Qin Miaomiao picked up the pen and just wanted to write down her name, but she was suddenly stunned.

She turned her head and looked at Liu Ying reluctantly, and said, "Sister Liu, I..."

Liu Ying saw Qin Miaomiao's expression, and she didn't know what this girl was worried about.

smiled and took out a contract from the briefcase and put it in front of Qin Miaomiao and said, "Don't worry, I'll change jobs with you." "

Liu Ying's ability as an agent has been affirmed by Zhang Siyu, and if Qin Miaomiao is really pushed as a virtual anchor in the future, a reliable and capable person will definitely be needed to assist.

Liu Ying is undoubtedly a very good candidate, so Fang Zheng discussed with Zhang Siyu and simply served the two of them in one pot.


Qin Miaomiao saw the contract handed over by Liu Ying, and suddenly jumped up from the chair, the terrifying soprano echoed in everyone's ears, and the lethality increased almost exponentially in the private room with good sound insulation.


Fang Zheng covered his ears and yelled.

This girl is crazy no matter how she says it, and with this voice, Fang Zheng wonders if the other party is a wrong decision to give up the singing stage.

"Hey, hey~ Fang Dada, I love you!"

"I don't love you!"

Fang Zheng looked at the crazy Qin Miaomiao helplessly, his brows were full of black lines.

Everyone had a meal, Qin Miaomiao followed Liu Ying back to the hotel, although it was said that Fang Zheng took her in, but her room of fandom figurines was a treasure, and it couldn't be easily lost.

At the beginning of the night, it was another beautiful night, and it was a beautiful time to chase the fan.

As soon as the anime opens, it's a bells and whistles operation in Yuhanari Akiyama.,And then successfully mixed with the school ship where Sandas's affiliated high school is located.。

Sandas High School, with a large lineup from the first army to the third army, has the largest number of vehicles that can be used.

Many viewers learned about this setting and gave a thumbs up, it really deserves to be a free country, and this Nima is outrageously rich!

Watching Yukari Akiyama swaggering on each other's territory, and even greeting each other's students openly, cheering and cheering, countless viewers laughed.

"This kid should be sent to the secret service, it's a shame to drive a chariot here!"

"233~Sure enough, the free country still chose the ability to make money~~"

"What does the FBI do to eat?!!"

"White stockings my dish, high-profile contract Kaye, no one is allowed to rob me of !!"

The audience watched as Yukari Akiyama successfully infiltrated the other party's venue, and at this time, the chariot team led by Kaye did not know that there was a spy among them, and still carried out the work of issuing the combat command as scheduled.

[Then I will release the first vehicle to appear, one Firefly, Sherman A1, one on the 76mm main gun, and eight on the 75mm main gun.] 】

[So decide on the flag car next, OK?]


The beautiful girls of Sandas under the stage suddenly shouted in unison, and the atmosphere suddenly became free.

Many viewers said that it is indeed a free country with deep pockets, and the guys in their hands are good, and the confidence to speak is not ordinary.

[What is the distribution of the squad?]

Yukari Akiyama was obviously not satisfied with such superficial information, and immediately got up and asked questions.

[Oh, that's a good question, you can't form a full two teams this time, so you have to form a squadron of three cars and a small team. 】

[What about the defense of the flag car?]


The audience watched Yuka Akiyama in the crowd ask and answer questions and answers with Kaye on the stage, and their stomachs hurt from laughter, and they all came out of breath.

"It's really a dare to ask, a dare to answer~"

"Such a blatant attempt to obtain information, I would like to call you the strongest!"

"I finally understand why the free country was stolen from Pearl Harbor, feelings are all genetic~"

"Natural, white silk, the old man can't do it~~"

The audience watched Yukari Akiyama and Kaye conspire loudly in public, and they were all happy.

There are still many viewers looking forward to it, waiting for the moment when Yuka Akiyama is goofed up.

Sure enough, if you talk too much, you will lose it, not to mention that there are too many questions in Yuka Akiyama, and even the three protrusions of the Oarai Women's College have been inadvertently revealed.

Seeing that Yuka Akiyama was suspected, the audience expressed their joy to see it.

[I don't think I've seen you before?]


[What about affiliation and rank?]

[Third Sergeant of the 6th Panzer Division Oddball!]


Hearing Yuhani Akiyama's answer, the audience who had just eased up laughed again, Nima bullied Lao Tzu for not reading much, isn't Oddball the tank commander who appeared in the movie "Strategic Operations"?

The audience in front of the screen couldn't help but laugh when they watched this funny scene.

When they saw the cast list directed and acted by Yukari Akiyama at the end, they couldn't stand up with a smile.

"The director, cinematographer, and screenwriter are all you, say!Are you Fang Da specially used to boast about himself??"

"Easter eggs? or boastful easter eggs, Fang Dada really has yours!!"

"Why didn't I find Yuhani so cute before~"

", the bedroom in Youhua is simply a dream place for our military house~"

As soon as the picture turned, the camera returned to Yukari Akiyama's room, where the room was full of cannonballs, models, and various tank accessories, which stunned the eyes of the military houses.

When I saw that the chariot team of Oarai Women's College finally removed the fancy livery of the chariot, changed back to the normal livery, and even changed into a uniform uniform.

The audience was excited with tears in their eyes.

"Woo woo, my golden legend is gone~"

"233, the history team finally realized the truth that Flags can't be set up randomly, and those flags have finally been pulled out!"

"This TM is what the three protrusions should look like, and the big red robe paint looks much more pleasing to the eye!"

"Poof~ A beautiful girl in uniform, is this the temptation in the legend?"

At the scene of the first national college lane competition, looking at the terrifying backup vehicle of Sandas Affiliated High School, the audience directly turned into lemon essence.

Ambulances, shower trucks, and even beauty salon cars, looking at the Sandas Affiliated High School, the audience once again has a deeper understanding of the 'wealthy'.

I don't know that you are here to compete, I don't know that I thought you were here for a vacation~

This logistics is very spiritual and full of freedom.

PS: Kneel down and beg for a lot of support from the big guys you like!!!!!!!

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