Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3017: Fan of Qin Feng

Qin Feng and others are planning to board the Yuelong flying boat.


Not far away, there was a very rapid voice.

"Wait...wait for me!"

follow closely!

I saw a young man, sweating profusely, rushing towards Qin Feng and others, looking anxious.

"I'm going, this guy is very lucky, just caught up!"

A genius master beside Qin Feng muttered in surprise.


The young man came to the Yuelong ship, and apologized to the Wangwu and others, "Excuse me! Special envoys, the junior's name is Li Yitian, because there was a delay on the way, so he came late."

Wang Wu expressionlessly said, "It's okay!"

"Yuelong hasn't set off yet, you just came here, take out the qualification order, let me check it!"

Wang Wu and others could see Li Yitian's cultivation at a glance. He was almost twenty-seven or eighteen years old, but his strength was only Huayuan Realm Ninth Layer.

Under normal circumstances, almost no one can get a qualification order like him.

Perhaps, this guy also knew that his cultivation level was not enough, so he has been hiding in the dark until now?

in fact!

This Li Yitian's cultivation base reached the Ninth Level of the Huayuan Realm in his twenties, and he was already better than many warriors.

But compared with participating in the Battle of the Hundred Regions, these enchanting geniuses are more than a grade.

Some warriors who did not get the qualification order in the surroundings all said in a deep voice: "Ma De, even with this kind of Nine-layer Trash Transformation Realm, can you get a qualification order and participate in the Hundred Domains Fight?"

"Labor and capital can kill him with one hand!"

"This kind of guy is going to die, why waste a qualification order? Why not let me go!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Wu and others looked at the thin old man: "My lord, what do you think?"

In fact, they didn't want to let a nine-tiered warrior of the Transformation Yuan realm participate in this kind of battle among the hundred domains.

after all!

Not everyone is as against the sky as Qin Feng, who can leapfrog the challenge!

The thin old man gave a faint glance and said: "Anyone who holds a qualification order has the right to participate in the Hundred Domains!"


Wang Wu checked, and Li Yitian's qualification order was released directly.

Although the other warriors were dissatisfied, no one dared to say a word.

This thin old man, even though he was only a half-step aspiration-level cultivation base, was enough to kill half-step aspiration-level elders in various major domains.

Such terrible strength makes all of them afraid to go crazy!

I'm afraid!

There should not be much difference in the realm of Aspiration Realm!

Only those noble masters in the major domains may be qualified to compete with the thin old man?


The situation inside the Yuelong was almost the same as an ordinary flying boat.


There is a lot of space inside. For geniuses like them, everyone has a separate small room except for their seats.

As for those warriors who don't have the qualification order, but want to take a ride to the ancient land of Zhongzhou.

It is gathered together, and there is no separate small room, only rows of seats.

As soon as Qin Feng entered the Yuelong, he began to look at everything inside the Yuelong, and he couldn't help feeling a little in his heart.

It is indeed a flying boat built by the great forces of Zhongzhou Ancient Domain!

More than just a wide range!

And there are a lot of forbidden formations arranged inside, once anyone dares to mess around, they will be instantly attacked and killed by the formation.


These barriers also have amazing defensive power, and most people are not qualified to shake them.

In addition to these, the construction materials of the entire flying boat also use precious refining materials.

The overall sturdiness is far from the ordinary flying boat, and the safety factor has a huge guarantee.

"It's not easy! It's not easy!"

"I don't know, who is the master craftsman who made the Yuelong?"

At this moment, the Curse of Heaven Demon King couldn't help but said with emotion in Qin Feng's soul knowledge.

Such a handwriting is almost not much worse than those master refining masters he had encountered.

The formation restriction structure contained in it even made the Curse Heaven Demon King himself admit that it was inferior.

This can be seen!

What an amazing master in Zhongzhou Ancient Territory!

Seeing Qin Feng and other Tianjiao holding the qualification order, entered the Yuelong.

The warriors all around also exclaimed: "We are also going to Zhongzhou Ancient Territory!"

"We are willing to buy tickets. We don't ask to participate in the battle of the hundreds of domains, but just ask for a ride along the way!"


Seeing these people, they looked expectantly.

The skinny old man nodded slightly, and said, "This is the exclusive flying boat to receive the talents of the Baiyu Tianjiao!"

"Others, there are only a thousand places!"

"If you want to take a ride, it's not that simple!"

"Line up each and wait for inspection, unless you give something really good, then you can go in!"


Soon, a group of people took out valuable treasures and began to exchange for boarding places.

These people don't want to participate in the battle of hundreds of domains, but they also hope to reach the ancient domain of Zhongzhou and find greater opportunities.

The flying boat of the Yuelong is undoubtedly the highest safety factor!

in this way!

Almost another hour was delayed!

at last!

In a burst of vitality from the heavens and the earth, under the frantic vibration, the Yuelong turned into a stream of light, and began to fly away towards the distance...

Countless people who had not exchanged the qualifications to board the boat, looked at the far-away Yuelong, and could only sigh with helplessness.

This time I missed the chance!

But there is no more!


"Hello everyone, my name is Li Yitian and I come from the Tianmu domain. I am very happy to be with you in the Hundred Domains Competition..."

Li Yitian seemed to be very enthusiastic, smiled and started talking with other people, asking for their names.


Many people snorted coldly, ignoring him, and didn't have a good attitude at all.

After all, this Li Yitian's cultivation base is really a bit too inconspicuous, making them even dismissive.


Only when they can prove their strength with their fists like Qin Feng, will they be convincing.

This is the cruelty of the martial arts world!

Strength is respected!

Without sufficient strength, you can't even get the most basic respect.


Qin Feng and Ye Qing'er did not underestimate each other because Li Yitian's cultivation base was too low.

With a slight smile, they told each other their names and origins.

"Wow, it turns out that Xiongtai is the legendary Qin Feng, a peerless arrogant who has been hailed as rare in a lifetime?"

When Li Yitian learned of the identity of Qin Feng, he shouted in surprise.



"I've seen you! Do you know that, I have always admired you! Only by transforming the cultivation base of the Yuan realm, you can beat the Aspiration Realm in half a step. This is simply amazing!"

Li Yitian said excitedly, those eyes were full of excitement, like seeing a little woman with her husband.

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