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"Left? Are you sure it's the left?"

Ye Tian asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, it is on the left!! I am sure and certain!"

Seeing a hint of helplessness flash across Ye Tian's eyes, Crassus became more certain in his heart.

"Mr. Satan, do you have anything else to say?"

Terodo also thought that Krasumon was right, so he asked Ye Tian jokingly.

"Is Satan going to lose?"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Aurelia's eyes.

"Crassus's luck is too good! He guessed it right! It's obviously a guess. If he knew, he would have said it long ago!"

Yulia said helplessly.

"Satan is too confident. Give him a choice between two answers. Otherwise, Crassus' chances of guessing correctly will be much smaller.……"

Mrs. Qinna said with regret.

Andrew frowned, not believing that Ye Tian, with his meticulous mind, would make such a mistake of underestimating the enemy.

"No! You underestimate the teacher too much! I think Crassus has fallen into the teacher's trap. The next step should be for the teacher to give him a fatal blow!!"

Satan was extremely excited, his eyes were shining. He was a super fanatical admirer of Ye Tian and believed in Ye Tian unconditionally.

"Chief Justice Tarodo, I think you shouldn't ask me. You should check with Hera's mother Sultana to see if what Crassus said is true or not!!"

Ye Tian said calmly

"Madam Sultana, is what Mr. Crassus said right?"

Tarodo asked Hera's mother calmly.

"Haha... Crassus, you liar, you slanderer! You blasphemer! Haha... I swear in the name of the gods, I swear on the honor and glory of the Werner family, my daughter Hera, she has no birthmark on her body! No, absolutely no birthmark, how could it be on the left?……"

Hera's mother, Sultana, stood up excitedly, laughing without restraint, very happy and very comfortable. She knew that Ye Tian had won! Crassus lost, and her daughter's reputation was saved, how could she not be happy?

"Haha...slanderer, accept your trial!!"

Victor's pent-up anger was completely released, and he couldn't help laughing, tears came out

"What's going on? How could this happen? No!! It must be on the left, yes, it is on the left!! They made false evidence, you tell everyone, it must be on the left, right?……"

Crassus was stunned for a moment, as if he had fallen from heaven to hell, as if he had fallen into the abyss.

He didn't know which link was wrong, as someone had clearly told him the answer.

The answer!

Thinking of this, he asked Hera's bestie eagerly.

All hope lies here

"I'm sorry, Lord Cthulha, what kind of birthmark does Hera have?!"

"Yes, Cthulha, we took a bath together and her skin was better than ours. How could she have a birthmark?"

"Master Cthulha, I can’t do anything. I can’t give false testimony, so I really can’t help you. Hera really doesn’t have a birthmark on her body!!"

Hera’s three best friends shook their heads. Their words dealt a direct blow to Cthulha, shattering his inner hope.

"No! That's not the case! You must have been bribed, you are all giving false testimony!!"

Crassus was almost going crazy. When he saw the girl who kept blinking at him, he felt like he had grabbed the last straw. He quickly grabbed her hand and asked expectantly:"You must know the truth, right? Tell them that Hera's birthmark is on the left.……"

"I'm sorry, Master Crassus, I don't know, I don't know anything, I was just invited here by Master Satan to stand with them, I don't even know Miss Hera……"

The girl said timidly. She only realized now that she seemed to have caused a big disaster. However, her words completely pushed Cthulha into the abyss.

"Damn it, why do you keep blinking your left eye at me? I'm going to kill you.……"

Crassus is going crazy

"I have had eye problems since I was a child. When I am nervous, my left eye blinks uncontrollably.……"

The girl was about to cry, and her left eye blinked even more violently

"Ha ha……"

After hearing what the girl said, Victor and his wife couldn't help laughing again.


Crassus was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Satan!!! Damn demon! You tricked me, you set a trap for me! You tricked my entire Crassus family! I want to fight you!……"

·······Request flowers··········

Crassus finally understood that Hera really didn't have the so-called birthmark. Everything was a trap set by Ye Tian. He dug a big pit for him and let him jump into it.

Eye disease! Eye disease! Eye disease!

This voice kept echoing in Crassus' mind!

"Lord Tarodo, I don't need to prove anything now, the truth is out!"

Ye Tian dodged Crassus who rushed towards him, and ignored him, but calmly asked Tarodo who looked dazed.

In fact, it was not just Tarodo who was dazed, everyone was shocked and astonished.

The reversal of events was too drastic, and they had no time to use up these..........0

It was clear that Cthulha had already won, but the next moment, he was blasted into the abyss.

"Terrible, this little guy is so terribly scheming!!"

Andrew couldn't help but sigh, with a trace of fear in his eyes

""Haha... I knew the teacher wouldn't lose! Haha... The teacher is really amazing and so admirable!"

Satan laughed childishly, feeling very proud, happy, and proud, as if he had won a battle.

"Too beautiful!!"

Aurelia exclaimed, her heart trembling, and a trace of obsession flashed across her eyes uncontrollably. At this moment, Ye Tian was too dazzling.

The unsolvable situation was broken by his clever power.

"How did Satan do it?"

Yulia and Mrs. Qinna were also extremely shocked.

"Damn Satan!!!"

Pompey and Marconia cursed angrily. They once again witnessed Ye Tian's horror.

As expected, with his courage and careful planning, Crassus, who was always shrewd and cautious, could not avoid stepping into a deep pit he dug with the help of Tarodo.

Such a person is too terrible!

The name Satan Ye Tian is extremely bright at this moment, as dazzling as the scorching sun, and will be remembered by the elders of the Senate and the entire nobility.

"Hehe... You can't stand the first blow. It seems that other means are useless!!"

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