War has a method of war, and competition has the concept of competition, and the two are not the same thing at all, and they cannot be confused.

Just like you can't use the chicken-eating tactics in a real-life shootout, you can still run and jump unless you get a headshot.

But in reality, if you are shot once, you will lose your combat effectiveness, reality is not a game, you can't take medicine to recover blood, and you can't be helped up to continue fighting after falling to the ground.

Therefore, complaining that there is a problem with the tactics of the anime "The Girl and the Chariot" is a contradiction in itself.

In the past few days, there have been many people on the Internet who have picked bones about "The Girl and the Chariot", and they laughed at it.

No one is perfect, let alone a work created by a person.

No matter how good "The Girl and the Chariot" is, it is impossible to be liked by everyone, if someone likes it, there must be someone who hates it, this is human nature, and it is not worth getting angry about it.

"Toot ~ Toot ~ Toot ~"

A crisp knock sounded, and Fang Zheng said without raising his head: "Come in!"

Zhang Siyu, who was dressed in professional attire, walked into the office, looked at Fang Zheng and seemed to be sorting out something, and stepped forward and whispered: "Mr. Fang, WOT Game Company has sent someone to discuss cooperation with you. "


Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng raised his head.

WOT, World of Tanks, a very popular tank real-time strategy game in the previous life, produced by Wargaming Games.

"Cooperation?" Fang Zheng frowned slightly, and said suspiciously: "How could the other party ask us to cooperate, how do they know about our company?"

Fang Zheng was puzzled in his heart, he could understand the other party's intention to come to him to cooperate, but what he couldn't understand was how the other party would know about him.

Now ACG Culture has just started in China, and there is no entry into foreign countries at all, let alone the people of Wargaming.

"The other party said that he only paid attention to you after reading Miss Talena's report. "

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's frowning appearance and told the whole story.

At the beginning, after Tarina completed the dubbing for Fangzheng, she happily returned to China with first-hand news materials.

Not surprisingly, Tarina's report caused a lot of heat in Maozi, and even their neighbors got some news.

Coincidentally, Tarina once interviewed Wargaming Games and was good friends with the CEO of the other party.

So this back and forth, the other party also knows the emerging concept of animation.

When Wargaming stumbled upon the release of Founder's new work "Girls and Chariots", Deng Shi came to his mind, their company focuses on games, and the other party focuses on anime, isn't this the rhythm of a strong combination?

Without saying a word, Wargaming Game Company directly sent someone to fly to the magic capital to discuss cooperation with Fangzheng.

Listening to Zhang Siyu's explanation, Fang Zheng didn't know if he should be proud.

After all, before he made any efforts himself, the popularity of their works had already spread overseas, and in a sense, this could be regarded as a success.

"Fang Dong, what are your plans?"

Fang Zheng thought for a moment and said, "Promise to come down and receive them in the conference room at three o'clock this afternoon." "

games, he will definitely enter in the future, after all, this industry is profitable if it is done well.

But that's in the future, and now he certainly doesn't have the time or money to develop any games, so working with an established company like Wargaming seems to be a good choice.

And WOT also has a good popularity in China, if you cooperate with each other, it seems to be promising~

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zheng met the person sent by Wargaming Games in the conference room, a white man, a standard Western face.

"Hello dear Fang, I'm Corris, the person in charge of this project!"

Corris was very enthusiastic and wanted to give Fang Zheng a hug, but seeing that Fang Zheng stretched out his hand halfway, he could only smile, and the hug ceremony was changed to a handshake ceremony.

"Mr. Fang, I think you know what I came for, we want to cooperate with you. "

It was clear that Corris was an impatient, and as soon as he sat down, he was impatient to express his intentions.

"I wonder how Mr. Corris works together?"

Fang Zheng looked at Corris with a smile, he didn't expect that this white man with a tiger's back could actually speak Chinese, and he was quite fluent.

"Mr. Fang, I've watched your anime, "The Girl and the Chariot" is really wonderful!" Corris gave Fang Zheng a thumbs up, he had never thought that there would be such a form of cultural expression.

"Our company held a meeting specifically for this and agreed that we could introduce the vehicles, liveries, and logos of each school in your work into the game. "

When Corris said this, he seemed to be a little excited, and the speed of his speech unconsciously increased a lot.

"If the response is okay, we will also add characters from your anime to replace the car commander, gunner and other game characters in the game, and the voice will also be replaced, and even we can make a special battle map in your work, in addition to PVP, you can also add a story mode. "

Corris said a lot in one breath, for ten minutes, and after he finally finished talking about his plan, he took a big sip of tea, then looked at Fang Zheng and said.

"In conclusion, there are a lot of places where we can work together. "

To some extent, WOT is really in line with the anime "Girls and Chariots", as Corris said, coming out of their main PVP mode, you can still add a plot mode.

Or divide the camp, Dawashi, Truth, Hesse, these can all be joined.

Paints, characters, battle scenes, there are so many elements that can be added, it's no wonder that Corris is so excited.

"Mr. Fang, I don't know what you think?" Corris looked at Fang Zheng expectantly and said, "This is also very good for promoting your anime works, and the popularity of our company's games is still very high." "

Fang Zheng nodded noncommittally to this.

Cooperation is certainly possible, but how to maximize the profit is a technical job.

"Mr. Corris, this is a very small matter, and I need to think about it carefully. Saying that, Fang Zheng stood up, looked at the other party and said, "In this way, Mr. Corris will calm down for a while, and wait for me to have a meeting to discuss it before deciding?"

For Fang Zheng's words, although Coris was anxious, he was helpless, so he could only nod and agree.

"Dear Fang, I'm waiting for your good news!"

Fang Zheng sent Coris out, returned to the company, and immediately called Zhang Siyu over, ready to discuss this matter.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "150...151", "Royal Loran", and "I Carnival for the Book", thank you, big guy!!

kneeling and begging for a lot of support from the big guys who like it, I am grateful to the streets!!!!!

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