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"Proof? Satan, are you kidding me? How can such a thing be proved? But now that it has come to this, I will just say it straight. I had a relationship with Hera before marriage, but when we had our first time, I didn't see Hong every day. When I asked her at that time, she refused to tell me who that person was? Except for a monster, tell me, who else could it be?"

Crassus smiled coldly, and then spoke to Ye Tian and all the jurors in a very sad and angry voice.

There is no evidence to prove whether Hera has lost her virginity or not, except him, because Hera is his wife, and only he knows.

Even if Hera really had a relationship with someone else, that person would not dare to stand up and testify.

That would further prove that Hera had lost her virginity, which would be very beneficial to him.

It is precisely because of this that he believes that he is basically invincible, so he dares to slander and insult Hera and the entire Werner, letting the disaster flow away.


Hearing Crassus's confident and self-righteous words, Ye Tian burst out laughing.

If he hadn't taken Hera's first blood, he would have almost believed it. Of course, if he hadn't learned from Hera that she and Crassus had never even held hands, he wouldn't have dared to guarantee that he could easily shatter Crassus's lies.

907 Crassus's unconfirmed testimony, Ye Tian also expected it, and was prepared

"Honorable Chief Justice, respected jurors, I wonder if my testimony is valid?"

Crassus asked Tarodo and all the trial members who were whispering.

"It works!!"

Tarodo answered without thinking.




The vast majority of jurors echoed


Ye Tian shouted hurriedly

"Satan, what do you want to say? Do you still have doubts?"

Tarodo asked Ye Tian unhappily.

"Nonsense, I will definitely question it! But before I raise the question, I want to tell you, how can you, a pig, be so sure of being the Supreme Court Justice? You just agree with what others say without even thinking about it!!"

Ye Tian gnashed his teeth in anger, you want to be partial, but there is no need to be so obvious

"Satan, if you dare to blaspheme me again, I will use my power to expel you from the court!!"

Tairodo said coldly to Ye Tian, he was also furious.

"Crassus, you said you had a relationship with Hera before?"

Ye Tian asked calmly.


Crassus answered affirmatively

"I knew you would say that, so I asked you a question. Hera has a very obvious birthmark on her body, but it is usually invisible. But as long as it is at that time, it can be seen. Excuse me, where is the birthmark? Please answer me!"

Ye Tian asked very calmly

"Hera's father knows the answer to this question! Of course, in order to avoid suspicion, several of Hera's best friends and good friends were invited to prove whether your answer is correct or not!"

Ye Tian said with a joking smile


Crassus was silent, with panic and anxiety in his eyes, and cold sweat on his forehead.

"How should I know? We only had one time, and we didn't take off our clothes.……"

Crassus suddenly had an idea and answered wittily.

"It's a very childish reason, but don't think you don't have to answer it. If you really have a relationship, you will definitely see it. But the clues are so obvious, just tell me directly, is it on the left or on the right!!"

Ye Tian sneered and continued to ask:"If the answer is wrong, it means that everything you said before is a lie! You have never had a relationship at all, Hera has not lost her virginity, and she has no relationship with monsters. You are slandering Hera and insulting the entire Werner family. You should be sentenced to death!!"

"Your Honor, please allow my witness to come up and confront Crassus now!!!"

Ye Tian asked Tarodo with a sneer.


Tarodo said weakly. He felt that Ye Tian was really too difficult to deal with. Now all the rhythm was controlled by him.

""Girls, please come on stage!"

Ye Tian said to several noble girls outside.

Soon, several girls stood in front of Crassus.

Everyone was extremely anxious and quietly waited for Crassus's answer.


Everyone thought silently about Ye Tian's method.

They had to admire Ye Tian for being able to come up with such a method to distinguish the truth from Crassus's words.

Crassus was extremely anxious. How could he know? He thought that his strategy of death without evidence could shut everyone up, but he didn't expect to be broken by Ye Tian.


Just when he was extremely anxious, he saw that one of Crassus's girlfriends kept blinking her left eye at him, as if to remind him.

Blinked again, with her left eye again.

He didn't know this girl, and he didn't even have any friendship with her, but why did she keep blinking at him?

Was this girl telling him that Hera's birthmark was on the left?

But why did she tell him?

Crassus was a cautious person. If he answered wrong, he would be guilty.

"cough cough……"

The girl's throat seemed to itch, and she coughed lightly once or twice. At the same time, she blinked her left eye again, very closely.

"Please don't make any noise and disturb Lord Cthulha's recollection!!"

Ye Tian shouted hurriedly, his voice a little anxious and nervous.

"Haha... Yes! It must be a hint to me, damn Satan, you want to trick me, I have to say, your brain is really scary! But no matter how good you are at calculating!! You can't stop luck from being on my side!!"

The girl's cough, coupled with the sudden blinking of her eyes, and Ye Tian's inexplicable nervousness made Crassus ecstatic.

Although he didn't know why Hera's bestie would help him and help him through the difficulties, he knew that he was young and rich, and he was handsome, so he must have many admirers.

This woman might be one of them!

"Lord Crassus, is it necessary to think for so long?"

Ye Tian seemed to find something wrong and asked hurriedly, secretly giving the woman a fierce look!

"The left side! It’s on the left side, the birthmark is on the left side!"

Crassus answered with great certainty and determination, and inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank the gods for their protection!"

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