Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2621: Sword power

"I really didn't expect that this time with the help of Mo Ke Lingquan, after the cultivation base broke through!"

"The power of the true dragon in my body can actually be perfectly integrated with my own sword power!"

"In this way, my true dragon power will be even more powerful than before!"

For this, Qin Feng is naturally very satisfied and surprised!

prior to!

When Qin Feng used his sword power, there was always something not very smooth. Even after his realm was improved, he still couldn't avoid this problem.

However, at this time, after Qin Feng started to operate, he was extremely happy!


It is an invisible force that can control the existence of certain laws!

Its lethality is far beyond the expectations of a normal warrior!

Qin Feng's ability to run smoothly now means that his combat effectiveness will be even more terrifying!


The right hand suddenly pushed forward!

In an instant!

The power of that real dragon turned into a real dragon phantom, and swept out toward the void in front of him.

Vaguely, it seemed that the real dragon roar and the hum of sword energy could be heard.

It's heart palpitating!


In the void in front of Qin Feng, one could clearly see that a series of cracks like spider webs began to emerge.

Not only that!

In that place, the power of the true dragon was shrouded in the void range.

It seems that everything has been severely suppressed by an invisible force.

"Sure enough, the power of my true dragon does contain the might of the sword!"

"Between gestures, even without my control, the power of the sword can burst out, enough to suppress everything!"

"What's more, I just simply tried it! I didn't use too much power!"

"If I burst out all the power of the true dragon, I am afraid it will be enough to affect everything within a hundred meters!"

Qin Feng is undoubtedly very satisfied with the improvement of his strength!

Since admiring Morkomen, Qin Feng went to the library and read a lot of books.

At that time, Qin Feng suddenly realized that he had always had too little understanding of sword power!

But now!

Through the records in those books, Qin Feng has already learned some special abilities and effects of sword force!

among them!

There is an extremely powerful special ability, that is the power to destroy blood!

For example!

If a warrior possesses a trace of the blood of the ancient tiger.

Once the opponent condenses the phantom of the tiger, it will explode with extremely powerful combat power!

By the time!

Unless it is your own power, which is terrifying and powerful enough to be able to compete directly with it!

If not, you will be severely injured or even killed by the opponent's blood!


If you understand the sword power, you can easily destroy the opponent's blood power through the sword power.

Even if the cultivation bases of the two sides differ by many levels, they can still be achieved!

Destroy the phantom condensed by the bloodline of Primordial Age!

Just relying on this ability is enough to look down upon the heroes!

"The main feature of the so-called momentum is to suppress everything, relying on a strong momentum to affect the other party!"

Qin Feng said to himself, this is the truth he has learned through those books.

"Originally, with my combat power, it would be almost impossible to win against Liu Tiannan with confidence!"

"At best, it can remain undefeated in the opponent's hands!"

"But at this time, my sword power has been integrated into the power of the true dragon. It is not impossible to defeat Liu Tiannan!"

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