Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 925: Liu Dongdong begged his old ancestor to marry his little ancestor (7,000...

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Ten years have passed.

The old ancestors understood the innate gods' rules of slaying the gods, hidden in the eyes, and can kill the enemy in one glance, greatly increasing the combat power.

At the same time, he was finally determined.

"This kind of innate law is unique, and it was given to me by babbling, and it cannot be copied."

Liu Fan sighed, feeling that he owed a lot of eggs, only to feed him more on weekdays to let it break out of the shell as soon as possible.


Liu Fan flipped his palm, a whirlpool appeared in his palm, and the power of time and space was mighty.

This is the opening of the purgatory space.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Streams of light flew out from purgatory and landed in the hall.

"Meet the ancestors!"

A crowd of people shouted in unison, kneeling and kowtow.

It seemed that it was Liu Dahai, Liu Erhai, Liu Wuhai, Liu Liuhai, Yang Shouan, Liu Yangyang, Liu Dongdong and Liu Xiaoxiao, as well as five monsters including the spider monster Bai Yaoji.

Ten years outside, one hundred thousand years in purgatory space.

Inside is endless killing, **** and dark.

They kept fighting and fighting. After a hundred thousand years of life and death, they are now full of evil spirits, their cultivation base has greatly increased, and their auras are extremely powerful.

Liu Fan glanced over and smiled.

"The sea, the Yangyang, and the Xiaoxiao are all in the early stage of the king, the five seas and the six seas, the king is great, the second sea...well... you finally cultivate to the longevity, it is not easy!"

Liu Fan sighed, Liu Erhai blushed and was ashamed.

In the purgatory space, Liu Fan specially arranged for Liu Erhai an area suitable for his cultivation.

But Liu Erhai's repair is still serious.

Liu Fan couldn't figure it out either. He wasn't too partial. Why did his descendants cultivate so slowly?

If it weren't for the return of blood before, this guy probably still stayed in the too virtual realm.

"Er Hai is ashamed of the cultivation of his ancestors!" Liu Erhai kowtowed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Liu Fan got up, helped him up, and touched his head and said: "They are all good descendants of my ancestor, you are very good!"

"Look at the current son-in-law of the Liu family, and then look at the relatives of the Liu family now. It has stretched across the entire longevity world. Your contribution is great, and the ancestors are all in the eyes."

Liu Erhai immediately glowed when he heard the words and smiled happily.

Liu Fan looked at Yang Shou'an again, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and said: "Shou'an, it's great. One hundred thousand years ago, he was promoted from the late Stars to the Dacheng King, and he caught up with the Five Seas and Six Seas. Very good, very good!"

The ancestors used adjectives such as "great, very good" and so on, which made Yang Shou'an excited and happy.

At the same time, he was secretly shocked.

He had hidden his cultivation base aura with a cunning heart, but was still seen through by the ancestor.

Old ancestor, really strong!

Cunning heart can't stop the eyes of the ancestors.

next to.

Liu Wuhai, Liu Liuhai and the others were surprised to hear that Yang Shouan had also cultivated to become the Great King.

Because among the crowd, only Yang Shouan and Liu Dongdong's cultivation bases, they couldn't see through.

But they took it for granted that Yang Shouan and Liu Dongdong should have used some kind of secret method, but they didn't expect that Yang Shouan had also cultivated to become a great king.

"It's all ancestors who have a good religion, and the children and grandchildren can have one ten thousandth of the ancestor's."

Yang Shouan kowtowed.

Liu Fan smiled slightly, staring at Yang Shouan's heart with deep eyes.

"Cunning, can you control it?"

Yang Shouan replied: "Basically it can be controlled, but sometimes it gets out of control. That kind of evil power is very scary."

Liu Fan nodded, and pondered for a moment: "This sly, I think it is not something in our cage world, it is likely to come from the 36th realm outside the cage."

"From the Thirty-Six Realms of Outer Heaven?!" Yang Shouan's eyes widened in surprise.

Liu Dahai and the others could not help being surprised secretly.

Liu Fan said: "That's right, so you have to control this sly heart as soon as possible, and you can't be affected by it."

"In addition, take time to visit the Asura clan. Since this sly mind comes from outside the sky, how did the Asuras get this sly mind?"

When Liu Fan said this, his eyes were a little cold.

Yang Shouan noticed the change in the eyes of the ancestors, and his heart shrank, and he remembered the matter in his heart.

At this moment.

Liu Fan's gaze fell on Liu Dongdong, who was always standing beside him and looked very quiet.

"Dongdong!" Liu Fan smiled.

"The children and grandchildren are here, ancestors!" Liu Dongdong bowed back, with a respectful look.

"In front of the ancestors, don't pretend, let go of your cultivation base, let everyone feel it!" Liu Fan said with a smile.

"Yes!" Liu Dongdong nodded, then let go of his breath.


The void suddenly collapsed and turned into a black hole, with a terrifying atmosphere, and fragments of law and order flying in chaos.

The three kings of Liu Yangyang, Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Dahai were directly swept away in the early days.

Liu Liuhai stepped back five steps before standing still.

Both Liu Wuhai and Yang Shouan only took three steps back and stood firm.

The three of them are the cultivation realm of the Dacheng Kings, but the difference in strength is instantly revealed.

Perceiving this scene, Liu Liuhai's expression was embarrassed and complicated.

Liu Wuhai and Yang Shouan looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes, and they were obviously surprised by the strength of each other.

But soon, their attention returned to Liu Dongdong.

Because of Liu Dongdong's cultivation base aura, they actually forced these great masters to retreat, which is simply incredible.

"Dongdong, what is the cultivation base?!" Liu Liuhai asked in surprise.

Liu Wuhai said in surprise: "Dongdong's cultivation base aura is a bit similar to Master Huang. Could it be that Dongdong is already a half-step emperor?!"

"Half-step emperor?! Wo Ri! How could Dongdong cultivate so fast?" Liu Liuhai was shocked.

Neither Liu Yangyang nor Liu Xiaoxiao could calm down.

For a long time, the three of them were all known as the Three Masters of the Liu Family.

Even if the Liu family later created the goddess and goddess in order to build momentum, in the eyes of many older generations of the Liu family, the only three of the Liu family's three masters were Liu Dongdong, Liu Yangyang and Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Dongdong, what is your cultivation level?" Liu Yangyang asked, looking nervous.

Liu Dongdong smiled and replied: "Thanks to my ancestors, I have just been promoted to a half-step emperor."


Liu Yangyang stayed completely.

He thought that he was already very fast in his cultivation to the early stage of the king, but he did not expect Liu Dongdong to step into the emperor's way.

He clearly remembered that before entering the purgatory space, Liu Dongdong was just the pinnacle of the longevity heaven, and at that time, he had already cultivated to the star-level heaven gate with the great elder.

In purgatory space for 100,000 years, how can Liu Dongdong cross two great realms and set foot on the emperor's way?

This is incredible, like a dream.

The rest of the people were all dull, the eyes of the collective envy were red, and the jealous chickens were purple.

Liu Xiaoxiao looked jealous and jealous and said, "Dongdong, showdown, are you taking drugs?!"

"And it's a peculiar treasure medicine that surpasses the town clan-level magical medicine?" Liu Yangyang added, full of suspicion and jealousy.

Neither of them believed that Liu Dongdong could cultivate so fast by himself, otherwise, why was he not much different from them in the previous cultivation level?

Liu Fan sat above the hall, smiling and not speaking.

Liu Dongdong saw that everyone was looking at him, and his ancestors were also smiling at him.

Liu Dongdong scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and smiled: "Yes, the reason why I practiced so fast is indeed because of foreign objects!"

Liu Yangyang and Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, Liu Dongdong is not relying on himself, he must be taking drugs.

Liu Dahai, Liu Liuhai and others couldn't help but sighed.

At this moment.

Liu Dongdong continued: "I rely on foreign objects, but I basically don't take drugs. I rely on it—"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, his body flashed, and a sacred chicken appeared on his shoulder, all with golden scales.


The sacred chicken flapped its wings and crowed, with a very penetrating voice.

Moreover, its body actually exudes the aura of a golden level heavenly gate, but at the same time, this cultivation aura is extremely mottled and has a strong medicinal fragrance.

In the fragrance of the medicine, there was the smell of the town clan-level magic medicine, and the three-inch cucumber slices.

Obviously, it took a lot of magic medicine, including eating cucumber slices, and town clan-level magic medicine.

It's cultivation base is the drug.

Seeing a group of people in the hall, the sacred chicken couldn't help but was taken aback, and then saw the old ancestor sitting on it, and was so scared that he almost fell off Liu Dongdong's shoulders.

"Old...old ancestor?!"

"Oh oh oh, good old ancestors, the golden fighting chicken in the rooster greets old ancestors, ancestors are lucky!"

The sacred chicken crouched down, with two wings on the ground, the chicken's head touched the ground, making a kowtow-like appearance, and Liu Fan couldn't help but smile.

Everyone in the hall also laughed.

At the same time, he suddenly realized.

"The reason why Dongdong can cultivate so fast is that he brought this sacred chicken into the purgatory space!" Liu Dahai smiled.

"The sacred chicken cried, Dongdong suddenly realized, this is hanging, it is too big, hahaha..."

"Yeah, smell the chicken and dance, Dongdong, you really have you, feed the chicken with magical medicine, and use magical chicken to help you cultivate, you are really a clever ghost!" Liu Wuhai also smiled.

Liu Liuhai was also laughing, but his heart was complicated.

I don't know if it's because Liu Dongdong is Liu Tao's son, or because his son, Emperor Blood River, is not up to date.

In short, at this moment he really wanted to draw his son, Emperor Blood River.

Yang Shouan patted Liu Dongdong on the shoulder, looked at the chicken again, and smiled: "Yes, Dongdong, you are amazing, very smart, and very hardworking."

"Even if the sacred chicken helps you realize your cultivation, but your current cultivation base is inseparable from your efforts. I believe the old patriarch would be very happy if he knew that you were so competitive."

Liu Dongdong said Yang Shouan's words with great comfort.

Liu Fan also laughed in agreement, and said, "Shou'an is right. That's the truth."

"You are all cultivating in the purgatory space of your ancestor. My ancestor, I often spy on you like some group owners."

"I found that the hardest thing in cultivation is Dongdong!"

A group of children and grandchildren bowed their heads in shame.

They reflect on their cultivation process in the purgatory space. Indeed, one hundred thousand years of hard cultivation is very boring, and they have been slack for a while.

Especially Liu Dahai.

During the cultivation, I found that the elder of the Great Xia Kingdom didn't know when to possess him, and actually wanted to seize him, was killed by him by the way, and spent time cultivating the elder's magical powers and secret techniques.

"That said, time will witness everything, Dongdong, there is the appearance of the ancestor! Maybe the second emperor of our Liu family in the future will be Dongdong!"

Liu Fan sighed and deliberately stimulated other children and grandchildren.

Sure enough, as soon as these words fell, a group of children and grandchildren all blushed, pursed their mouths and gritted their teeth, vowing to work harder and harder.

Liu Fan looked at the five monsters behind Yang Shouan.

"Very well, I have practiced to the early stage of the Star Yao-class Tianmen, and they are considered qualified." Liu Fan smiled.

The spider monster Hei Tailang and other five monsters kowped their heads excitedly, thanking the emperor for his approval.

Liu Fan took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Ten years ago, my ancestor said that the person who made the most progress in this practice will be rewarded by my ancestor. Now, it's time to fulfill his promise!

"Dongdong, let's talk, what reward do you want?!"

Everyone showed envy and looked at Liu Dongdong one after another, all curious, not knowing what gift Liu Dongdong would ask for his ancestor.

Liu Dongdong also thought about it.

In the past, he would definitely ask the ancestor to release his father Liu Tao, but the ancestor had already given a word before, so he couldn't speak any more.

"Then, there is only one thing..."

As soon as Liu Dongdong gritted his teeth, he seemed to have made a huge decision. He raised his head to look at his ancestor, and said seriously: "Old ancestor, can you give any reward that your descendants want?"

Liu Fan smiled confidently and said domineeringly: "As long as it is owned by the ancestor, the ancestor can give it to you."

Liu Dongdong's eyes lit up and he said loudly: "Old ancestors, gentlemen can't chase after a word. You said that ancestors, can't you go back?"

Liu Liuhai reminded: "Dongdong, pay attention to your words, how can you talk to your ancestors!"


Liu Fan smiled and waved his hand to show that he didn't mind.

I don't know how many years, no one has dared to talk to myself like this, both bold and provocative.

"The ancestors don't regret it. They will give you a reward. The ancestors will never break their promise!" Liu Fan smiled and waved to Liu Wuhai at the same time.

Liu Wuhai was taken aback for a moment, and then he woke up. He wisely lit a dry tobacco pot and inserted it into the mouth of the ancestor like lightning.

Liu Fan smokes, hesitates, and looks at Liu Dongdong with a smile on his face.

He wanted to see what kind of reward this ancestor, his ancestor, would ask for the most advanced descendants of this cultivation base.

In fact, this is also a test.

At this moment.

Liu Dongdong took a deep breath, looked at the ancestor, knelt at the feet of the ancestor with a thump, and said eagerly: "The ancestor is here, please, give me your daughter Liu Xin... Right!"


Liu Fan staggered and almost fell off the chair, and the dry tobacco pot in his mouth fell.

Liu Wuhai flashed, grabbed the dry tobacco pot, and thrust it back into the mouth of the ancestor again like lightning.

Below the main hall.

Liu Dahai and the others were already stunned. They looked at Liu Dongdong with shock and disbelief.

Liu Liuhai shouted loudly, "Dongdong, do you know what you are talking about?"

"The ancestor's daughter, that is our little ancestor, how dare you be so rude?"

"Also, you married your little ancestor, and our old guys have to call you ancestor after seeing you?!"

This sentence suddenly woke up Liu Dahai, Liu Erhai, Liu Wuhai and others, everyone couldn't help but drop their eyes on the ground.

Liu Yangyang exclaimed: "Dongdong, I think you are a buddy, you should be my ancestor, Wo Ri!"

"Dongdong, you are not interesting enough!" Liu Xiaoxiao, who rarely speaks, also expressed his opinion.

Yang Shouan smiled slightly and said, "It's normal for men to love women. Dongdong dares to show love to his little ancestors, he is a man, hahaha."

Liu Dahai glared at Yang Shou'an and said, "Shou'an, don't talk, you don't even let the enemy or the dog go, don't damage Dongdong."

"Yeah, Dongdong, you..." Liu Erhai was also dumbfounded this month. "If the little ancestor knows that you dare to hit her attention, Dongdong guess, would you be killed? "

In the hall, everyone exploded and talked.

It seems that everyone except Yang Shouan disagrees.

At this time, Liu Fan coughed slightly, and the hall suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at the ancestors.

Liu Fan sighed, stared at Liu Dongdong for a long time, and said, "Dongdong, you were more talented when you were younger than your ancestor!"

Liu Dongdong hurriedly said modestly: "The cowhide of the ancestors, Dongdong is less than one ten thousandth of yours."

Liu Fan smiled slightly and said, "To be honest, my ancestor's daughter, my ancestor has nothing to do with her. You want my ancestor to betroth her to you. This matter, the ancestor has nothing to do."

"You have to chase it by yourself!"

Liu Dongdong was not disappointed either. What he wanted was the attitude of his ancestors.

As long as the ancestors do not object, it is fine.

Behind, Liu Yangyang and Liu Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and suddenly stepped forward together, bowed and said: "Old ancestor, can we also chase after little ancestor?!"

Everyone is single, and they are also moved.

Liu Liuhai was about to scold the two, but Liu Dahai blocked Liu Liuhai.

This is the family affair of the ancestors, so it is better not to interrupt.

Liu Fan glanced at Liu Yangyang and Liu Xiaoxiao, then laughed and said, "My daughter, when is this popular?"

"However, the same sentence, I will not interfere with my daughter's marriage, you will chase it yourself."

"Who will be the son-in-law of this ancestor in the end? It depends on your own ability."

"Xie Ancestor!"

Liu Yangyang and Liu Xiaoxiao were excited and replied in unison, then looked at Liu Dongdong provocatively.

Liu Dongdong smiled, his expression unwilling to show weakness.

After this interruption, the atmosphere in the hall became much more relaxed.

After everyone chatted for a while, Liu Fan talked about cultivation.

"Tianmen's cultivation is very mysterious and different from other realms." Liu Fan said with a serious expression.

A group of descendants in the hall hurriedly listened.

"Presumably you have also seen that the cultivators from Dahuang, after opening the Tianmen, began to grow scales, but you didn't grow scales, why is this?" Liu Fan asked.

Liu Wuhai replied: "It's the reason for "Ancient Cultivator's Body Refining Technique"."

Liu Fan nodded, "That's right, this ancestor realized when he opened the Heavenly Gate. Your ancestor did not grow scales. If you practice according to the method, naturally you will not grow scales."

"But without scales, your defensive power falls on the skin of your flesh body. Your flesh body skin is equivalent to the scales of others and has strong defensive power. Therefore, the ancient monks can not slacken their body practice magic skills."

Speaking of this, Liu Fan glanced at the tauren Yang Shou'an, and smiled: "Shou'an's training is more special. First, there are scales, and then the ancient monks practice the magical power of the body, and the defense is stronger."

Yang Shouan nodded thoughtfully.

He was calculated by Big Gray Wolf before, his neck stuck in the barrier, and he was bombarded by the barrier. His strong defense was very extraordinary at that time.

Liu Fan continued: "Of course, my ancestors are still there today, and you have the copper pea magic technique given by my ancestors. The flesh is immortal, but you can't always rely on my ancestors."

"You have to improve yourself!"

"In case one day, my ancestor, I am gone, and your copper pea magical technique fails, will you be blown by the enemy one by one?!"

A group of children and grandchildren heard this, panicked and at a loss, they knelt to the ground in fright, and said: "Old ancestors, don't scare your children and grandchildren, you are not afraid of your elders when the sky falls, how can they not be there anymore?!"

"Yes, the ancestors are immortal and immortal!"

"The ancestors are invincible, immortal and eternal!"

Liu Fan sighed faintly: "Immortality and immortality? Immortality and eternity?! Without the unspeakable eternal realm, everything is vain!"

"Even if it is stronger than Liu Changsheng, it was known as the ancestor of human beings and suppressed the entire world of cages, but the result was not the same sad end."

"My dear grandchildren, you must have a sense of crisis, and you can't rely on your ancestors for everything!"

The ancestors spoke with a heart and heart, and the kind and majestic voice echoed in the hall.

"Following the religious precepts of our ancestors, children and grandchildren will remember!"

A group of children and grandchildren kowtowed their heads, guessing what the meaning of the words of the ancestors was, and their faces were heavy.


In the Tiandi Academy, there was a burst of bells in class.

Liu Fan suddenly got up and said, "The ten-year break time is over, it's time for class!"

"Let's go, go to class, so there won't be too many easy days!"


A group of children and grandchildren couldn't help but shook all over, looking at the back of the old ancestors away, there was an inexplicable anxiety in their hearts.

"In the future, what will happen..."


In the Tiandi Preschool, tens of thousands of people came to attend the class this time.

In the classroom, at first glance, there are densely packed human heads.

"Hello teacher--!"

When Liu Fan stepped into the classroom, a neat and majestic voice rang.

In the first row, there was Master Half Huanghuang.

At this time, Liu Dahai and others also walked in, looking for seats according to their respective cultivation bases.

Master Huang and the others looked at Liu Dahai and the others, and were extremely surprised.

These people turned out to be kings or star-level masters.

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, the two half-step kings, were finally promoted to the Dacheng kings, but the tauren made everyone look at him for a while.

Because his cultivation level fluctuations were deliberately released, he was also in the realm of Dacheng King.

"This bull is indeed the emperor's mount, it must have been given a small stove by the emperor, or how could he cultivate so fast!"

The old silver ghost sitting in the second row and the Dacheng King glanced at each other and saw each other's thoughts.

The old village chief sitting behind saw Yang Shou'an and felt the breath of the other's great king. He couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.

"I hope this cow will be subdued by Teacher Tiandi, don't run around, otherwise my Qinglin tribe will be in danger."

Being stared at by a great emperor makes it uncomfortable for anyone.

Master Huang's eyes were also staring at the tauren Yang Shouan.

Because with his half-step emperor's cultivation base, he even sensed a trace of danger in this bull's body.

This is weird.

"What the **** is it that makes me a half emperor uneasy?!"

Master Huang was meditating, his deep eyes flickered.

at this time.

On the seat next to him, a young man came slowly, nodded and smiled at him, and then sat down openly.

Master Huang was taken aback.

"Where is the little guy who doesn't understand the rules? You can sit in the first row?"

The old silver ghosts in the second row could not help but stay away.

Tong Lao Dao stretched out his finger, poked Liu Yangyang on the back of his head, and reminded with a smile: "Little pot friend, hi! What about you, little pot friend, this is not where you should sit, go to the back corner to sit... ...."

Liu Yangyang looked back and grinned: "Oh, isn't it?!"

While speaking, he released a trace of his half-step imperial coercion.


The emptiness turns into chaos, and fragments of law and order fly.

Tong Lao Dao was shocked.

The old silver ghosts and the smiling-faced Dacheng kings were shocked.

"Half emperor... You turned out to be half emperor..."

"Pre...senior, forgive the younger generation, I shouldn't call you a little friend just now, I shouldn't poke your head, please forgive me..."

Tong Lao Dao hurriedly bowed to apologize, his face full of horror.

Yin Laogui and the others also hurriedly got up and saluted, afraid to sit down.

Master Huang sucked in a cold breath, but his cultivation base was too high. This cold breath directly turned the void in the classroom into a cold snow and cold wind roared.

The people with a low cultivation base were frozen, turning into ice sculptures in an instant.


Liu Dongdong blew on the heating, and the classroom was in spring and summer again in an instant, warm and comfortable. The frozen people thaw, but their faces were full of horror and horror.

"Is this half the emperor? It's terrible!"

"Yes, it is life-threatening to go to class with such a giant!"

Everyone talked a lot, and when they looked at Liu Dongdong who helped them defrost, there was a trace of awe and gratitude in their eyes.

Master Huang saw Liu Dongdong blow on the heating and thawed, and he couldn't help but feel cold.

"This young half-emperor is not much inferior to me in strength. Where did this power come from? Could it be an old undead monster in the longevity world?!"

Master Huang groaned, bowed to Liu Dongdong with his fists, smiled and said, "How do you call this fellow Taoist?"

Liu Dongdong clasped his fists in return and said, "Now Liu Dongdong!"

"My surname is Liu?!" Master Huang was startled, and he looked up and down Liu Dongdong and found that he was so magnificent, and his eyes were three-pointers similar to the ancestor.

Unexpectedly, his heart chuckles, and a thought that makes himself scared to pee.

"Wori, this Liu Dongdong, shouldn't he be the son of the Emperor of Heaven?!"

He looked at the silver old ghost and others in the second row, and found that they were shaking all over, their expressions were strange and respectful, obviously similar to what he thought.

"Haha, in the future, you will be my Dong brother, come and do it, don't stand!"

Master Huang suddenly became enthusiastic, and took Liu Dongdong's hand to sit down.

"When this class is over, let's worship the two brothers. You will be my Dong brother from now on!"

Master Huang said with an ear, winking at Liu Dongdong.

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