The audience complained as they wanted to see how the girls who were new to chariots drove these steel monsters.

[The three-person team is divided into a commander, a gunner, and a driver!]

[If there are four people, one loader will be added to this, and five additional communicators will be added!]

The instructor explained the most basic things to everyone, and then he couldn't wait to urge the girls to start the actual combat drill.

It's like if you go to a driving school to practice driving, and you don't know which one is which is the throttle clutch, but the coach tells you to 'lift the clutch lightly and fuel slowly'.

Such a familiar scene attracted the nostalgia of a large number of audiences, and once upon a time they came over like this, except that they learned about cars, and others were chariots.

Hearing the words of the instructor, although the girls did not know how to drive the chariot at all, they also had to climb into the chariot and start assigning tasks.

When everyone saw that the student council president, Kakutani Xing, couldn't climb 38t because of his height, and finally Kawashima Momo knelt on the ground and let Kakutani Xing step on it before boarding the chariot, the audience was too lazy to complain.

There are too many things to complain about in "The Girl and the Chariot", and this kind of small scene can no longer make the audience waste saliva at all.

[Ah! There is a message~]

As soon as the camera turned, the picture was given to the rabbit car group of the battle lane of Oarai Women's College.

I saw several cute beautiful girls standing on the chariot, one of them holding a mobile phone, wanting to find a guide on how to drive a chariot on the Internet.

[The... If I don't know the model of the tank, I can't answer you!]

[I have a thousand degrees! Waste wood!]

[First of all... Take off your clothes ???!]

Looking at the messages of netizens, the audience burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, this message has a bit of the sand sculpture style we are waiting for~"

"Take off your clothes? yes, that's it, just do this, yes!"

"Pit dad netizens real message!"

"What's the thousand? What's the thousand? What's the thousand? Guy, are you going to do it?"

Sure enough, the sand sculptures of netizens are partial, even in anime, and their Fang Da is well versed in the survival of netizens.

It's no wonder that they always lose when they are on the line with Fangzheng, and after a long time, they already have their information in hand.

Intelligence is very important, and the ancients should not be bullied~

On the other side, Miho Nishizumi and the others decided their respective positions after a simple lottery, and then got into the inside of the chariot.

[A smell of rust!]

Isuzu Hua sat in the driver's seat, pinching his nose and complaining as soon as he got into the chariot.

[The place is narrow and stuffy!] Saori Takebe, who is the temporary commander, is also muttering with a reluctant face, which is completely different from the battle lane she imagined!

[So, all the tanks... PanzerVor!】

No matter how the girls complained, the instructor gave an order outside, signaling the entire chariot team to dispatch!

The four girls in the camera, Isuzu Hana and Saori Takebe are complaining about the environment inside the chariot, Miho Nishizumi is looking at the map carefully, and Yuka Akiyama is excited, and the happy look makes the audience feel that this person is abnormal.

[The... How do you open it?]

Isuzu Hana, who is the driver, turned his head and looked at Miho Nishizumi with a cute expression, and his eyes were full of confusion.

Hearing Isuzuka's question, Miho Nishizumi looked at the other party and said.

[First of all, let the engine ignite first.] 】

Hearing Miho Nishizumi's words, Isuzu Hua looked at the operation panel and pressed it down on a button.

"You can't drive a chariot, how can you be a driver?"

"First this, then this, then that, understand?"

"Nima, I'm not mistaken, this antique chariot is actually equipped with a one-button start??"

"WASD front and back, left and right, right click to aim and left button to fire, teaching is over!"

The high-tech device that starts with one button, and the Isuzu Hua with a confused face, the audience doesn't know whether to complain about the chariot or the driver when they see this.

With such a car group, are you sure that you are not giving someone a head?


There is an Isuzu Hua novice on the road, and the audience is too lazy to complain about why a girl in Akiyama Yuka is so excited, and even her excited face is a little flushed.

Girl, do you know that your appearance will make a group of old gentlemen misunderstand?

The audience watched Miho Nishizumi teach on the side, but Isuzu Hua successfully made the chariot retreat and laughed heartily.

Many people have said that a novice driver is still a novice female driver, isn't it the norm to start in reverse gear?

"What a fuss, I saw a female driver turn off more than 20 times at the intersection the day before yesterday, this driver is still more reliable than the female driver, at least the chariot moved, didn't it?"

"233, the female driver said that she was insulted to ~"

"Five forward gears, one reverse gear, how did you get to start in reverse gear? Could it be that Ning is the legendary European Emperor?"

"The exam is over, you don't pass, please pull over!"

Other people's pain is the source of happiness for this group of sand sculpture netizens, watching Isuzu Hua's mysterious operation, many people's tears of laughter came out.

Feeling the tractor-like sound of the chariot, the girl sitting in the chariot complained, her buttocks kept shaking, and she hated that the sound was too noisy.

In this regard, the audience likes to see it, it would be best if they saw the girl's bumpy appearance, after all, they are all a group of Lsp, and they all understand!

Watch the girls drive this chariot all the way into the jungle, and... As expected, he hit his head into a tree.

When asked again how to go backwards, the girl actually replied that she would go backwards with perseverance, and this magical operation shocked everyone.

What are you doing, funny number one!

The Miho Chariot Group of Nishizumi advanced all the way, and soon met Asako Rengquan, who skipped class and slept, that is, a good student who was mistaken by the audience for extreme 'positive energy'.

When the audience saw that Leng Quan Asako was reading the manual while operating the chariot to complete the difficult action of suspension bridge driving, they all sighed 'shocked my mother'.

"Are all the top students so scary?"

"Ding~SSR-level pilot has been launched!"

"Miho's luck is too invincible, right, pick one up and be a full-level driver?

"It's true that it's 245 days late and still sits firmly in the first place in the school year, which shocked me by the current school sale!"

PS: Kneel down and beg your favorite bigwigs to support !!!

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