"Practice your killing skills well on the battlefield, and after you come back from the battlefield, I will give you a position dedicated to killing people!"

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and said to Caroline lightly.

Caroline is definitely a natural killer, because she likes to kill and slaughter. She will be the best assassin, or perhaps a perfect assassin, only below Victoria.

Ye Tian did not expect that he would pick up such a natural killer on the march.

After the war is over, he will start to train her well. It won't be long before she will be a perfect killer assassin.

Ye Tian didn't know whether the assassin organization existed in this world or in this era.

At least he hasn't discovered it yet, so he doesn't know if anyone has formed it.

Assassin's Creed!

Before crossing, Ye Tian had never played this game. Although he is not familiar with the game, he also knows that the background of this game has been going through many eras since ancient Greece.

However, Assassin's Creed is just a game after all, and cannot be used as a reference for history.

However, Ye Tian doesn't care about these.

Even if the assassin organization really exists, it can't be as terrifying as the assassin corps he has formed.

The assassin corps is not about the number of people, but the quality.

Ye Tian will only train natural killers, or people with the potential to become excellent killers, or find a group of young children and train them by elimination from an early age.

Anyway, he has a lot of time.

He has absolute time to manage his own empire blueprint and enough time to improve his own surface power and underground power.

"Thank you, Master!!"

After receiving Ye Tian's promise, Caroline was shocked and extremely happy. She thought that Ye Tian wanted to make her a slave and treat her as a plaything, but she didn't expect that Ye Tian really appreciated her abnormal psychology and planned to train her and reuse her. It was the first time she opened her heart to others and told them her secrets. In return, she was not despised or feared, but appreciated and reused. This made her feel touched that a man would die for his friend.

Loyalty was rising.

"Don't thank too soon, it won't be too late to thank after you survive the battlefield! You don't know how cruel our mission this time is - to defend the city of Esenia, the city survives, the people are dead if the city is destroyed! This means that we are facing the enemy's main army! Moreover, there is a very bad news, that is, we will not have other support unless we all die in battle!!"

Ye Tian said calmly, how could he not know what Saipan and the others were paying attention to.

Letting him step onto the battlefield is to get rid of him, so Rome will no longer have reinforcements, but they will definitely keep an eye on the city of Esenia at all times. Once he dies in battle, support will arrive immediately.

"But the master is not afraid at all?"

Caroline asked with great curiosity.

"Why should I be afraid? I also like killing! Moreover, I also like to turn my enemies into my slaves!!"

Ye Tian said lightly

"I see, the master is the same person as me, so when we meet, you know my heart, right?"

Caroline suddenly felt like she had met a confidant and a kindred spirit, and felt that Ye Tian knew her very well, and her loyalty instantly broke through the 80 mark.

"No, you are far worse than me. You just like the feeling of the enemy's blood splattering. I like to dominate the life and death of the enemy. I like the enemy's powerless struggle in despair. So I am your master!"

Ye Tian said lightly, but the cruel words made Caroline's body surge, and she almost howled, looking at Ye Tian with a trace of heat in her eyes. Such a man is extremely attractive to her.

After another night of rest, on the second day, Ye Tian could finally see the city of Esenia from afar.

Last night, with the company of two well-behaved and docile girls, Ye Tian's night was finally no longer boring.

"Is this the city of Esenia? It will soon be renamed the city of Satan!!"

Looking at the city in the distance, Ye Tian said proudly, his eyes were extremely hot, and a trace of ambition flashed across them.

The city of Esenia was a colony of the Roman Republic. The people living in it were not Romans, but mostly Esenians.

It's just that they accepted their identity as Romans.

The city of Esenia was isolated at the moment, almost surrounded by the allied rebels, and was about to fall.

The allied soldiers were not in a hurry to attack. For the isolated city of Esenia, they surrounded it but did not attack, intending to let the Esenians surrender themselves, without spending a single soldier, and they could also expand their own strength.

The city of Esenia was just a small city-state before. After being conquered by Rome, it became a city of the Roman Republic, but this city was much smaller than the city of Rome, and the number of people living in it was estimated to be less than 100,000.

It's just a small city.

Don't think too much about the cities in ancient Greece or even the entire Mediterranean. Most of the city-states in this period were established by one nation. In the constant wars, where did they get so many people to expand.

Unless it is some big cities

""Master, should we attack right away?"

Bardock came to Ye Tian and asked respectfully, eager to try and fight.

"No hurry, according to the agreement, the lost land we recovered is our territory! We have the right to self-government. Although the current Esenia city is in danger, it has not been captured, and they have not surrendered. Therefore, the city of Esenia is still the territory of Rome, and the Esenians are still the people of Rome! We are guarding it now, just helping Rome to defend a city, and we don’t get any benefits!"

Ye Tian said lightly:"Wait until Esenia is captured or surrenders, and then we will attack. At that time, the entire city, their people and all their assets will be our spoils of war!!"

Ye Tian's words were cold and ruthless.

But the fact is that in this era, all wars are for profit.

Ye Tian stepped onto the battlefield desperately this time, and he would not do anything that has no benefit.

Once the Esenians surrender, he will take the opportunity to capture the city. If possible, he also plans to turn all the Esenians into his slaves.

This idea is crazy and risky, but once it succeeds, the benefits will be enormous.

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