"Tomorrow, I will let my warriors take you to the temple to complete the ceremony of allegiance!"

Ye Tian smiled, suppressed his inner ecstasy, and said calmly.

The oath of allegiance is not just a casual remark, but requires the completion of a sacred ceremony. It is necessary to go to the temple and have the priests complete a kind of contract, which seems to be witnessed by some gods.

As for whether there are gods, Ye Tian has never known, but Ye Tian knows that the people of Rome, Greece, and even the entire Mediterranean in this era all believe in gods and are very afraid of gods. In fact, that country is the same

"Yes, sir!!"

"Yes, my lord!"


All the new recruits answered respectfully. After hearing Ye Tian's words, they knew that there was no turning back and they could only be loyal to this young master forever.

"What a pity, they are not slaves!"

Ye Tian said with some regret, otherwise, it would not take long before he would gain thousands or even tens of thousands of free attribute points.

Ye Tian also thought about turning these soldiers, and even all the Esenians, into his slaves.

However, that would be counterproductive!

If you turn them into your slaves, they will definitely not be grateful, but hate you, and it is not easy to improve their loyalty. It is better to subdue them now, wait until their loyalty reaches the level of diehards, and then let them voluntarily become slaves, and use this method to harvest their free attribute points.

""All of you get up!"

Ye Tian said slowly.

"Yes sir!"


The recruits collectively shouted

"Although you have pledged your allegiance to me, you are all just new recruits, without any combat experience or much military training, so it is impossible for me to promote you!"

Ye Tian said calmly, disappointing all the new recruits.

"There must be some captains and centurions among you now, but I tell you, you are all just new recruits now! After the ceremony tomorrow, you will be reorganized and receive military training!"

Ye Tian said lightly, which made them even more disappointed.

"There is no need for you to be disappointed, because all the positions of the thousand-man captain, centurion captain, squad leader, sergeant, and even the legion commander, deputy legion commander, etc.

in your legion will be selected from all of you.

So, from now on, you all have the same chances, of course, with the exception of Nicol, because he is the first person to pledge allegiance to me.

I believe in his loyalty, and as long as he is not too bad, I will reserve a position of at least centurion for him.

If he is loyal enough and has enough ability, he can be a legion commander!


When the recruits were extremely disappointed, Ye Tian's words made everyone ecstatic, especially Nicol. Almost everyone cast envious eyes on him, and at the same time they felt extremely regretful in their hearts.

"Assessment, the assessment is divided into training assessment and actual combat assessment, among which the actual combat assessment is more important.

All the assessments include loyalty assessment, combat effectiveness assessment, acceptance assessment, command ability assessment, and adaptability assessment!

Of course, the loyalty assessment is the most important.

No matter who you are, the first one among you to reach the level of die-hard loyalty will be directly promoted to deputy legion commander!

Remember, the assessment period is two months.

After two months, I will grant the most outstanding person among you a sacred position in the name of the God of War!


Ye Tian took a deep breath and said with emotion, making all the recruits breathe a little quickly and eagerly.

"Of course, after the assessment, if you are unqualified, I will remove you from the legion!

Because I want to make some reforms to the army.

From now on, you will be professional soldiers under my command!

Do you know what a professional soldier is? From now on, you will go to war when there is a war, and conduct military training when there is no war.

You don’t have to do other livelihoods, because you will have a fixed salary every month.

As for how much the salary is, it is still to be determined, but I can guarantee that it is definitely enough to support your family of ten and have some money left over!

This is the salary without war.

Once a war breaks out, your salary will increase fivefold!!

If you unfortunately die in battle, I will give you a pension that is enough for your children to grow up.

Do you know what this means? It means that your future life will be better than some small nobles in Rome!

It means that you have no worries, so my army absolutely does not need waste!!


Ye Tian said slowly. The conditions he offered were so tempting that their eyes were extremely fanatical and their loyalty was slowly increasing.

The benefits Ye Tian offered were so tempting that they were willing to exchange their lives for them.

Looking at their slowly increasing loyalty, Ye Tian smiled secretly in his heart. When they become diehard fans, he will let them take the initiative to become his slaves and harvest attribute points crazily.

Otherwise, how could Ye Tian be willing to invest so much.

Everything is to improve their loyalty, everything is for attribute points.

Ye Tian wants to become a god!

After becoming diehard fans, Ye Tian asked them to die, and they would not hesitate, not to mention that they would only become slaves.

Perhaps one day, when being Ye Tian's slaves is happier than being civilians, that will be the day when Ye Tian becomes a god.

"Of course, the military reform can only be implemented after I have completely taken control of Esenia. After all, Esenia has many nobles and the Senate, and the military reform affects their interests!"

Ye Tian smiled and aroused the soldiers' resentment towards the Senate.

"Now, let me introduce him to you!"

Ye Tian said calmly:"Bakda, my slave, my warrior, from now on, he will be your���The supreme commander of the army will also be responsible for your military training! His orders are our orders!!"

As Ye Tian's voice fell, all the soldiers were extremely shocked. A slave actually became their supreme commander?

This puzzled them and they also had some resistance.

"Hehe... It's best not to have any resistance in your heart. In my heart, my slaves are much more precious than you and the Roman senators! Not only Bardock, but all of them are the same, because they are absolutely loyal to me. For some things, their decision is my decision! If you anger them during training and they kill you, you will just die in vain, and I won't even punish them!!"

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