Everyone sat down, Qin Miaomiao lowered her head, playing with her fingers, until now, she still had a feeling of dreaming.

She didn't expect that she would one day meet her favorite idol, which... It's fantastic!

"Miao Miao, Fang Dong promised to let you join his company and be a voice actor, thank you Fang Dong!"

Seeing that Qin Miaomiao didn't look up for a long time, Liu Ying was secretly anxious in her heart.

What's going on with this Nizi, where is the usual madness, how did you get there, it's like a different person.

"Huh?" Hearing Liu Ying's words, Qin Miaomiao raised her head in disbelief, looked at everyone and said, "I, the voice actor?"

Fang Zheng looked at her with a smile on his face, and when he saw the other party looking over, he nodded lightly.

Originally, Fang Zheng was ready to refuse, he had something to do, and his company was not a charity, so there was no reason to take in the other party.

There are tragedies happening every day in this world, and there are more people who are worse than Qin Miaomiao, if he really goes to help one by one, then isn't he going to die of exhaustion?

But Zhang Siyu's words made him suffocate back the words that came to his lips.

I heard Liu Ying say that Qin Miaomiao was a singer who had just become famous, so Fang Zheng didn't think about dubbing at all.

He is engaged in animation alone, and he has nothing to do with the eight poles in the entertainment industry, what do you do when you take in a singer, but he is still a singer who is not famous.

What's more, because of the strong rise of animation, traditional film and television dramas have also been affected to a certain extent, and some bigwigs in the entertainment industry have long been unhappy with him.

Accepting the other party in this case, isn't it asking for trouble for yourself~

Although he is not afraid of trouble, but more things are better than less things, isn't it fragrant to make a fortune quietly and quietly?

However, Zhang Siyu's reminder made Fang Zheng suddenly react, and a brilliant idea came to mind.

That's the Voice Actor Idol Project!

Voice actor idols, as the name suggests, are images that carry out idol activities on the Internet or in real scenes in the form of animation, CG, etc., but do not act in real colors.

In fact, voice actor idols have existed for a long time, but because the definition and boundary between voice actor idols and virtual idols are very blurred, and virtual idols such as Hatsune and Tianyi in their previous lives are too popular, so that voice actor idols are not known to most people.

But voice actor idols do exist, and the most intuitive is the virtual anchor that evolved from voice actor idols.

Like most streamers, they interact with the audience in various ways, playing games, singing, and chatting, but unlike real-life anchors, they always present a dynamic 3D image to the audience, rather than a real person.

Fangzheng's plan came from this, and he also heard Zhang Siyu's reminder and thought of such a plan by chance.

Although there is a live broadcast in this world, there is no virtual anchor, not to mention that he is from an anime, if a virtual anchor is launched, it will definitely be unprecedentedly hot.

What's more, even if the voice actor idol plan really fails because of the lack of adaptation, he can still use Qin Miaomiao's singing talent to produce some music-type anime.

For example, the national-level "LoveLive", and the "Light Girl" that sells cuteness and adds music to daily life, these can allow Qin Miaomiao to give full play to its greatest value.

Singer plus anime in the music genre, this gimmick is definitely enough!

Although this is a bit like a black-hearted boss, this is indeed Fangzheng's original idea.

At this time, he saw Qin Miaomiao's innocent side, and he was even more determined in his voice actor idol plan, or virtual anchor plan.

Once again, he will set a precedent!

"What do you like to do besides singing?"

Fang Zheng looked at Qin Miaomiao, who had calmed down, and asked with a smile.

"Watch anime!"

Qin Miaomiao's answer made Fang Zheng stunned, he didn't expect to meet a fan of his own work, seeing that the other party's answer was crisp and neat, he is probably also an old fan~

"What about outside of watching anime?"

Fang Zheng wanted to understand Qin Miaomiao's personality and hobbies, so that he could make a detailed virtual anchor plan, after all, there are many kinds of virtual anchors, some specialize in playing games, some specialize in singing, and so on.

If you make a mistake, not only will the popularity increase be slow, but it will also give the audience a very embarrassing feeling.

"Watch anime!"

Hearing Qin Miaomiao's words, Fang Zheng was stunned, she thought that the other party had not heard his question clearly.

"I mean, what do you like to do besides watching anime?"

"Watching anime~ I don't have any other hobbies other than singing and watching anime. "

Qin Miaomiao looked at Fang Zheng speechlessly, could it be that there was something wrong with her expression?

Hearing this, Fang Zheng twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, feeling that this is still a fan girl.

If you continue like this, you will be out of touch with society, and if you don't have contact with others, you will become a social barrier!

Speaking of social obstacles, Fang Zheng remembered a virtual anchor he liked very much in his previous life, a lonely old man who always wore plastic bags - the cat boss.

A typical case of social disability, so much so that many fans shouted the slogan "Those who take the cat boss to play are good people".

"Okay, I know your general situation. Fang Zheng sighed helplessly, it seemed that he could only take his time, anyway, this virtual anchor plan was not in a hurry.

"Then I officially invite you to join ACG Culture Company, I don't know if you would like to?"

Fang Zheng looked at Qin Miaomiao, waiting for the other party's answer.

"I... Can I really?"

Qin Miaomiao couldn't believe her ears, she had joined ACG Culture Company very early, even if she came to be an ordinary employee.

It's just that Liu Ying kept her at the beginning, and there were still some messy things between her and the signing company behind her, so things have been delayed until now.

At this time, hearing Fang Zheng's invitation to join her, Qin Miaomiao felt that she was like a dream.

"Miss Qin, because your image is relatively special, so unlike other voice actors in the company, this is your contract, if you are satisfied, we can sign it now. "

Zhang Siyu took out a contract from the briefcase on the side and handed it to Qin Miaomiao. This was printed by her while Liu Ying went back to pick up Qin Miaomiao.

"I agree!"

Qin Miaomiao took the contract and prepared to sign her name without saying a word.

After staying in the entertainment industry for so long, she can be regarded as completely clear, and it is better to leave early than to be assimilated there.

Although I will never be able to engage in my favorite singing career in the future, I will never be able to step on the stage again, but it is good to be able to work at my favorite anime company.

PS: Thank you for the support of "Heavenly Ice Soul", thank you guy!!

Kneel and beg the favorite bigwigs to support ~~~~~~~

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