Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3147: Use avatars!



Huh huh!

next moment!

Ding Lei and other disciples of the Seven Star School only felt a chill coming, and they all turned around and looked back at the same time.


Their pupils shrank severely.

Only see!

The two Long Tianxu, who were suppressed by them, were actually rescued, and they were separated by hundreds of meters.

"Brother, there are two people here!"

A disciple of the Seven Stars group clenched his fists and reminded fiercely.

Ding Lei's face was gloomy as ice, and the other party was so upright, standing in front of him, of course he could see clearly.

He never expected it!

This time there was not only one opponent hiding in the dark.

The lotus fist shadows just now should be released by the woman.

As for the other one, it was the young man from the Heavenly Dao Palace, whose cultivation base was only three levels of fate, and there was a cat petting beast standing on his shoulders.

Just now!

It was this man and woman who bluffed through unknown means.

Suddenly from directly in front of them, weird appeared behind them, and rescued Long Tianxu and Jia Lin back.

"Huh! Two more wastes came to die, even if the cultivation base only has the Fate Realm Third Layer, dare to stop me? It's ridiculous!"

Although Ding Lei suffered a big loss because of the sneak attack, even Long Tianxu was rescued.

However, he didn't care.

After all, the Seven Stars faction has more people and a greater advantage.

Qin Feng lightly played a formula, and directly lifted the restraint on Long Tianxu and the two.

He ignored Ding Lei, but asked Long Tianxu with concern: "Two Tiandaogong brothers, are you all right!"

This kind of completely ignoring himself caused a cold flash in Ding Lei's eyes.

He immediately shouted loudly: "You two rubbish, don't hesitate to report your name! I Ding Lei will not kill the unknown!"

Zhou Lianyi stepped forward and said with a sneer: "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Ding Lei from the Seven Star School."

"My name is Zhou Lianyi, and I am an ordinary inner disciple of Heavenly Dao Palace, and my strength is only in the middle rank among many senior brothers and sisters."

"And your Seven-Star faction, the genius ranked eighth in the inner sect, actually have to join forces with more than a dozen inner sect disciples to deal with me together? How funny!"

"I think you Seven Star Pie, it's better to change the name to Waste Pie!"

Ding Lei's face sank, but he didn't answer this question head-on. Instead, he said coldly: "Zhou Lianyi, this piece of falling star stone vein already belongs to my Seven-Star Sect, you people in Heavenly Dao Palace, get out of here!"

"Really? Then why is there a banner of the Heavenly Dao Palace on this falling star stone vein?"

Qin Feng hummed coldly, stepped forward, and asked rhetorically.

The voice is very cold, like frost and snow, giving people a full sense of oppression!

"A trivial fateful state, dare to be presumptuous?"

Ding Lei snorted coldly, and directly urged his own coercion to suppress Qin Feng severely!


In the face of Ding Lei's powerful aura and coercion, Qin Feng still stood there still, like an unshakable mountain.

He smiled coldly: "It seems that your disciples of the Seven-Star School don't like to be reasonable? That's right, Qin Feng doesn't like to be reasonable either!"

Zhou Lianyi's figure flashed out, and the true essence rushed out of his body, directly releasing his aura and coercion, and blasted towards Ding Lei.

She said sharply: "Seven Stars, you are too arrogant!"

"Che Chi State is an affiliated territory of our Heavenly Dao Palace, and any mineral veins under it should belong to our Heavenly Dao Palace. How could it ever be taken by the Seven Stars like You to take it?"

Ding Lei sneered disdainfully: "The King Chechi has already taken the initiative to give up the territory around the Starfall Stone Mine! Now this Starfall Stone Mine belongs to the land of freedom, whoever has the big fist can get it!"

Just at this time!

One of the Seven-Star Sect disciples chuckled and said: "Brother, why should we bother with them and solve them directly! Then let's put the flag of the Seven-Star Sect on it. This vein, It really belongs to our Seven Stars!"

Qin Feng frowned, this Ding Lei's cultivation base was the Ninth Peak of the Fate Realm.

But he ranked eighth as a disciple of the Seven Star Sect Inner Sect, and his combat power was even more terrifying than the defeat and fall of the hidden dragon gate!

after all!

Although this Seven-Star Sect ranks last among the top ten forces, it still belongs to the Great Sect.

Plus, all kinds of magic weapons and cards help each other!

Its true strength is by no means something remote and small race masters like Luowei and Luoshan can contend!

not to mention!

The unique stunt of this Seven-Star faction is to be good at team attack formation, once these more than a dozen Seven-Star faction disciples join forces to form an array.

I'm afraid that even if they are ordinary masters in the Aspiration Realm, they also have the power to compete.

If they head-to-head, they can only maintain an undefeated record at best.

Qin Feng might still be safe and sound with his own powerful hole cards.

However, Zhou Lianyi, Jia Lin and Long Tianxu may not be able to truly resist under the combined attack formation.


Qin Feng made an all-out effort and used all his cards to defeat these seven-star disciples.

For example, the violent battle spirit, the frozen realm, the power of a thousand real dragons...all urge them out.


If it is not compelling, Qin Feng is unwilling to use his trump card so early.

In this dangerous era of martial arts, if you expose all your cards, it means that it is easy for others to target and calculate you.

"Hahaha, well said! Only those who are strong are qualified to obtain the falling star vein!"

Qin Feng raised his head and laughed, he had already made a decision.

" seems that your kid reacts quickly! Now that you know the truth, then go as far as you can go! Otherwise, don't blame our Seven-Star faction and kill you all."

Ding Lei sneered arrogantly, his eyes flickering with killing intent.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Qin Feng did not answer him, but slowly condensed a red jade charm from his palm.

Along with the true essence, it was quickly transported into the jade talisman like a ten thousand horse galloping...

A terrifying coercive aura instantly permeated the entire vein of Falling Star Stone.

"This... is this the avatar of Elder Yueqiu?"

Zhou Lianyi's eyes suddenly glowed, and she finally remembered that Qin Feng still had this trump card in his hand.

This avatar was originally intended to be used for Qin Feng to withstand an unmanageable crisis.

It's right now!

Zhou Lianyi couldn't help laughing suddenly.

"Good good!"

"Seven-star faction's chores, have a good experience, what is real strength!"


A shocking sound of breaking through the sky sounded.

follow closely!

A terrifying avatar, wrapped in a fierce fire, suddenly rushed out of that avatar.

This avatar was transformed by the most extreme flame, and it looked very vague, and it could only vaguely see the figure and appearance of Elder Yue Qiu.

"Haha... Qin Feng, you fellow, you are calm enough to hold your breath!"

"I almost thought that you have forgotten that there is still my avatar!"

Elder Yueqiu's flame avatar stretched his waist and looked particularly charming in the flames.

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