all knelt to the Shenliu, tears in their eyes, and hissing loudly: "The ancestors are alive in the sky, and the ancestors are alive in the sky!"

"The clan records After the defeat of the ancestor Liu Changsheng, his soul was transformed into three thousand sacred willows, scattered in the great wilderness, the sacred willows revived, and the ancestors returned!"

The people of the Qinglin tribe yelled with excitement, especially a few old people, almost fainted with excitement.

far away.

Yang Shouan screamed and barked.


The roar of the cow was like a fierce roar, fierce and majestic, spreading across the 100,000-mile mountain range, countless monsters and beasts shivered.

A willow branch of the sacred willow, like the green sacred dragon and snake, stirs the sky, crushes nothingness, has the power to destroy the sky and the earth, drives the law and order, and makes all the stars and stars fall.

When the shot fell, Yang Shouan avoided, but the mountain behind him exploded and the ground sank.


This blow can kill the master of the star-level heavenly gate.

Especially as the mysterious creature is recovering in the willow, the attack power of this willow branch of the willow becomes more and more terrifying.

Yang Shouan's bull tail was completely beaten.

And his huge body was also drawn and rolled in the void, colliding the void all the way into a black hole.

Had it not been for the copper pea magic technique bestowed by his ancestors, he would have been blasted.

"call out!"

At this time, the willow branches trembled, and the leaf of the willow above, like a sharp arrow, pierced through the void and shot towards Yang Shouan.

This willow leaf is extremely extraordinary, emerald green like a sacred liquid, and exudes a metallic luster. It surpasses the law and the artifact, and it is not much better than the time stone tool.

The huge sacred willow, countless willow branches, only this one is extraordinary, as if it has become refined.

This is manipulated by the mysterious creature bred in the tree.

With the revival of the mysterious creature bred in the sacred willow, this willow branch has transformed like the first willow branch that opened up the world.

It emits the light of the great chaos, just like the innate spirit treasure.

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