Fang Zheng brought Zhang Siyu to the office, and finally after some discussion, the two decided to cooperate with each other in a divided way.

It's like the skin in LOL in the previous life, every time you sell a skin, you share how much money you share, and Founder also plans to cooperate with the other party in this way.

Although this type of cooperation is relatively slow to come in, it is better in the long run, and in the long run, it is more cost-effective than selling a license fee directly.

After signing the agreement with Corris, he left happily with some design drawings and models given by Fangzheng.

And after "The Girl and the Chariot" began to be broadcast, Founder took this opportunity to successfully launch his own figure plan.

[Dear users, how do you feel after reading Fang Dada's work?, are you full of regrets about Hoshino Yumemi, do you want to see the night raid again, or do you want to hug Hinata, Saki Hana and no Ai and a few other cute little Lori?]

[From today on, your dreams can come true, the latest figurine puppets launched by Company A have been fully put on the shelves, and those who like it can go to the official website of Company A to order, don't miss it~]

In the calm autumn season, there are people coming and going on the streets, there are people who are rushing to and from work in a hurry, and there are also energetic and enthusiastic students.

Ordinary day, ordinary people, this ordinary thing happens around you.

But it was such an ordinary time, and a dynamic of the official Bo Niang of Company A made a little ripple on the calm lake.

"What is a figure? Can anyone explain?"

"If you go to the official website of A Society, you will know, how can I and other mortals guess Fang Dada's sassy operation!"

", is this a figure?

"A one-to-eight simulation model, Xiao Hitsu is coming to me~~!!"

Seeing the figure model on the official website of A Society, these true love fans were completely excited.

Looking at the official displays, almost everyone felt new and incredible for the figure that had just been launched by Company A.

Before that, countless people wanted to fantasize that they could have a character from the anime to accompany them, but despite this expectation in their hearts, reality kept them sane.

Fantasy is called fantasy because it is impossible to realize and only exists in people's imaginations.

And today, their Fang Da seemed to have spied into the little secrets of their hearts, bringing them the gospel that they had not seen for a long time.

The appearance of the realistic figure models undoubtedly poked the softest place in the hearts of many fans, and watching their favorite anime characters appear alive in front of them, the joy and incredible mood filled the whole chest.

Although they know that these figures are not real, they can't speak, smile, or move, but the almost identical looks are attractive enough.

At the same time, in a high-end hotel in the magic city, a woman with long black hair like a waterfall sat on a chair, staring at the computer in front of her without blinking, her face full of surprise.

The computer page shows the official website of A, and her login account is also very distinctive.

【Fang Dada's number one licking dog】

That's right, this is the beauty who was ridiculed by Fang Zheng's sentence 'I once dreamed of going to the end of the world, but two died when I got out of the village', she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of A to recruit employees to sneak in and take revenge on the bad Fang Dada.

But for various reasons, she didn't get her wish in the end.

Although she didn't enter A as she wished, she has always paid attention to the works launched by Founder.

Starting from "Dream of the Stars", which left people full of regrets, to the latest "The Girl and the Chariot", she has never left an episode.

Even in her room,You can find all the same people around the A company.。

The walls are full of posters of Fangzheng's works, and if the exquisite posters are placed on the Internet, I don't know how many otaku will be envious.

Because if you look closely, you will find that the poster hanging on the wall actually collects a full set of works officially launched by Company A, and one is not bad!

You must know that among the posters launched by A Society, many of them are prizes for the early publicity lottery, which are almost out of print, but the beauties have collected them well.

If this is released, I am afraid that many netizens will turn into lemon essence and have a sour voice.

In addition to the poster, there is also a school bag of the same style as the previously launched Hyuga and various hanging accessories on the wall.

There is a clothing display case at one foot of the room, and the clothes inside are very peculiar, if it is an old otaku like Fangzheng, you must be able to see the style of this kind of clothes at a glance.

That's right!It's the costume used for cosplay.,It's also one of the same people that the official website of A has launched before.,It's the work of Miyako Hoshino in "When the Prison Comes to Me".

The beauty's room is like a treasure chest.,All the same people that are launched by the A Society.,You can find a good piece here.。

It can be said that he is a veritable collector.

At this time, the beautiful woman was sitting in front of the computer, her delicate fingers gently sliding the mouse, and a pair of clear big eyes turned with the screen.

"Ah~ Little Hinata is so cute!"

The beautiful woman looked at the figure pictures released on the official website of the A Society, looked at the small and delicate Lori, and couldn't help but exclaim, and then as if she was sitting on something wrong, she bit her lip to prevent herself from making a sound, and finally looked in the direction of the door with a weak heart.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual outside the door, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"No matter, little Hinata is so cute, you have to buy it!"

After struggling for a long time, she finally didn't resist the temptation in her heart and clicked the payment button for the purchase.

Fill in the information, the beauty seems to have turned on some switch in her heart, and frantically swept the figures on the official website of A Society, and bought all of them.

Even for several characters she likes, such as Little Hinata, Tazmi, and the latest Darjeeling, she has bought more than one.

When she noticed that a character figure had different versions of her wear, her eyes became brighter as if she had discovered a new world.

Buy, buy, buy!

My favorite anime character figure,How can there be a reason not to buy it.,In case it's out of print in the future.,Aren't you going to regret it?!

As the beauty went on a shopping spree, the balance in her mobile payment wallet also decreased.

PS: Thanks to "A Helpless Idle Fish", "182...971", "157...994", "Behind-handed", "Li Shiliang", "Supreme ★★★★★★★★ ☆", "137...375" monthly passes, thanks to "Lanbu", "156...620" ★ for the rewards, thank you for your support.

In addition, the "Devil's Inferiority" in the introduction has been deleted.,It won't appear in the text.,I really didn't know about it before hitting the street.,It's my negligence.,I'm so sorry!!

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