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"Intelligence department?"

Diana asked curiously.

She felt that this word was very new. At least she had never heard of it.

"Yes, it is the intelligence department.

Its duty is to collect all the news of the whole Rome, from nobles to civilian slaves.

All the news that can be collected is collected, including who was killed, who bribed whom, who had an affair with whom, who made a deal with whom, who plans to do what, etc.

All the news is collected, and then summarized and classified, reported layer by layer, and finally you are responsible.

I want to make it so that even if I don’t go out, I can know everything in Rome...

whether it is military, agricultural, commercial, Senate, between nobles, between civilians...

Of course, collecting intelligence can be simple, but also very responsible.

You can see, hear, inquire, eavesdrop, inquire, test, and threaten……"

While holding Diana, Ye Tian told her about the responsibilities and importance of the intelligence department. Of course, he only talked about it in general terms, and he would have to guide her slowly in the future.

"Master... your plan is really great. As long as this intelligence department is established, everything in Rome will be under your control.……"

After hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Diana was extremely excited, shocked, and excited. She looked at Ye Tian with fanatical admiration.

She was very smart. Under Ye Tian's guidance, she deeply realized the horror and terror of the situation.

Knowing everything, not to mention her master's terrible plot, even if it was her, she could make a completely decisive decision. Once she made a move, it would be a sure thing. As long as she stayed at home, she could severely damage the enemy. As long as she stayed at home, she could dominate the whole of Rome and control the whole of Rome.

"Therefore, it is just a plan. If you want to set up a complete intelligence department, you need to invest huge manpower, financial resources, and material resources, and it will take a long time to operate. But once we dominate all the intelligence, we are the gods of Rome, leading everything and guiding everything!"

Ye Tian smiled, but his eyes flashed with great ambition

"This matter is very important. This department is no less than a super army. In fact, it is also a army. I plan to hand this department over to you and let you set it up. Are you competent?"

Ye Tian asked Diana.

"Master, I really want to set up this department for you, but I am afraid that I am not competent enough and will delay your important task. Now I don’t know where to start.……"

Diana said very frustratedly

"It's okay, I will train you! It's just a plan, and this department can't be perfected so quickly. We need a long time to operate and expand slowly. After I train you, you can choose the candidates yourself. The main personnel are all trustworthy slaves. You can choose your own slaves who meet the requirements, but you must ensure their absolute loyalty.……"

Ye Tian said calmly.

In this era, it is not easy to perfect an intelligence department. There is no communication information, transportation is very inconvenient, and there are no legendary martial arts masters.

It is not easy to pass on the disappearance.

Therefore, if you want to perfect an intelligence department, it not only takes a long time, but also requires terrible financial and human resources. The personnel responsible for collecting intelligence, in Rome alone, need thousands of people, and huge financial resources are needed to support the expenses.

"Thank you, Master... Even if I die, I will improve the intelligence department!!"

Diana was extremely moved. Ye Tian asked her to set up this department, which showed his absolute trust in her and regarded her as his closest confidant.


"Master, are you going to the Sura family tonight? I have prepared a dress for you.……"

Diana's concern for Ye Tian is absolute. It's only noon now, and she has to prepare for Ye Tian....0

"I must go, but it's too early now, no rush. But I'm curious, which family is Rose's family from?"

Ye Tian asked curiously

"Tarquin, she is from the Tarquin family. Legend has it that the Tarquin family is the direct descent of Tarquin the Proud, the last king of the Roman monarchy. I don't know if it's true or not, it's been too long and I can't verify it.……"

Diana thought for a moment and said softly

"Tarquin family? It doesn't seem to be a dazzling family in Rome now? How could she marry into a top family like Sulla?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised:"This woman really has some means!"

Is it the bloodline left by the king of the monarchy era?

It's a pity that too much time has passed, otherwise she would be a princess and her status would be more noble.

Ye Tian couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

It's a pity that Rome doesn't have the so-called royal princess, otherwise, turning a princess or a princess into his slave would give him a greater sense of accomplishment.

However, just because Rome doesn't have it doesn't mean that the countries here don't have it. After he conquers Rome, he can conquer the surrounding countries. 5.2.

The strongest slave owner, if he just collects some ordinary slaves, his status would be too cheap.

This is a great era, with nations, races, kingdoms, empires, and the five continents of the world. The map section waiting for him to develop is too large.

"You take a rest first. I'll go out and do some exercise.……"

Ye Tian stood up, his body made a snapping sound, and the power was flowing.

These days, his landlord life was too extravagant, and he had been in the land of pleasure all the time. If he didn't go out and move around, he would sink.

He could sink, but now was not the time, there were too many things to do.

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