Early the next morning, Miho Nishizumi, who was a little confused, hurriedly ran towards the school.

Familiar streets, familiar pastry shops, everything seems to be the same as usual.

Pedestrians are walking through and the streets are full of traffic, and it's hard to imagine that all this happened on a huge school ship.


Halfway through, Miho Nishizumi stopped, and looked at the beautiful girl in front of her wearing the same school uniform as her suspiciously, only to see the beautiful girl buying the steps of the six relatives who didn't recognize it, swaying on the street.

A very wide sidewalk, stunned by the girl alone.

[Are you alright?]

Miho Nishizumi is a kind-hearted little girl after all, jogging two steps forward, looking at the girl's appearance that she may fall to the ground at any time, she stepped forward and asked with concern.

[Torment... It's hard to be alive... If only it were in a dream...]

After the girl finished speaking, she knelt on the ground, and Miho Nishizumi looked at the girl a little helplessly, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

[The... Please cheer up!]

In the end, Miho Nishizumi still couldn't leave the girl to go to school alone, so she had no choice but to step forward to help the girl up and say encouragingly.

[But... I'm going!]

The black-haired girl finally opened her eyes, and after being helped up by Miho Nishizumi, her half-open eyes revealed a determined gaze.

This inexplicable scene makes people feel emotional, as if a seriously wounded man who has just retreated from the battlefield has woken up from a coma and struggled to return to the battlefield.

This spirit of never giving up has infected many viewers sitting in front of the screen.

Think about the era in which the older generation lived, the society was not so developed at the beginning, and it is precisely because of their unremitting struggle and tenacious struggle that we have today's wealth and convenience.

Although the times are developing and society is progressing, they must inherit this tenacious and never-admitting defeat!

Many people are sighing that this is worthy of Fang Dada's work, and even such a small detail is encouraging young people today in another form.

Not much to say, Fang Da is a lifelong fan!

Countless viewers have made up their minds that they want to inherit this will, not let the sweat of their ancestors flow in vain, and not let Fang Dada's expectations be disappointed!

[I have to go... Cannot... Not allowed...]

The black-haired girl is shaking, and she still wants to go to school even when she can't stand on her feet, what kind of faith is supporting her~

Everyone is sighing, the black-haired girl in the anime I watched, thinking about those children in reality, comparing the two, I have to admit that some children are really spoiled.

Miho Nishizumi helped the black-haired girl and cautiously came all the way to the school, but it was clear that they were late at this time.

[Leng Quan-san, plus this time you have been late for 245 days in a row! ]

The discipline inspection officer at the gate of the school held a registration form, looked at Lengquan Mazi, and reminded.


Hearing this, almost all the audience sitting in front of the computer screen were stunned.

What's going on?

Isn't this a touching story about a sick girl who overcomes all odds and fights everything to go to school?

365 days a year, why can a student be late for 245 days?

In addition to the holidays, you are almost late every day!

"Bastard, give my touches back!!"

"The longest road I've walked is Fang Dada's routine, this god turn caught the old man off guard~!"

"245 days late, I'm curious why she hasn't been expelled yet?"

"I apologize to the real students, compared to this, they are simply role models in the student world~"

One moment ago, he didn't feel this touching and tear-jerking story, but the next moment there was such a powerful turn, and almost everyone felt Fangzheng's sinister intentions.

Their Fang Da is still the same Fang Da Da, although he hasn't shown his face for a long time, but this character is still so bad.

Don't miss any opportunity to tease fans, sure enough, this is the Fang Da they are familiar with~

Why is morning coming?】

Asako Cold Spring was listlessly supported by Miho Nishizumi, and a pair of godless eyes seemed to be closed at any time, and complained.

[Morning is bound to come, relying on good grades to be late every day... I don't care if I get to repeat a grade~]

In the messy gaze of countless audiences, Miho Nishizumi finally sent Asako Cold Spring to school, and in the words of the other party's promise that he would return the favor, the picture turned, and the camera came to the door of the warehouse that the audience was familiar with.

Looking at the army-green gate full of a sense of the times, countless audiences have forgotten the 'touched' just now and are looking forward to it.

Because if nothing else, the scene where the beautiful girls they like to watch drive chariots and shoot each other will appear.

Thinking of that blood-boiling scene, countless old gentlemen in front of the screen couldn't help but rub their palms, anxiously waiting for the next picture.

Just when the audience was expecting, the BGM suddenly became high, and a transport plane appeared over the school.

Accompanied by an extremely unreasonable low-altitude flight of the transport plane, the hatch opened, and a modern combat vehicle was parachuted.

Watching the chariots falling from the sky wreak havoc in the parking lot, a red supercar was unfortunately overturned by the chariot.

And that's not all, the sleek and smooth sports car was once again ruthlessly crushed by the wide tracks of the chariot, and instantly turned into a lump of scrap metal.

The luxury sports car, which was the envy of countless people one moment, turned into a layer of discus the next, and the audience could feel some pain in their flesh.

The chariot raged through the parking lot, and finally stopped, the hatch opened, and a woman in uniform stepped out of it.

【Hello everyone~!】

Looking at the woman who jumped off the chariot, the audience was a little dumbfounded.

The chariot that roared like a beast just now was actually driven by a woman?

Although they admitted that the woman was heroic, the contrast between the hideous iron-blooded chariot and the woman's thin body instantly formed a strong contrast.

Thinking of the promotional video they saw before, this is the elegant women cultivated by the battle lane?

Do you have any misunderstanding about elegance?

Seeing that the instructor on the stage was actually a woman, Saori Takebe muttered, 'I was deceived', and then raised her hand to look at the instructor and asked, "Is the instructor really popular?"

The uniformed instructor touched his chin and thought for a moment.

[Not so much popular... It's better to say that once you aim, you never miss the target!]

Very good, this is very elegant!

Listening to this person's answer, the audience was not surprised.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a woman cultivated in the battle lane, and this style is different from ordinary glamorous sluts!

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "New Trace", "Let's Get a Shot", and "Excuse", thank you for the rewards of "Humble and Unspoken", "Daily Task Urging Author", "Ye Tian", thank you for your support!!

knelt down and begged the favorite bigwigs for a lot of support, and they were grateful to the streets, and thanked them!!!

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