Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2622: Terror

Have to admit!

This time, Mo Ke Lingquan's help to Qin Feng can almost be described as being against the sky!

Qin Feng's combat effectiveness has been improved in general!

After thinking for a moment!

Qin Feng didn't think too much anymore, but once again immersed his mind in the space of inheritance of Nether Yinfeng.

Begin to comprehend, the mystery of the dark wind 1

Nether Yinfeng, powerful and mysterious, is now Qin Feng's only means to improve himself quickly!

Qin Feng has long been very familiar with the space of Nether Yinfeng.

When Qin Feng's mind came to the inheritance space.

In an instant!

The ghostly yin wind scattered all around was surging towards him at an extremely fast speed.

It was just a breathing effort that completely enveloped Qin Feng's entire mind.

"Swish swish!"

this moment!

Nether Yinfeng contains incomparably fierce corrosive power, like a mad tiger, beginning to erode Qin Feng's soul and body!

It seems that Qin Feng's whole person is to be completely destroyed!


In a crash!

A real dragon roar quickly released from Qin Feng's body.

It's obvious!

The power of the forty-five true dragons in the body had already sensed the actions of the Nether Yinfeng and began to counterattack!

"Boom boom boom!"

With the strength of the true dragon to resist, Qin Feng is naturally able to stay in the inheritance space for a longer time and continue to comprehend the mystery of the netherworld.

"Nether Yinfeng is an evil force, full of cold and corrosive power!"

"Among them, the most important feature is corrosion, which can affect the body and soul!"

"It is precisely because of this that it can have such a terrifying lethality, which makes people fearful!"

As time went by, Qin Feng's understanding of Nether Yinfeng became deeper and deeper, and he knew more and more.


It can be clearly discovered that Qin Feng's body has begun to undergo a different change!

At this moment!

Qin Feng looked like a great emperor in charge of the underworld, standing there in the sky, with terrifying cold air radiating around his body.

"Swish swish!"

at the same time!

Around his room, those flowers, plants and trees were affected by this cold air current.

The leaves above actually began to wither and turn yellow, until they became a pool of fly ash...


This is the most terrifying feature that Nether Yinfeng possesses!


In this intuitive feeling!

Qin Feng's comprehension of Nether Yinfeng had reached an extremely profound level, and he could truly control it with almost a slight difference!


At this moment!

Qin Feng's body was also more and more intensely affected by the dark wind and corrosive force.

But Qin Feng did not give up!

But with the help of the powerful real dragon, continue to persevere!


Following Qin Feng, he continued to comprehend.

At this moment, in this space of inheritance of the dark wind.

An extremely domineering roar suddenly resounded throughout the void.

This roar is like the power to control the life and death of everything!

Exudes an unmatched, supreme coercion!

At this moment!

The terrifying nether winds around, seem to be completely controlled by something, and they are bursting out frantically!

The nether wind in the entire inheritance space, at this time, was more violent and powerful several times than before?

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