Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3016: Qualification Order

This time, Qin Feng and Ye Qing'er got so many storage rings, naturally they made a fortune.


To talk about the most valuable thing, these guys, the few flying magic weapons left behind.

By checking the storage ring, Qin Feng got the mantra of these flying magic weapons from the inside.


He then used his formula to re-identify the five flying magic weapons, constantly shrinking them, and directly put them in his pocket.

Even if you don't need so much of this thing, if you put it out for auction, it will be a good profit.


Qin Feng now has three more qualification orders.

Counting the previous two yuan, you have a full five yuan qualification order!


Although many people coveted that qualification order, they were afraid of Qin Feng's horrible cultivation base and did not dare to act rashly.


Qin Feng and two of them just stayed in Song Shuihan's Shuihan Palace, waiting leisurely.


This period of reality is almost waiting, every day there are talented warriors who are fighting frantically.

For a qualification order, almost everyone tried their best.


There are also some people who lie in ambush outside of Yuelongtai and rob some people in secret.


There are too few people who can really **** success!

after all!

Under normal circumstances, people with qualification orders are by no means the enemy of ordinary people.

It can be said!

The closer it was to the departure of the Yuelong, the more chaotic the entire Yuelongtai was.

But from beginning to end, facing this kind of battle, the envoys of Zhongzhou Ancient Territory simply ignored it.


Those who **** the elders violate the rules, they will choose to take action, warning and blocking.

at last!


From the Yuelong, three figures came out one after another, with an extremely powerful aura.

The headed person is a thin old man who has reached the half-step aspiration level.

The remaining two were both in the Ninth Stage of Knowing Fate, and one of them was the one who killed Long Tianxuan on behalf of Qin Feng.

At this moment!

Basically everyone stopped fighting!

People with qualification orders are naturally very excited.

Those who don't have the qualification order can only sigh helplessly!

"The time has come!"

"Coming soon!"

Wang Wu, the special envoy of Zhongzhou Ancient Domain, said indifferently: "All the geniuses of the major domains with qualification orders, please come to me!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A group of figures, turned into streamers, quickly flew into the void, standing respectfully in front of Wang Wu.

Among this group of people, there are males and females, coming from different regions, but the aura of each person is majestic and vast!

It's obvious!

They are all major domains, truly outstanding talents!

"How come there are only ninety-six people?"

After counting the number of people, the martial artists all around frowned.

A hundred domains compete, among the major domains, there are a total of one hundred qualification orders.

Even if Qin Feng possessed three more qualification orders, the number should be 97.

"Could it be that there are still people who haven't had time to come over?"

Some warriors asked guessing.

"Mad, this is a waste of opportunity!"

Qin Feng was also secretly curious when he heard this, but this kind of thing was normal.

"Take out your qualification order!"

Wang Wu stood in the air, expressionless, and shouted coldly.

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately, the 96 genius masters present all took out the qualification orders from their bodies.

Exuding in the void, strands of crystal light, beautiful and magnificent, make people's eyes intently.

"My envoy, I wonder if I can transfer the extra qualification order as a gift?"


Qin Feng said such a sentence.


Aroused countless eyes around, all staring.



But there are also expectations.

Give away?

Qin Feng is planning to transfer the qualification order to others?

Doesn't this mean that there are still three people who have the opportunity to obtain this infinite qualification order?

Wang Wu took a deep look at Qin Feng, nodded and replied: "The qualification order belongs to you, you can transfer it!"

"Thank you!"

Qin Feng nodded and smiled slightly.


His eyes began to scan around the group of people who did not obtain the qualification order.

"Brother Qin Feng, I am willing to take out all the treasures, just ask for a qualification order!"

"Little friend Qin Feng, my celestial sect, would like to use ten yuan stone veins for you to get a qualification order!"

"Brother Qin Feng, as long as you are willing to give me Huanhezong a qualification order, I have more than 10,000 female disciples from Huanhezong, you can choose, even if you want them all!"


The voices, one after another, are simply too exaggerated.

For this time, the opportunity of "fishing over the dragon gate", these people have already ignored the others.


Qin Feng directly chose to ignore this, his gaze fell on the Jian Feng of Wutian Sword Sect.

"Brother Jianfeng, with your kendo talent, you are fully qualified and get a qualification order!"


With a wave of Qin Feng's right hand, a qualification order that radiated light rushed towards Jian Feng.

Jian Feng closed his pupils sharply, and immediately caught the qualification order, and his entire hands began to tremble.


Only see!

His figure flashed, flew straight to Qin Feng, came to Qin Feng, and bowed respectfully.

"Brother Qin Feng, such a great kindness, Jianfeng will remember it in his heart!"

"From now on, whenever Brother Qin Feng needs a sword edge, I will never refuse!"

Qin Feng nodded, not caring too much.

The reason why the qualification order was given to Jianfeng was that he believed that the character of this person was still reluctant.

Coupled with the kendo talent, it is indeed okay. If you can't participate in the battle for the front, it would be too regrettable.

As for the others!

Seeing Jianfeng, so lucky to get a qualification order, it was too envious.

I knew it!

They should take the initiative to have a good relationship with Qin Feng, and maybe get a qualification order.


What a pity!

this moment!

With countless eyes, he looked at Qin Feng together, waiting for him to transfer the other two qualification orders to whom.

Or, will it be used for trading.


What disappoints everyone is.

After Qin Feng handed over a qualification order, he flicked his sleeves and didn't move.

There is no plan to transfer it to others, and no plan to trade.


"What does he mean?"

"Just take out a piece and give it away?"

"He still has two qualification orders in his hand, just wasted it?"

"My God, how can this guy do this?"

Suddenly, there was a discussion in the crowd again.

Unfortunately, no matter how reluctant they are in their hearts, they can only endure it.


Qin Feng's strength is terrifying!

They didn't dare to **** it!


After Wang Wu carefully checked the qualification order, he bowed to the thin old man and said, "Sir, all qualification orders, after checking, you can set off!"

The leaded thin man nodded slightly, but he made a hand gesture.


From the inside of the Yuelong, an illusory golden avenue was condensed, leading directly to the inside of the Yuelong!

Upon seeing this, Wang Wu shouted in a deep voice: "All those who hold the qualification order, board the flying boat as soon as possible."

The trip to Zhongzhou Ancient Domain is about to begin!

At this moment, there was a trace of yearning in everyone's eyes.

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