In the Modu Hotel, Qin Miaomiao, who had eaten dinner, hid herself in the room alone, looking at the express box on the table, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Lalala~ Little Hinata, Darjeeling, I'm here!"

Qin Miaomiao took out the scissors and carefully cut open the outer side of your box.

Looking at the beautifully crafted handmade figure model in the package, Qin Miaomiao's clear eyes bent into a crescent moon.

"Hey, hey, hey~"

Qin Miaomiao carefully put the figure on the table, and she was lying on the edge of the table, her chin against the corner of the table, and she smirked at the figure on the table.

Since she was banned, she has lived in the haze almost every day, until she accidentally saw Fangzheng's first work "Dream of the Stars" on the Internet.

I clicked on it with curiosity, I wanted to take a casual look, pass the time of boredom, and relieve my mood.

But by the time she reacted, she found herself in tears.

The already uncomfortable mood became even worse, and all I could think about was the almost heartbreaking smile of Yoshino Mimu at the end.

Although "Dream of the Stars" brought her full of regret and inextricable depression, from that time on, she herself unconsciously fell in love with anime.

By the time she found out, she was hopelessly trapped in it, unable to extricate herself.

Later, with the hits of "Chopping Crimson" and "When the Prison Meal Came to Me", the happiest time she spent every day was the twenty minutes of watching anime by herself in her room.

During this time, she felt that the biggest motivation for her to stay in the magic capital was to wait for the anime to update every day.

I don't know when she started to pay close attention to everything about anime on the Internet, and when she saw someone smearing Founder or anime works, she would be angry.

I don't know when it started.,She began to collect all the posters and fandom merchandise.。

Every time a company launches a new homo peripheral,Whether she uses it or not、Like it or not,She'll buy it as soon as possible.。

And those lottery out-of-print posters and the like, she will also actively participate, if she can't draw it, she will go to the fan group to ask, and then persistently buy it.

A series of actions quickly made her little wallet empty.

Fortunately, her agent is Liu Ying, and she can also get some living expenses from the other party.

Toot ~ Toot ~ Toot ~

There was a knock on the door, Qin Miaomiao trembled, glanced at the wall clock on the wall, knew that it was Liu Ying who was back, and quickly hid the figure on the table into his cabinet.

After tidying up his desk and seeing that there was nothing unusual, he opened the door.

"Liu... Sister Liu~"

Looking at Liu Ying, who had a dusty face, Qin Miaomiao felt a little guilty in her heart.

The two of them are not related, but Liu Ying is sincere to her, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Miao Miao, you hurry up and clean up, put on makeup, and I'll take you to meet someone. Although she was very tired, Liu Ying's eyes couldn't hide her joy.

"Hurry up, don't keep people waiting!"

After speaking, Liu Ying was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait... Sister Liu... I... I don't want to go!"

Although she felt guilty about Liu Ying, she couldn't help but feel cold all over her body when she thought of the ugly faces of those people.

The purpose of letting her meet those people at night was already obvious.


When Liu Ying heard Qin Miaomiao's words, she turned around and looked at her suspiciously.

What's going on with this Nizi today?

Didn't she worship each other like crazy before?

Why don't you want to go when the opportunity is in front of you?

Liu Ying looked at Qin Miaomiao, who had her head down, and was stunned for a moment before she finally reacted.

"Look at me, I'm all busy and confused!" Liu Ying looked at Qin Miaomiao with a wry smile and said, "Where do you want to go, Sister Liu can push you into the fire pit, this time I am going to see your nobleman!"


Seeing that Qin Miaomiao's expression was still confused, Liu Ying was a little anxious.

After all, they are still waiting, and if they delay for too long, they will inevitably appear insincere.

If someone gets angry and breaks the contract, it will be embarrassing.

"Oh, don't worry, you don't know what Sister Liu is like, hurry up and clean it up. Liu Ying pushed Qin Miaomiao into the room, and said uncomfortably as she walked out.

"Clean up nicely, hurry up~!"

In about ten minutes, Liu Ying took Qin Miaomiao, who was still unknown, out of the hotel in a hurry, and then drove to Lan Yuxiang Hotel.

Liu Ying handed over the car to the doorman at the door, and she took Qin Miaomiao straight to the previous private room.

"Sister Liu, who are you taking me to see?"

Qin Miaomiao, who was dragged away by Liu Ying, was very curious, although she still didn't know who the "nobleman" in Liu Ying's mouth was, but the worries in her heart were put down.

After all, if it is really for those dirty things, the place to meet should be in a mansion or hotel, no matter how bad it is, it will be in a place like a bar or KTV.

Lan Yuxiang, a high-end restaurant, this is obviously different from the above occasion.

"You'll know when you're in, you must take advantage of the opportunity, this is your only chance!"

Coming to the door of the private room, Liu Ying looked at Qin Miaomiao very seriously.


Liu Ying was relieved when she saw Qin Miaomiao agree, and then knocked softly on the door.


Liu Ying pushed open the door and walked into the box with Qin Miaomiao.

There were two people in the box, a man and a woman, the beauty of a handsome man and a woman, such a scene made Qin Miaomiao's hanging heart completely relaxed.

As soon as this mood relaxed, Qin Miaomiao sensed that something was wrong.

"Why is this face so familiar?"

Qin Miaomiao looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously, the more she looked at it, the more familiar she became, especially the smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, which gave her a sense of déjà vu.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Qin Miaomiao's mind, her eyes were also wide, she covered her mouth, and pointed at Fang Zheng incredulously.

"You... You are... Square... Fang..."

Looking at Qin Miaomiao's stammering appearance, Fang Zheng smiled.

Sure enough, as Liu Ying said, what an innocent girl!

"That's right, I'm Fang... Square... Founder!"

Fang Zheng learned the other party's tone and introduced himself jokingly, wanting to relieve the other party's tension.

Seeing Fang Zheng's trademark smile, Qin Miaomiao's face turned red, and she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Fang Zheng anymore.

This person is so annoying, how can anyone learn to speak in a tone!!

Qin Miao was ashamed.

"Sit down and talk~"

Seeing Qin Miaomiao's predicament, Zhang Siyu understood the girl's mind and took the initiative to round the field.

PS: Thanks to "176...33", "qq... 76", thanks to "176...33", "Scattered Dragon", "QQ77... 76", thank you for your support!!!

Kneel down and beg the big guys you like to support ~~~~

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