With the popularity of "The Girl and the Chariot", the popularity of the official genuine figure launched by A is also quietly climbing.

Especially some military houses, the tanks that appear in "The Girl and the Chariot" simply make them crazy, as if if they don't collect any of them, they are destroying the heavens.

With the debut of the Truth Academy, the charioteers made of Mao Zi were also officially launched and began to be sold, and the T-34, IS-2, KV-2 and other charioteers were unprecedentedly popular.

Founder made the charioteers made of Maozi produced by the factory in advance and were almost sold out as soon as they were launched, which was a few streets away from the charioteers of Sandas High School.

After all, if you want to classify the charioteers that the military house group likes, there are about three categories, one is the Maozi charioteer, the other is the Hans charioteer, and the other is other charioteers.

Fang Zheng also expected this, after all, this was not an uncommon thing in the previous life, Mao Zichui and Hans Chui were tearing up almost every day, as for the other camps...

emm~ Let's stand back!

Although he had expected it, as soon as the Truth Academy appeared, the speed of the grossed charioteers still exceeded Fangzheng's expectations.

The figure is different from other fandom merchandise, it has high requirements for workmanship and materials, not to mention more elaborate chariot figures.

Except for some fixed parts that can be produced on the assembly line, most of them are completed by some skilled craftsmen, and the production speed is naturally not high.

Moreover, the square and very figurine quality, the slightest flaw will be rebuilt, and the output will be further reduced.

In this regard, those craftsmen recruited by Zhang Siyu are painful and happy.

The pain is indescribable when I see the product I worked so hard to build being labeled as substandard.

It's like if you've worked hard to write a graduation thesis, and your supervisor tells you that your graduation thesis is off topic.

It's a feeling that breaks people's hearts!

What's more, since these handicraftsmen joined Founder's figurine processing factory, overtime is almost the norm, not to mention any holidays and 9 to 5, working less than 12 hours a day is considered to be burning high incense.

This is also the reason why these craftsmen are willing to endure the high-intensity 'exploitation' of Fangzheng, on the one hand, because of the increase in income.

When Zhang Siyu recruited them, the basic salary was not low, and it exceeded their previous income too much.

In addition, Founder seems to be extraordinarily generous with overtime pay, so the income of these craftsmen has almost doubled, as long as you are willing to persevere, as long as you are willing to work overtime, that month's income is definitely high and scary.

So these craftsmen are working in pain, while shouting 'Long live overtime', saying a thousand things and ten thousand, and no one will get along with money.

Another reason is that with the increase in the popularity of figurines, the popularity of handicraftsmen has also risen.

Most of these craftsmen inherited traditional arts from the older generation, but with the development of social industrialization, manual skills are facing the situation of disappearing.

After all, no matter what kind of person it is, living is the most important thing, ensuring one's own life is the first thing, and most people will not let themselves starve to death for some ancient skills.

This has also led to the loss of a lot of ancient technology!

So the number of craftsmen is decreasing year by year, and coupled with the chain of professional contempt that does not know when, there are fewer and fewer young people willing to learn these ancient techniques, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are rare.

Many ancient technologies are supported by the older generation, and they are at risk of being broken at any time.

But now it's different, and the rise in the popularity of craftsmen has made many young people willing to try to learn and pass on these ancient techniques.

Although the purpose of these young people may be to make money, or they may simply like anime, but in any case, it is a good thing to have fresh blood to join.

After Founder just launched the figure plan, many fans complained that these figures were too expensive, after all, not all otaku are rich second generations or bigwigs with a monthly income of more than 10,000.

In this regard, the explanation given by Founder and Company A is that the quality of their figures is worth this price, which is already the biggest profit concession.

Because of this incident, many people took the opportunity to make trouble, but when some media reported the production process of A's figures, everyone on the Internet kept their mouths shut.

Every fig, no matter what price, no matter what proportion, no matter what type, these are carefully made by those unknown craftsmen.

Especially after seeing Founder's terrifying quality inspection, no one has ever said that these figures are more expensive.

On the contrary, even fans who can't afford it feel like it's worth the money, and even the pricing of A is a little cheaper.

In today's society, what you get has long become the consensus in people's hearts, and the quality of the figure of A company is obvious to all.

Even many fans bought two figures of the same style, and they can find subtle differences in their official properties, which also confirms that the figures of Company A are not streamlined production, but are really created by handicraftsmen.

Because of this, the reputation of A company has once again exploded, and the group of handicraftsmen, which is about to decline, has gradually entered the field of vision of young people.

In this regard, Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu were very surprised, and immediately implemented the action.

Craftsmen under Company A are allowed to recruit students, and the company will be responsible for paying for those craftsmen who are willing to teach their skills.

Even when these veteran employees teach a qualified trainee, the company will reward them with a considerable fee.

Founder's move undoubtedly strengthened the cohesion of its handicraftsmen again, perhaps these people are ordinary laborers who can't speak some rhetoric, but their gratitude to Founder's heart is real.

The only thing they can do is that they have learned the traditional techniques they have learned for most of their lives, and they can only repay Founder's kindness in this regard.

They also know a little about the news of the big sales of the figure of Company A, and they are happy to see their works being accepted and liked by young people.

In addition, the employee benefits of Company A are very generous, and these simple workers have no complaints about high-intensity work, and work hard every day in exchange for their own labor.


PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Wei Xiang", "182...138", "Grievance", "187...94", and "Shu Guoguanyu", thank you, big guys!!

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