Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3146: The terror of the fierce evil


That being said!

Ding Lei's eyes clearly felt a little more jealous, and he didn't dare to really kill him.

Liesha, this is definitely a terrible lunatic!

It is said that he is proficient in assassination and was once an elite killer of a certain killer organization.

When Liesha was very young, his family was destroyed. He hid in the pile of dead bodies, enduring endless grief and survived.

Later, he joined a certain killer organization and continued to complete assassination missions until later he was lucky enough to visit the Heavenly Dao Palace.

When Liesha was only in the realm of the gods, he used various extraordinary methods to assassinate a lot of the powers of the Yuan Dynasty.

I personally avenge my own people!

According to normal circumstances, if the fierce evil is avenged, the murderous intent and hostility in his heart should be much reduced.

But this is not the case!

After Liesha had cultivated to the realm of Huayuan, he was fortunate enough to be favored by the elders of the Heavenly Dao Palace and accepted into the Heavenly Dao Palace.

In just six months, he broke through to knowing fate!

Since then!

In the Ancient Region of Zhongzhou, there is one more martial arts world, and everyone is awe-inspiring a peerless killer-Lie Sha!

Not only was he terrifying in strength, he was also proficient in assassination techniques, and even half a step towards the world fell into his hands.

As long as there is a disciple of the inner door of the Heavenly Dao Palace, who will kill him, as long as it is not the fault of the disciple of the Heavenly Dao Palace, then he will find various ways to kill the murderer in his hands.


He will be so cruel that the whole family will be wiped out!

Liesha's most shining record was the assassination of one, a half-step aspirational powerhouse of the three-star power!

This half-step aspirational realm powerhouse deceived others, after killing a disciple of the inner door of the Heavenly Dao Palace, he hid in the Cangxuan Valley, trying to escape the punishment of the Heavenly Dao Palace.


He was finally killed by Lie Sha himself!

No one knew what method Lie Sha used to kill that half-step Aquestion Realm under the protection of Cangxuangu, and no one noticed it.

But after this assassination, the fame of Lie Sha resounded throughout the Zhongzhou Ancient Domain.

Even the elite geniuses of the ten major forces, whenever Lie Sha is mentioned, they feel a horror and cold sweat.


"Kill God Liesha!"

Ding Lei's face was gloomy. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Long Tianxu and said coldly: "Although I won't take your lives, I can abolish your martial arts cultivation!"

Liesha's reputation is terrifying!

So Ding Lei didn't dare to really start to kill Long Tianxu, but if they abolished their cultivation base, there would be no problem.

Hear the words!

The expressions of Long Tianxu and Jia Lin suddenly changed wildly.

For peerless geniuses of their level, if they lose their martial arts cultivation, it is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

Ding Lei looked at Long Tianxu coldly, and slowly stretched out his hands, condensing strands of true essence.

He wants these two geniuses of the Heavenly Dao Palace to completely succumb to his feet and beg for mercy.


To his disappointment, although Long Tianxu and Jia Lin were afraid, they did not choose to give in.

"Humph! If you have to ask for trouble, then no one blames me!"

Ding Lei saw that the two of them refused to surrender, his eyes were fierce, and he suddenly raised his right hand and patted his dantian.

This palm is full of momentum, if Long Tianxu were shot, Dan Tian would definitely collapse and lose martial arts cultivation.


Just when Ding Lei's right hand was about to be shot on the Dantian of Long Tianxu and Jia Lin.


A warning sign flashed in Ding Lei's heart.


A terrifying fist, like a shooting star, galloped forward, blasting toward Ding Lei's back through the shackles of the void!

Ding Lei didn't dare to be careless, and turned around quickly, turning his offensive palm to meet the punch behind him.

"Boom" with a loud noise!

This horror fist violently collided with his palm print.


The vigorous true essence fluctuations violently rolled in all directions, arousing a heavy wave of void ripples.

"He Fangxiaoxiao, dare to attack me!"

After Ding Lei took this move, his face was extremely gloomy and roared.


No one answered him at all!

After this Lingtian fist blasted down, the shadows of lotus flowers swept from the void like a storm.

Carrying endless fierce punches!

"Swish swish!"

The lotus phantom was in the void, instantly divided into countless fist shadows, and headed towards Ding Lei and others, killing them all.

Upon seeing this, Ding Lei couldn't help but smirked.

Based on his intuition, he could detect that the masters of these fist-strengths also knew the ninefold fate.

If you fight alone, these seven-star disciples, except him, may find it difficult to deal with this person.


This guy was so arrogant that he wanted to defeat a dozen of their seven-star disciples at the same time.

How arrogant this is! What an ignorance!

"Senior brothers, deploy quickly to meet the enemy!"

Ding Lei snorted coldly and ordered the formation to start.

Fighting opponents with a combined attack is a method often used by the disciples of the Seven Stars School.

You can even crush warriors who are higher than their own cultivation base!




A series of terrifying true essences, through the seven-star faction's combined attack formation method, began to gather together.

At this moment!

Under the urging of Ding Lei, these primordial essences were merged into one, and then a handprint was made, which turned into a stream of light, which was shot with a fierce palm!



An optimistic beam of light galloped out like the Milky Way down.

In the blink of an eye!

So they shattered the lotus fist shadows one after another, and the remaining prestige was not reduced by half, and continued to forcefully blast towards the shooter hiding in the depths of the void.

"Huh, this is a fusion of more than a dozen fate-knowing moves, I see what you can resist!"

Ding Lei sneered very proudly.


Next second!

The smile on Ding Lei's face dissipated, but frowned instead.

He had already noticed that the man who was hiding in the dark had actually avoided his combined attack at the most urgent moment?

The whole process, that is, between the electric light and flint, does not even take a few seconds!

"how can that be?"

"This guy's reaction speed is too fast! Our attack range is so huge that he can actually avoid it?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Unless it is a space teleport that can be mastered by a powerful person in the Aspiration Realm, it is impossible to escape this blow."

"But that guy's cultivation base is obviously just a nine-fold understanding of fate!"

At this moment!

Ding Lei and other disciples of the Seven Stars School were all stupidly there, completely in a daze.

They simply cannot understand why this is the case.

"Hahaha...Is this the only means for the miscellaneous hairs of the Seven Star School?"


There was a joking laughter, with a hint of contempt and disdain in his tone.

But this!

not important!

What really shocked Ding Lei and others was that this voice came from behind them!

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