""Badak, arrange some people. Tonight, arrange some people to cut more branches with leaves, and then use hemp ropes to tie all the trunks together into bundles, and then leave long enough hemp ropes for them to hold on to on horseback. The weather has been sunny these days and the ground is dry. We should be able to use it when we attack!" In the evening, Ye Tian made arrangements for Badak after dinner.

The troops were too few, and the charge of more than 200 cavalrymen did not have much deterrent effect. Ye Tian could only use the old method of ancient China.

Let each cavalryman drag a bundle of branches when launching a charge. When launching a charge, there will definitely be billowing smoke and dust, and the momentum will be extremely huge, confusing the enemy. The enemy will definitely think that there will be thousands of cavalrymen launching a charge.

Facing the charge of thousands of heavy cavalry, no army will dare to stop it. Perhaps at that time, the allies can be scared off, and maybe the city of Esenia can be taken down without any effort.

This method is very likely, because no one on this continent has ever used this tactic before.

""Yes, my master!"

Bardock didn't know what Ye Tian was going to do, but he obeyed the order absolutely and began to arrange manpower to cut enough branches from a distance.

The night slowly darkened. Basas selected fifty Spartan infantrymen and moved towards Aesenia with weapons. It was the first time for them to perform such a mission, and they were a little nervous, although they had practiced it many times.

This battle was not as tough as Sparta's previous face-to-face confrontation with the enemy. Their master made a series of arrangements and deployments, and was planning, while they were performing special tasks.

Perhaps it won't be long before they will carry out the decapitation mission.

After arranging everything for the time being, Ye Tian took the two girls into the tent.

Now he didn't know too much information, and he didn't have time to deploy much.

When it was almost dawn in the middle of the night, Sabak came back and found Ye Tian as soon as possible.

"Have you found out everything?"

Ye Tian handed him a glass of water and asked slowly.

"Yes Master……"

Sabak nodded respectfully and said,"The alliance has two legions with a total of 20,000 soldiers. The two legion commanders are Vettius and Silo. They are both excellent generals who have served in the Roman army before, so they are very familiar with Rome's combat methods and style!"

""Two legions, 20,000 soldiers!"

Ye Tian's face darkened slightly. It was impossible for 500 soldiers to defeat them head-on! Even the powerful Spartan warriors couldn't do it!"

"How many cavalrymen do they have?"

Ye Tian asked slowly.

"There aren't many cavalrymen, estimated to be around 700 to 800, but their strength should not be underestimated!"

Sabak said slowly.

"Seven or eight hundred cavalrymen charging at the same time is indeed a bit scary!"

Ye Tian nodded and continued to ask:"How are their troops deployed?"

""They besieged the city of Esenia but did not attack it, and they were stationed less than a mile away!"

Sabak replied in a deep voice, his face extremely solemn.

Five hundred against twenty thousand, he did not know how to win the war, and did not know how to capture the city.

Ye Tian was also silent. Five hundred warriors, if they wanted to attack head-on, would definitely not be able to compete with an army of twenty thousand.

"Are there any ambushes along the way?"

Ye Tian asked

"Yes, and the ambush is in our direction. They should have expected that Rome would have reinforcements, with about 1,500 troops!"

Sabak nodded, his voice more solemn.

"It seems that we were right not to launch an attack! The allies are not in a hurry to attack. In addition to forcing the Aesenians to surrender, they also intend to use Aesenia to lure and kill the Roman army! It seems that the opponent should not be underestimated!"

Ye Tian nodded and said in a deep voice:"It seems that we can only wait for the Aesenians to surrender. At that time, the allies should relax their vigilance. The best time to attack is then!"

At that time, he will ride on his unicorn and kill anyone who stands in his way!

Ye Tian doesn't believe that the allies are not flesh and blood and are not afraid of death.

"You've worked hard, go back and have a good rest, gather your strength, the war is coming at any time! Basas and his men should have sneaked into the city of Esenia by now, with them as our insiders, we only need to kill our way to the city gate!"

Ye Tian comforted Sabak. Seeing the strength of the enemy's troops, Sabak's mood was indeed a little heavy.

""Okay, my master!"

Sabak nodded and left.

"Master, do you have a solution?"

Bardock said to Ye Tian expectantly.

"Not yet, we can just charge in when the time comes! Besides, there is no rush now, let's wait for the Aesenians to surrender, that will be our best chance to attack. Because at that time, the Roman reinforcements have not appeared yet, they must have thought that Rome did not have enough troops and chose to give up this war site!"

Ye Tian said calmly

"In fact, it is not difficult for us to take down the city, right? Basas and his men can sneak in fifty people tonight, and we can sneak in one hundred people tomorrow!

We can sneak in three hundred people the day after tomorrow, and we can enter the city in batches in a few days, blossom from the inside, and hit them hard!

However, there are two disadvantages in that case.

If we can't control the city gates and block the allied army outside the city, we will be trapped outside the city.

Second, our supplies and war horses cannot be delivered into the city, which will be fatal to our subsequent operations!


Ye Tian said lightly:"It's too late to rush now. I'll wait for Grena to come back, hoping that he can bring me some good news! You should go back and rest first. If you really can't sleep, you can think of some countermeasures. After all, you are the commander of the Spartan Legion. As a commander-in-chief, you will have many opportunities to lead your own troops in the future!"

""Yes, my master!"

Bardock nodded respectfully, with a hint of determination in his eyes. He knew that he still had a lot to learn. Apart from other things, in terms of character, he was really far behind his master.

"Vettius and Ciro, they actually ran into these two old guys!"

After Bardock left, Ye Tian murmured softly. In history, they had defeated many Roman generals, and now they had directly destroyed the famous generals of the Julius family.

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