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Tải ảnh: 0.076s Scan: 0.029sAfter the six Spartan young women, girls and girls named by Ye Tian were taken to bath by Angela, their beauty was finally revealed, and they were charming and radiant.

However, Ye Tian ignored them for the time being and arranged rooms for them.

Ye Tian was very energetic. After dealing with the Spartan slaves, he did not rest. Instead, he took out a huge piece of parchment and began to design a castle for himself, or the prototype of a palace.

His manor was not very big to begin with. Now that so many female slaves have moved in, the rooms are almost not enough.

Although most of the time, these female slaves are with Ye Tian, they all have their own exclusive rooms.

Ye Tian plans to build a castle big enough for himself, where all the female warriors will live in the future. When he becomes the emperor of Rome, he will build a huge palace.

By then, he will not think that there are too many three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines. At least three thousand beauties are the minimum standard for an emperor.

"Master, Master Marconia wants to see you!!"

The next day, Ye Tian slept until noon and stretched his body. The beauties around him had already gone to their own places. He had just finished washing up when Diana reported the news to him.

"Marconia? Sura's young master wants to see me?"

Ye Tian was stunned. He really couldn't guess what this guy was up to. You know, the Sura family was severely injured by him and they haven't recovered yet.

Logically, everyone in their family hated him to the core. Marconia still wanted to see him. Either he was crazy or he was planning some conspiracy for him.

"Yes, it is Marconia of the Sulla family.……"

Diana said affirmatively

"Okay, I'll go meet him and see what he wants to do!"

Ye Tian smiled. He really didn't care about Marconia. The only two people in the Sura family that he could care about were Rose and Sura.

"Marconia, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to look better than before."

Seeing Marconia, Ye Tian seemed very enthusiastic and smiling. However, he was obviously lying.

Marconia's complexion was not good at all, she was very haggard, and her eyes were full of resentment, just like a resentful woman.

"Lord Satan, it's been a long time since we last met. But thanks to you, I don't look very good!!"

Marconia didn't have a good attitude towards Ye Tian. Ye Tian had hurt him too much directly or indirectly.

"Hehe... As for that, it's just a small grudge between us, so why do you hold a grudge like that?"

Ye Tian shook his head and said with a smile.

He really didn't take the little brat's sulking to heart.

"My mother wants to invite you to the dinner tonight!"

Taking a deep breath, Marconia concluded his purpose.

"Your mother, Mrs. Rose?"

Ye Tian was stunned, then frowned and asked.

He finally knew the purpose of Marconia's visit, but he didn't understand why Mrs. Rose invited him to the dinner.

According to Ye Tian's guess, with Rose's meticulous mind, she must have guessed that he was the one behind the attack on Sura. She should have hated and been wary of him, but she invited him instead.

This woman is really not simple.

Ye Tian thought to himself.

No matter what her purpose was, she was able to invite him calmly. She was definitely far better than many men.


Marconia nodded indifferently, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes, because his mother admired Ye Tian very much.

"What type of dinner is it? A large dinner or a private dinner?"

Ye Tian smiled and said

"Humph, you will know when the time comes, it is best if you don't come over!!"

Marconia's body trembled slightly, then he controlled his emotions and said coldly:"I have conveyed it, goodbye!!!"

After that, Marconia flicked his sleeves and left

"Interesting, is this a sign of jealousy? Jealous of me in front of his mother?"

Looking at Marconia's departing back, Ye Tian's mouth showed a faint smile, and he saw the deep jealousy in Marconia's eyes.

Could this guy be harboring illusions?

That's really scary.

···0Request flowers0·······

"It seems like it's a private dinner, things are getting more interesting!"

General Ye Tian smiled playfully, he seemed to have discovered something very interesting

"Master, Rose is known as the Bloody Enchantress. Besides being very beautiful, this woman is also very scheming, cruel, and good at deceiving men. So if you attend the banquet tonight, you must be careful and not fall for her tricks.……"

Diana sat down slowly and reminded Ye Tian

"Beautiful? Is she as beautiful as my Diana?"

Ye Tian smiled and asked softly.

"Yeah, more beautiful than me.……"

Diana said slowly with her eyes closed,............

"I don't believe it.……"

Ye Tian shook his head, then asked:"Diana, how was your continuous fight with Helen Reda?"

"We can now easily defeat powerful warriors. One on ten is not a problem. Thank you for the gift, Master.……"

Diana said slowly

"I want to set up an intelligence department. Can you be in charge of it?"

After thinking for a while, Ye Tian said calmly. After thinking about it, Diana is definitely the best candidate to be in charge of the intelligence department.

In this era, the great nobles will have their own intelligence personnel, but they are very unprofessional and have not formed a special department.

Ye Tian plans to establish a most professional intelligence department to know everything about Rome and even the entire Mediterranean.

In addition to his own needs, he can also sell this information.

Of course, it must be at a high price, and it depends on his mood. By then, he will become a person that all nobles are afraid of but have to flatter.

Don't underestimate the power of intelligence. Whether it is in the mall or on the battlefield, only by mastering intelligence can you launch an information war and dominate everything. Even if it is a conspiracy between nobles, as long as one party has the intelligence information of the other party, it can be invincible and win.

In charge of the intelligence of the entire Mediterranean, Ye Tian can basically take the entire Mediterranean into his pocket. _

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