The next morning, Ye Tian got up early.

Badak had returned and taken over all the mines, real estate, shops and other businesses.

Today, all the new recruits will hold a sacred ceremony, that is, the ceremony of loyalty to Ye Tian, held in the temple.

The temple is not narrow, but it cannot accommodate more than 2,000 soldiers at once, so they can only be carried out in batches.

"Lord City Lord, please be present!"

Ye Tian had just finished his breakfast being fed by the female slaves, when a priestess from the temple found Ye Tian and said to him seriously:


Ye Tian couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the nun, but then he shook his head. Ye Tian didn't expect that there were such similar people in this world.

It's just that the two people who are so similar are separated by more than 2,000 years of time and space.

The priestess in front of him was only 17 or 18 years old, wearing a loose red robe, but her face and figure really looked like the future Hollywood star, the goddess of Italy or the whole world, Monica.

So, when Ye Tian saw her, Ye Tian couldn't help but exclaimed.

The figure and appearance are really too similar, almost carved out of the same mark.

"Lord City Lord, do you know me?"

The priestess was startled, then looked at Ye Tian warily, her hands tightening her red robe

"Are you really called Monica?"

This time it was Ye Tian's turn to be stunned. Not only were their looks and figures extremely similar, but their names were also the same. Such a coincidence was really too incredible.

"Yes, doesn't the lord know me?"

Monica asked Ye Tian cautiously. She knew that her beauty and figure were too attractive, so there were too many people who wanted to get her, but she had decided to dedicate everything to the gods.

She suspected that this noble from Rome had learned about her from the nobles of Esenia, so she was very cautious.

"I admit that your figure and appearance are indeed top-notch, but you think too highly of yourself. I just came here yesterday and dealt with a series of things. Do you think I have time to deal with such unbearable things as you imagined?"

Ye Tian explained with a smile, his eyes seemed to see through Monica's heart, making her feel a little embarrassed and very unnatural.

" did the adults know me?"

Monica asked curiously.

"It's such a coincidence. I know a woman whose figure and appearance are almost exactly the same as yours. The most amazing thing is that her name is also Monica, so when I saw you, I mistook you for her!"

Ye Tian explained, and he was still in shock until now.

"Oh my God, are you telling the truth? There are such magical things in the world? Where is she? Can I meet her?"

After listening to Ye Tian's explanation, Monica was shocked, horrified, unbelievable, and even extremely curious. She wanted to see the person who looked exactly like her.

"She is not in this world!!"

Ye Tian said with emotion, but Monica misunderstood.

"Excuse me……"

Monica thought she had touched upon Ye Tian's sad past and couldn't help but apologize.

"It doesn't matter!"

Ye Tian said lightly. He knew that Monica had misunderstood, but he had no explanation and didn't know how to explain it.

"However, since we can meet here, I believe this is the favor of the gods to me! So, I decided to start pursuing you today! Otherwise, it would be really disrespectful to the gods!"

Ye Tian said with a smile

"Sorry, Lord City Lord, I will not accept anyone's pursuit, because I have already planned to dedicate everything I have to God.……"

Hearing Ye Tian's straightforward words, Monica blushed, then shook her head at Ye Tian and refused directly.

"I know, but this does not prevent me from pursuing you. You have the right to reject me, and I also have the right to pursue you!"

Ye Tian smiled and said shamelessly

"Oh my God, Lord City Lord, how can you do this? I am a servant of the gods, you are disrespecting the gods!"

Monica's face turned even redder, but she secretly cursed Ye Tian for being shameless.

"No, I am very pious to the gods, otherwise they would not have led you to me. This is a gift from the gods to me! In addition, I am also very respectful of the gods, otherwise, I would not pursue you, but force you directly!"

Ye Tian smiled, very shameless

"Damn it, I refused anyway!"

Monica was extremely helpless.

"I won't talk to you about this anymore. The soldiers are holding a ceremony to pledge allegiance to you in the temple! The ceremony is very sacred, please be sure to be there in person!"

Monica changed the subject and talked directly to Ye Tian about business. In her heart, she was in awe of Ye Tian. More than 2,600 soldiers pledged allegiance to him at the same time. How terrifying would this man be?

"I don't have that much time. The allied army will counterattack at any time. I must go to the city gate to make arrangements now. In addition, you must complete the ceremony as soon as possible! Time cannot be delayed too long!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said in a deep voice. When he talked about business, he seemed to be a different person. His orders were irresistible.

"If you are really too busy, please let me take your weapons to the temple and let the soldiers compare their weapons and pledge allegiance.……"

Monica did not dare to disobey Ye Tian's words, so she said


Ye Tian turned around and went back to his room. When he came out again, he said that there were many Fang Tian Hua Ji in the room.


Ye Tian gently inserted the Fang Tian Hua Ji into the floor, which caused an explosion and the ground was shattered directly.

"Can you lift it?"

Ye Tian asked


Monica looked at Ye Tian in great horror, her eyes full of shock and disbelief. Is this city lord a monster? Or does he have the blood of the god of war? Otherwise, how could he have such terrible power?

Such a weapon is not to mention a weak woman. It is estimated that several warriors together cannot lift it.

So, after being horrified, she looked at Ye Tian very innocently.

"If you can't get it, don't waste your time and energy. It's just a loyalty ceremony. Why bother? Go back and ask them to pledge allegiance to my name, Satan Ye Tian! If anyone dares to betray their faith, my weapon will drink their blood!"

Ye Tian said domineeringly, and then he directly raised the Fang Tian Hua Ji, called Bai Xue, and rushed towards the city gate.

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