
In the church, the members of the chariot team of the Oarai Women's Academy were stunned when they looked at Miho Nishizumi, who suddenly danced.


[Miho, what's wrong with you?]

【鮟... Fish Dance ??!】

[Even Miho-san, who is so shy... In order to raise everyone's morale...]

[Although the method is a little subtle, I want to jump too!!]

Yukari Akiyama was the first to join Miho Nishimi's dance orchestra, followed by Isuzu Hana, Saori, and Asako.

Seeing that all the No. 4 car groups joined, the student council also joined under the leadership of President Kakutani Ang.

Looking at the neat dance on the screen, countless viewers dropped their jaws in shock, what kind of operation is this?

And how is this dance full of the smell of ghost animals?

"Неплохо (good jumping)??Darjeeling is so scared that he speaks Russian!!"

"It's too shameful to be executed publicly~"

"Hahaha, my mother's face in the audience is green~~~"

"Nima's dance and music are poisonous !!"

Watching this spicy-eyed dance, the audience said they were laughing like crazy.

There are even many people who wonder if these members are crazy, and you guys won't be able to marry in the future, do you know??

Finally, in the midst of the audience's laughter, the song ended, and the tense atmosphere once again climbed into everyone's hearts.

On the side of Oarai Women's College, chariots rushed out of the abandoned church and headed straight for the snowfield in the distance.

The fierce shelling once again replaced the joyful singing, and the race began again, and it was about to heat up!

[Peach, substitution!]

Student council president Anko Kakutani took the place of the sunset red shooter Momo Kawashima and sat in the gunner's position.

Kakutani Apricot, nicknamed the pedicure maniac, is the second full-level gunner of Daarai Women's Academy in addition to Isuzu Hua, and her kung fu with one hand is terrifying!

Especially the hunter who came in the back in a modified way, it directly started his life of sin, and he went further and further on the road of being inappropriate.

[Even if it's 38t, it's barely possible at this distance...]

Kakutani aimed at the chariot in front of her, a pleasant smile on her lips.

After a cannon sounded, the Truth Academy chariot in front of him was hit, the track was directly broken in two, and even the weight wheels flew.

The trio of the student council, maybe the propaganda committee member Momo Kawashima has never hit, but the skills of the president and vice president are full, one is proficient in gunners, and the other is proficient in driving, and the cooperation is invincible.

"Could it be that this is the legendary 'Tan' fighting technique??"

"The president is unexpectedly a shooting genius~"

"Devil, staring at other people's tracks, Ning is the legendary pedicure maniac??"

"Tsk, this story tells us how terrifying it is when a president doesn't touch fish~!"

Watching the chariot group of the student union rush into the chariot group of the Truth Academy, breaking the tracks all the way, and directly filling up all kinds of operations, it simply stunned everyone's twenty-four alloy eyes.

Who would have thought that the student union, which always played soy sauce before, would be a hidden trump card?

However, before the audience could react from the shock, they saw that the 38t, which was still full of power just now, was directly taken away by someone, and it rolled and climbed directly on its side.

Sure enough, handsomeness never lasts more than three seconds, and the ancients can't be bullied~

[Vehicles that can move, please gather as soon as possible!]

Nona, who was holding the walkie-talkie, seemed to have done something insignificant, without any expression on her face.

To use the ace to deal with the ace, Nona, the ace shooter of the Truth Academy, is online, and so far the four aces of this time have been three full-level gunners.

Nona, who gave the student union chariot group a ride, didn't stay too long, and directly chased the chariot group in the direction of the escape of Oarai Women's College.

On the snowy ground, the chariot group of the Oarai Women's College was in front, and the chariot team of the Truth Academy was behind.

When the audience heard that Katyusha had made the flag car hide like a hibernating brown bear, the audience was amused again.

They all said that this is not Maozi's combat style, shouldn't you let the flag car take the lead?

The flag car should take the lead in the charge, isn't this the glorious tradition of that great country??

As the battle gradually drew to an end, Miho Nishizumi also consciously asked Yukari Akiyama to give full play to her expertise in gathering intelligence and go to find the flag car that the other party had hidden.

At the same time, Nona's exclusive car, Cifu II, was also sent over.

Loving Father... IS-2 is a heavy tank, mainly equipped with a 43 times caliber 122mm main gun, 122mm seems to be second only to the existence of the 152 Cult of God~

Nona, who took over the IS-2, is a full-fledged full-level gunner.

Watching the IS-2 almost overturn the Type 89 chariot of the Daxi Women's College with one shot, this terrifying power made the audience smack.

"Nima, isn't this a bit of a foul~"

"233 ~ 122mm of love from a loving father!"

"Nona's technique, this is a sniper rifle to shoot artillery~"

"I have to say that Maozi's IS-2 was still very strong in those days!"

The rest of the day was the sniper Nona's solo show, watching Nona, who was controlling the IS-2 gun, shoot a child, and the scene was a one-sided slaughter.

On the other side, Yukari Akiyama, who was born as an agent, finally found the flag car hidden by Katyusha, and the Miho Chariot Team and the History Team immediately surrounded it.

The familiar scene was played out again, except that the original Sandas High School was replaced by the Truth Academy, and the original Firefly was also replaced by the IS-2 Heavy Tan.

The audience watched as the three sturgeons hid in the snow with their low bodies, their swarthy barrels facing the flag car of the Truth Academy.

At this moment, the audience deeply realized what it means to be 'the gaze from the three protrusions'.


After a loud bang, the audience was relieved to look at the flag car of the Truth Academy that popped up the white flag with a 'poof'.

The Truth Academy was defeated in the hands of Miho Nishizumi in the end, and this ending was also expected by the audience, after all, Maho Nishizumi was the protagonist, and the protagonist's aura was not for fun.

"Truth VS Oarai, the Truth Academy lost eight taels of chariots and hit three, Nona hit three, so the others..."

"emm~ Upstairs, when you say this, it seems that the truth is not wronged~"

"Hahaha~ Katyusha, the commander's record, is also zero, paddling the whole time, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating. "

"To sum up, what is the truth? The truth is that 'the cards are shocking, the fight is completely confused, the long-range accuracy is completely absent, the close-range response is slow, the comrade is never reliable, and the output depends on Nona'!!"

Maybe the general audience doesn't know how powerful Nona is, but just thinks that the IS-2 gun is powerful.

But those military houses know that Maozi's fire control system is not an exaggeration to say that it is magic fire control, and the accuracy is touching.

Nona can take away a large chariot with one shot with the blessing of this fire control system, which is simply a god-like existence!

PS: Kneel and beg the bigwigs to support ~~~~~~~~~~

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