Indeed, in Rome, and even in the entire Mediterranean, the illiteracy rate of each country reached at least 99.9%. Only the nobles or the rich could read. The common people could only do simple arithmetic, account, or know their own names.

Because the civilization and culture of this continent were not very developed, coupled with years of war, military skills and force became the primary pursuit of the Romans, and reading and literacy were considered useless by many people.

In fact, since 146 BC, the Romans conquered Greece, and a large number of Greek teachers came to Rome to run schools. Rome gradually formed an education system based on Greek schools. However

, although schools of education have appeared, how many common people are willing to spend money to send their children to school for education.

Education in Rome during this period was divided into three stages.

Primary education. Boys and girls aged 7 to 12 entered private primary schools for primary education. The primary school buildings were simple, the teachers had a low social status, and their income was meager. The teaching content was also very simple, only reading, writing, and arithmetic. The nobles and other upper classes hired tutors instead of sending their children to primary school.

Secondary education was no longer within the reach of children of commoners.

After receiving family education, children of nobles and rich people entered grammar schools. Teachers were called grammarians or writers. Teachers had high incomes and high social status. Schools focused on learning grammar (including literature and language). Grammar schools were originally run entirely by Greeks, teaching Greek and Greek literature, so they were also called Greek grammar schools. The first Latin grammar school appeared in 100 BC.

Higher education was established due to the establishment of the republic. Speech became an important tool for participating in public activities. People engaged in public affairs not only had to have the cultivation of rhetoric and eloquence, but also had to be proficient in literature and have extensive knowledge.

Higher education in the late republic was mainly the education of orators. When young people finished grammar school, noble children who were ready to take up public office entered rhetoric schools. The subjects taught in rhetoric schools included rhetoric, dialectics, law, mathematics, astronomy, geometry, ethics, music, etc.

The education system in Rome during this period was indeed well developed, but education was only for the nobility and had little to do with the common people.

Moreover, although they studied many subjects, their purpose was to become better officials.

However, it was only for the purpose of campaigning and sensationalism, unlike the Chinese, who studied to become officials. In addition to mastering a wealth of knowledge and dialectics, they also had to have a skill, whether it was governance, internal affairs, strategy, or calculation.

Otherwise, how could ancient China have such a brilliant culture, so many scholars' thoughts, and so many books of strategy and military books?

"Master, what are you thinking about?

Caroline came over and asked softly.

"I want to start a school!"

Ye Tian said softly.

Yes, he already had a private territory, and he wanted to start a school in his territory, and it was compulsory education. All children of school age must be sent to school to receive education in the subjects specified by Ye Tian.

There are too few talents, and the Roman education method and subjects are not for him.

If you want to restore the imperial system, you can't rely on a group of illiterate people or people who can only speak and dialectically assist.

Confucian thoughts and doctrines must be moved to textbooks, so that the next generation of Romans can accept the ideas of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, trust, forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety, and brotherhood. After learning these, they can start They learn various subjects, such as astronomy, geography, literature, poetry, music, and mathematics.

This is the content of compulsory education.

Management, governance, planning, military affairs, science, these subjects will also be included, but they will never appear in compulsory education schools, but in special military schools.

In addition to compulsory education schools, Ye Tian also plans to set up special military schools. Only talented students can enter to study. Those who can enter this school must be loyal to Ye Tian, and their loyalty must reach at least 80, becoming his slaves.

Management, governance, planning, military affairs, science, after learning these, it is tantamount to They are the elite talents of the entire society. Ye Tian must control them in his own hands, use them for himself, and govern the empire for himself in the future.

If they are not loyal enough and people who have learned military strategies betray him, it will be a headache.

Therefore, if you want to become the elite of society, you must become a slave of Ye Tian.

The culture of this continent is indeed very backward, there are few books, and even fewer famous books.

After a generation of Ye Tian built education, it will not be long before this continent will usher in the fierce impact of Chinese culture. Even at the right time, even at the right time, Ye Tian can make Chinese characters one of the mainstream cultures of this continent.

Maybe more than ten years later, Ye Tian will become the world teacher of this era.

After all, all books will come from his hands.

Of course, what freedom, democracy, and lovesickness, Ye Tian will not let them appear, and Ye Tian will use education to erase these ideas.

If they are all free and democratic, how can Ye Tian be a slave owner and create an empire like this!

The monopoly of wealth, the deterrence of armed forces, and the enslavement of thoughts will become Ye Tian's three-pronged approach to control the world in the future.

Everything will be said after he harvests enough attribute points and becomes a god.

""Open a school?"

Caroline was very curious, but she didn't want to bother with these trivial matters. She squatted in front of Ye Tian and tried to please him.

"Damn Caroline!"

Ye Tian took a deep breath and said slowly, then threw the document he translated aside.

The Latin text on it was Confucianism.

There was no other way, Ye Tian had to translate it himself, because no one on this continent knew the square Chinese characters, which was why Ye Tian wanted to make Chinese characters the mainstream culture of this continent immediately.

Although he mastered Latin characters with the help of the system, it was not an easy task to translate them. The workload was huge and it was a headache.

Therefore, Ye Tian planned to let his people learn Chinese when the time came, and let them worry about it themselves.

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