"Of course, I will only enforce the Eleven Blows Law if someone resists me! In other words, the decision of whether to enforce the Eleven Blows Law is in the hands of all of you, not in my hands, understand?"

Ye Tian looked at the pale-faced recruits and said calmly, which made their faces ease a little, but only a little.

Because the Eleven Blows Law is too terrible, they can guarantee that they will submit to this terrible man, but they dare not guarantee others. What if there is someone who really wants to kill himself and wants to assassinate Ye Tian, wouldn't they have to suffer as well? There are really too many people who are not happy these days. What if someone wants to retaliate against society and the nobles of Esenia? That would be too terrible.

"Of course, some people can be exempted from the Eleven-Strike Killing Law!"

Ye Tian said lightly, but a smile appeared in his eyes. With the deterrence of the Eleven-Strike Killing Law, it would be much easier to subdue these warriors.

As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, all the recruits looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

They did not dare to resist this group of terrible demons, so they could only hope that they could be exempted from the Eleven-Strike Killing Law.

"I don't have any other advantages, but I am protective of my shortcomings! I will not harm my own people, my loyal soldiers!"

Ye Tian said slowly:"So, as long as you are willing to be loyal to me and follow me, I can not only grant you immunity from the Eleven Blows to Kill Law, but even your parents, your wives, children, and your families will also be exempted from the Eleven Blows to Kill Law!! So, now tell me with your voice and actions, are you willing to follow me, be loyal to me, and remain loyal to me forever?"

Finally, Ye Tian shouted loudly.

These new recruits add up to more than 2,000 people, almost close to 3,000!

They should be the last armed forces of Esenia. Subjugating these soldiers means that Ye Tian has subjugated the entire Esenia.

Only by holding heavy troops can one have absolute right to speak.

Although wealth, prestige, status, and power are important, they are far less important than holding heavy troops.

Moreover, these soldiers are not Roman soldiers, but his soldiers, soldiers loyal to him, and his own armed forces.

With heavy troops, let alone in Esenia, he can walk sideways when he returns to Rome.

"Remember, you must be loyal to me, not to Rome! Because the Roman Senate has approved that from today on, I will be the lifelong inspector of Esenia, and Esenia will be my private territory. Perhaps from today on, you can call me Lord Mayor!!"

Seeing the new recruits getting restless, Ye Tian directly gave them a dose of explosive news

"From today on, everything in Esenia will be handled by me. If you are willing to be loyal to me, follow me, and be loyal to me, you will be mine!"

Ye Tian continued

"My Lord, I swear to the gods that I, Nicol, am willing to be loyal to you, follow you, and be loyal to you!"

A young man could not help it, and quickly knelt on one knee and swore allegiance to Ye Tian.

The immunity from the Eleven-Strike Killing Law had already made him decide to be loyal to Ye Tian, and the explosive information released by Ye Tian made him more determined in his thoughts.

Lifelong Inspector, this is a supreme privilege. There is no doubt that Ye Tian will be the dictator of Esenia and the ruler of Esenia.

By being loyal to this ruler now, he may become Ye Tian's confidant, and there is a great chance that he will be promoted by this young ruler in the future.

He believed what Ye Tian said. If it was not true, no one would dare to say that he was the lifelong inspector of Esenia.

""Nikol, you are an amazing young man. I will remember you. I hope you will work hard in the future. Let me see your loyalty and ability. I will reserve a centurion position for you!"

Ye Tian smiled and encouraged him. It is good to have someone start. Appropriate rewards will make others eager.

He could probably guess what this young man was thinking. He was not only smart, but also ambitious, or aspiring.

Ye Tian didn't mind these. No matter whether he was speculative or ambitious, as long as he was loyal to him and capable, Ye Tian would reuse them and be willing to give them opportunities.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!!"

Nikol was so excited that he was incoherent and thanked Ye Tian repeatedly.

"My Lord, I am willing to serve you. I swear in the name of the gods and my family.……"

"My Lord, I am willing to follow and serve you.……"

"My Lord, I swear……"


Sure enough, with Nicole's loyalty and Ye Tian's gift, almost all the new recruits followed suit, scrambling to kneel on one knee in front of Ye Tian and pledged their loyalty. Even if some people were hesitant, they would be forced to follow suit under collective pressure.

Otherwise, who would have known that this terrible young man would shoot a javelin at them and nail them to the ground.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Ye Tian was a little excited, ecstatic, and said three good words in a row.

These soldiers were all loyal to him and submitted to them, which meant that the entire armed forces of Esenia were all under his control. It can be said that he no longer had any worries.

Next, he would implement his own policies in Esenia, suppress the big families, and suppress the nobles!

Yes, the nobility and the Senate were the systems of almost every Mediterranean city in this period, especially the colonial city-states of Rome. After becoming a colony of Rome, they needed to imitate Rome to establish their own political system and elect their own senators and other government officials.

However, the status of these nobles and the Senate was far Below the Roman nobility.

Suppress the big families, suppress the nobility!

This is what he must do. He even wants to abolish the Senate and the aristocracy, but he knows that now is not the time, because once he abolishes the Senate system, his imperial ambitions will be seen by Rome.

This is fatal. The Roman Senate will never allow such a threat to exist.

Ye Tian will not underestimate Rome. In history, Rome has suppressed countless oppressions, and even the terrible uprising of the allies that almost swept the entire Rome was suppressed. Their strength is definitely extraordinary.

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