"Master, if there is no support, the Esenians will surrender in all likelihood! Once they surrender, they will be rebels and will regard us as mortal enemies! Our attack at that time will be a battle to capture the city, which will be much more difficult than a battle to defend the city. Moreover, at that time, we will not only have to face the allied forces, but also the Esenians, and we will have to face more troops!"

Bardock has a certain war literacy. He saw that Ye Tian's idea was extremely risky, so he told Ye Tian about the crisis.

"Yes, if you want to gain huge benefits, you have to take countless risks! And you missed one point, that is, even if we take the city, if we don't handle it properly, we will face the possible rebellion of the Esenians at any time!!"

Ye Tian nodded and said in a deep voice:"But, you have to know that taking this city is much easier than taking other cities!

Once we take this city, we will have a private territory of a city!

What we have to do next is to guard this city and hold this line of defense.

Even if we don't do anything else, we will be the biggest beneficiaries after the war!

Now that we have settled in the Esenia City that has not fallen, it is indeed much easier.

But then we will also face the crazy attack of the allies.

We are facing a main army, or even two main army, and the defense is already barely enough, not to mention attacking other cities.

But if we don't attack, even if we defend this city, after the war, we will not get any benefits except for the reputation we gain!


"Master, I understand. Thank you for your explanation. Although I have experienced war, I am not as good as you.……"

After listening to Ye Tian's explanation and analysis of the pros and cons, Bardock was moved and ashamed. He was moved that Ye Tian analyzed the situation with him seriously, but he was ashamed that he actually tried to question Ye Tian's decision and failed to see the crisis.

"Hehe... Bardock, you are really good, otherwise I would not value you, but your strategic vision is different from mine. You are thinking about how to win this war easily and at the lowest cost, while I am planning how we can get the most benefits in the whole war! Because in my opinion, we will win this war! It's just that how many cities will we win, one, two, three, or four!"

Ye Tian smiled, patted Bardock's shoulder, comforted him, and then said proudly

"This war will not end so quickly. After we take this city, we can start to think about how to build and develop while defending it!"

Ye Tian said proudly, as if taking this city was as easy as taking something out of a bag.

"Let the soldiers camp on the spot. There is no need to continue advancing. They are not allowed to make fires to cook. They can eat dry food. If they want to eat meat, go and eat raw meat yourself!"

Ye Tian ordered Badak. At this moment, they were still far away from the Esenian city, and their number was small. Neither the allies nor the Esenians would notice their arrival.

After all, in this era, there were no such things as telescopes. Their march just now was also very slow, and the soldiers did not make any noise.

""Yes, Master!"

Bardock shouted, asking the soldiers to set up camp on the spot and conveying Ye Tian's request.


Ye Tian shouted to the deputy commander of the army.

""Here, Master!"

Sabak trotted to Ye Tian and saluted respectfully with a snap.

"Take a few smart people with you to investigate the enemy. I want to know how many legions the allies have, who their commanders are, how many troops they have, how to deploy them, and all the other information! Remember, don't let them find you!"

Ye Tian ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, my master!!"

Sabak saluted respectfully, then found a few people, removed all weapons, only carried two daggers, began to disguise himself, and slowly moved towards the direction of the enemy.


Ye Tian shouted again

""Here, honorable master!"

Basas came to Ye Tian as fast as he could and saluted respectfully.

"Find a few dozen people and make good preparations. After dark, under the cover of night, you can climb over the wall, dig a tunnel, or sneak in without alerting anyone. After entering, you don't need to take any action for the time being. You just need to hide your identity. Once we attack the city, you can respond in time and open the city gate!"

Ye Tian gave the order in a deep voice and made arrangements.

Most of the Spartan warriors have undergone special operations training, so it is not difficult for them to carry out such a mission.

Infiltration behind enemy lines is one of their key subjects.

"Master, I promise to complete the task!!"

Basas replied respectfully, and then began to pick people.


Ye Tian found the gladiator warrior this time.

""Here, Master!"

Grena answered excitedly. He was very happy to see Ye Tian assign him a task.

"Your mission is relatively simple. Take a few people to learn about all the terrain around Esenia, including how many trails there are, how many water sources there are, the direction of the water sources, whether the city of Esenia has a sewer leading to the outside, etc. Remember, although the mission is simple, it is very important, and you must not be discovered by others!"

Ye Tian gave the order in a deep voice.

As the saying goes, a good friend will win every battle. Ye Tian wanted to know everything clearly.

Although he had confidence in the war, and although his ideas were bold and adventurous, he was also very cautious.

To be honest, it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous when facing such a huge war for the first time. The disparity in the strength of the troops was too great, and his plan was too big and too risky.

But he did not show it.

Of course, the presence of two hundred Spartan warriors also made him calm a lot.

Because the Spartan warriors were once the kings of the land, and they were best at defense.

The three hundred Spartan warriors were able to resist the Persian army of 100,000 for three days and three nights. Although it may be a bit exaggerated, it also shows how powerful they are.

Moreover, there are three hundred gladiator warriors who are best at attacking.

The most important thing is that there is the most powerful killing weapon-Zhuge chain crossbow.

As long as the city is taken, Ye Tian has the confidence to defend it and use it to consume the enemy's strength.

"Make sure you complete the mission, my master!!"

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