Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 924: 嘤嘤蛋, innately kill the gods (two in one)

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In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven, Wutian clone heard the words of the ancestor and couldn't help being taken aback.

"Middle finger?! Who put the middle finger? Why don't I know? Where is it?"

Wutian clone looked blank.

Liu Fan waved his hand, and Wutian clone was already involuntarily captured.

"Papa Papa"

Liu Fan raised his hand, and on the **** of Wutian Clone, mushroom clouds bloomed, screaming constantly.

"If you don't hit the house for three days, it's very fierce in the wild during this time!" Liu Fan rebuked.

Wutian clone was surprised.

"Do you know what I did in the Great Wilderness?"

Liu Fan glared at him and said, "What do you think!"

Wutian avatar rubbed his hands and smiled awkwardly, and handed over a storage ring containing a hundred town clan-level magic medicines.

"My deity father, this is to honor you, please keep it away."

Liu Fan's eyes lit up, smiled, nodded, and warned: "No next time, you will dare to do whatever you want in the Great Wilderness if you are a star class. It's too arrogant. Anyone can suppress you."

The tone is stern, but full of care, and the heart and soul are warmed by the lack of talent. It is better to be the deity father.

"By the way, the deity father, I saw the true spirit of Liu Changsheng suspected of Liu Changsheng in the sacred willow of the Qinglin tribe, but it seems that there is no mind, only instinct."

"Furthermore, when the true spirit was asleep, he also said,'Jiubei returns to the sun, Tianchachacha or something'..."

When Liu Fan heard the words, his expression was serious and puzzled.

"Jiubei returns to Japan, Tianchachachacha...?"

Wutian avatar explained: "I didn't finish speaking, it was mixed by a big bison, so it was Tianchachachacha."

"According to the analysis of the ancestor of the Chonglou, the nine steles refer to the nine divine steles made by Liu Changsheng when he was proving the emperor's way. It is very likely that they are nine longevity steles."

"Eternal Life Monument?!" Liu Fan was taken aback.

There was a flash of divine light in his hand, and a stone stele appeared with a rough pattern on it, the raw materials used, and a magnificent breath of time.

Liu Fan didn't know it before, but now he knows that this sacred stele is actually a stone tool of the age, which can suppress powerful enemies and move Zhou Island across the plane.

The secret of the word "zhe" contained in the stele can instantly repair injuries and restore combat effectiveness. Its mysteriousness is comparable to one's own five lightning whips and yin and yang transformation supernatural powers.

Wutian clone looked at the divine monument in Liu Fan's hand, and said in surprise: "This is... the monument of longevity?!"

Liu Fan pondered: "Well, but it shouldn't be made by Liu Changsheng!"

The stone monument is natural, primitive and rough, more like a natural formation.

Wutian asked, "Then there are nine secrets in this stele? The ancestor of Chonglou said that Liu Changsheng refined nine divine steles and hid the techniques of the nine secrets he had understood."

Liu Fan was surprised.

The Ninth Secret actually came from Liu Changsheng? !

He nodded and said, "Indeed, there is one of the Nine Secrets in this stele."

Wutian avatar suddenly gleamed, rubbing his hands and saying: "My deity father, which secret is it? Give it to me!"

Liu Fan stretched out his hand and knocked on his forehead, knocking out a mushroom cloud, and said with a smile: "Don't be greedy, you have to have your own magical powers!"

"Now that you have opened a star-level heavenly gate, don't you understand your own heavenly gate?"

Wutian clone shook his head in frustration.

Liu Fan exhorted: "Cultivation is too fast and lacks the foundation. With the help of the magical medicine, although the heavenly gate is opened, it is not as good as the creatures who have cultivated out of the heavenly gate after all."

"You have to polish yourself well, figure out the mystery of the Tianmen, and realize your own magical powers as soon as possible."

"Others belong to others after all. Only your own heavenly powers are the most suitable for your own powerful magical powers."

Wutian clone listened carefully and bowed.

"Thank the deity father for church, Xiaotian remembered it!"

Liu Fan nodded with satisfaction.

"This monument of longevity should not be made by Liu Changsheng. As for the Nine Secrets, it is possible that Liu Changsheng was hiding in it."

"As for why the Nine Secrets are hidden in it, I am afraid that the Nine Secrets are the key to Liu Changsheng's return to the world!"

"It has a lot to do with Liu Changsheng's true spirit."

Liu Fan slowly analyzed, his eyes were deep, his fingers hit the longevity tablet and deduced, what he saw was a mist.

next to.

Wutian avatar "hmmhmm", nodded like a chicken sucking rice.

"What do you think, Xiaotian?" Liu Fan asked.

Wutian avatar blinked and said: "The deity's father is strong and handsome, and everything is right. Xiaotian is here with the deity's father. He has only ears and no mouth."

Liu Fan couldn't help but be happy.

Wutian suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, the deity's father, in that thief willow's family, I heard that there is also a **** monument, the deity's father, should I steal it for you?"

"Don't use it for the time being, just keep paying attention to the movement over there." Liu Fan shook his head.

"In the sacred willow of the Qinglin tribe, the true spirit of Liu Changsheng appeared. The reunion of the nine monuments is the key. Just keep an eye on it."


Wutian avatar nodded, then looked at Liu Fan blankly, grinning hehe, and didn't speak.

Liu Fan was taken aback, and immediately understood.

Wutian clone is asking for reward.

As soon as Liu Fan pointed out, a stream of information fell into Wutian's eyebrows.

"This is "The Ancient Cultivator's Body Refining Magic", given to you, practicing hard, and understanding, can help you accelerate your understanding of your own heavenly powers."

Wutian avatar was overjoyed and thanked: "The deity father is grand, I will come often in the future."

After that, he bowed and left in an instant.

In the hall.

Liu Fan was amazed that the black smoke avatar he had refined in order to check and balance the black smoke continent had already formed his own life style after these years.

Moreover, when the ancient monk was given the magical power for body practice, the head of this clone did not burst open.

This is very strong.

Of course it is also related to the cultivation base of Wutian clone.

"It depends on where he can go!"

Liu Fan sighed and looked at the longevity monument in front of him.

The Eternal Life Stele seemed to notice Liu Fan's gaze, suddenly moved a few steps in the hall, and walked back again.

It had been refined by Liu Fan and became a clone of Liu Fan.

This clone, completely controlled by Liu Fan, was a combat weapon, but it was rarely used.

Putting away the longevity monument, a white light flashed in Liu Fan's palm, and an egg appeared.

This is 嘤嘤dan, from the forbidden island of the Taixu world, but that island was originally an island in the longevity world, but it was moved by the longevity monument.

Therefore, the origin of this egg is difficult to say.

Liu Fan had fed it for a long time, but he didn't know what was in it.

Of course, there are too many things in the world that are unclear. Liu Fan still remembers that he lost a magical hair in the Taixu Realm and never found it.

Now even if he has become the emperor, it is good for the supremacy of the gods, but he can't deduce the whereabouts of that **** hair.

This is also one of the unsolved mysteries in Liu Fan's mind.


As soon as the 嘤嘤dan appeared, it uttered a signboard sound, and at the same time it flew happily in the hall, hitting whatever it saw.

The place it hit was either a mushroom cloud or a black hole, and the void rumblingly continued to collapse.

Hey eggs, happy to hit.

It seems to like to hit by nature.

Fortunately, the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven was full of restrictions, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago.

"Come here, fuck!"

Liu Fan beckoned.

The babbling egg whirled in the void and fell into Liu Fan's palm. It rolled, rubbed, and rubbed against Liu Fan's palm, making an intimate babble like a baby.

It's hard to imagine an egg acting like a baby, it's so cute.

Liu Fan smiled and flicked his finger, a drop of blood flew out.

The moment this blood appeared, the void couldn't withstand its coercion and collapsed into a black hole. The blood seemed to be burning like a ten-colored big sun, exuding terrifying power, intertwining the laws and the chain of order.

However, there is no fear.

It uttered a cry of joy and excitement, jumped up, the eggshell was sunken in, and a mouth appeared, which swallowed the drop of blood in one mouthful.


As if drunk, it swayed and fell from the void into Liu Fan's palm. It swayed, standing unsteadily, and finally rolled left and right, moving slowly and slowly, until it made a slight snoring sound.

Hey, fell asleep.

Liu Fan picked up the egg and leaned it in front of his eyes, staring at it with two terrifying rays.

However, with the strength of his emperor's cultivation, he could not completely see through the shell of this egg.

The eggshell is intertwined with the mysterious rules and order, and those kinds of laws have surpassed the three thousand laws of this world and are new laws.

It is not a derivative law, but a real new law.

A law Liu Fan had never seen before.

"One, two, three, four... Seven!" Liu Fan carefully identified, analyzed, and finally confirmed that there were seven new laws.

"There is one more rule than last time. Last time it was six, this time it has become seven."

Liu Fan muttered to himself, his eyes deep.

With the feeding of oneself, the new law of this egg is increasing, from the original one new law to two, and then continue to increase.

Not long ago, Liu Fan remembered that there were six ways. Just now, it was already seven ways.

"I was fed again today, and I am afraid that it will become the Eight Principles next time."

"What is in this egg?..."

Liu Fan took out a stone knife.

It was a collection of age-old stone tools brought back by the descendant Liu Wuhai. Liu Fan used a stone knife to cut the egg, and the egg shell was intact.

Liu Fan urged the power of the heavenly gate, and the stone knife instantly revived the terrifying power, slashing on the eggshell, intertwined with terrible divine light.

But at this moment.

One of the seven new laws on the eggshell flickered.


With a soft sound, the stone knife broke in two.

Liu Fan was shocked and his pupils shrank sharply.

The age stone tool was so strong that he urged the heavenly power to bombard it with all its strength to break it, but when the new law on the eggshell was moved, the age stone tool was broken.

"What is the law?!"

Liu Fan thought about it.

This new law, non-derivative law, is a new law that truly transcends the three thousand laws of this world.

"If I can comprehend this law, I will definitely increase my strength."

Liu Fan held the egg in his hand, sat cross-legged, and entered a deeper level of comprehension.

One month later.

Liu Fan opened his eyes and looked helpless.

He couldn't comprehend these seven new laws. The eggshell is like a layer of yarn, completely blocking his perception, unable to penetrate, and naturally can't comprehend the seven new laws.

Just now.

Huh, the egg moved.


It woke up, let out a signature scream, and rubbed Liu Fan's thumb to say hello to Liu Fan.

Liu Fan touched it, and it spun comfortably, and then let out a loud cry.

Liu Fan couldn't help but smile.

Other big guys either play with birds, or rocks, beasts, and eggs by themselves. It is estimated that there will be a unique copy throughout the ages.

"Hey, hey, those seven rules of your body, show Dadbi!"

Liu Fan tried to communicate.

In fact, he will try to communicate every time he feeds the egg.


Facing Liu Fan's communication and inquiries, Biao Bian Dan answered another string of Bian Bing Bing.

Seeing that Liu Fan didn't understand, it continued to babble.

This humming sound was very strange, and the closed six senses couldn't stop it. Liu Fan's head was full of humming sounds, almost exploding.

"Stop--! Don't talk anymore!"

Liu Fan yelled, he was taken aback, and immediately fell silent, and then rubbed Liu Fan's finger gently like a child, as if comforting Liu Fan.

"Baby, I'm so cute, Dad just wants to see those seven new laws in you, why is it so difficult?"

Liu Fan sighed.

Pang Pang Dan swayed in Liu Fan's palm, as if thinking about Liu Fan's words.


It flew up and touched Liu Fan's forehead lightly.

Like a soft kiss, and like a hit.

At this moment, a divine light submerged into Liu Fan's eyebrows.

Liu Fan was startled, and immediately excited and overjoyed.

Because in his sea of ​​knowledge, there was already information about a law that he had never seen before.

"The innate gods will kill the gods!"

This is the information of that law. It exceeds three thousand laws. It does not exist in this world. It is very advanced, so it is called "Innate God Rule."

And it's the "slaying the gods" in the innate gods.

The law that just cut off the stone tools of time is this law of slaying the gods.

Liu Fan received the message of Destroying the Gods, as long as he felt it with his heart, he could condense it, and he couldn't help being very excited.

This indicates that he will get a means of killing at the bottom of the As soon as the God of Destruction will appear, there will be nothing in the world.

"Oh, oh, my baby, oh, dad loves you more!"

Liu Fan cheered in surprise, holding up the babbling egg in his palm and putting it to his mouth for a meal.


Ping Ping Dan made a shy voice, struggling not to let Liu Fan kiss him.

Liu Fan was surprised.

Could it be that in this babble, a peerless beauty was born? !

But at this moment.

Suddenly, the babbling egg shook and fell into Liu Fan's palm.

Liu Fan was taken aback, perceiving it carefully, and found that it had become extremely weak, and then looked at its eggshell, and found that there were only six of the seven new laws on the eggshell.

"Hey Yadan gave me a kind of god, did it hurt the origin?!"

"This **** cannot be copied, is it unique?!"

Liu Fan felt distressed and guilty, and once again dripped a drop of blood, which sank into the eggshell of the egg.

Seeing Piao Pang Dan absorbed the essence and blood, fell into a deep sleep, his breath gradually returned to Su, Liu Fan took a long breath and put it away.

"When I understand this principle of slaying the gods, I will try to copy one again and return it to Biaodan."

Liu Fan groaned, but there was an intuition in his heart. This kind of innate **** seems to be unique. I have it, and the babbling will be gone. If mine is gone, the babbling will be there.

The unique ability more and more demonstrates the preciousness and power of this innate god.

Time flies, like a wild dog running out of hold, almost unable to stop.

In the blink of an eye, ten years passed.

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

Liu Fan opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, but there was something like a sword, a knife and a thread lingering.

This is the innate slaying rule he felt.

Hidden in his eyes by him, he can kill the enemy with just a move of his eyes.

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