Fang Zheng can only smile helplessly at this, the setting is like this, and he can't be blamed for not having a tank in that era~

Although the book's own chariot is indeed very powerful, it was developed in recent decades, and it has nothing to do with that era~

For the development of its own chariots, Founder is still very proud.

Fang Zheng remembers that there is a joke on the Internet about this, saying why there are five generations of fighters and only three generations of tanks?

Netizens replied: Thirty years ago, we used five-nine, thirty years later, we used five-nine, and now we use five-nine.

Although many netizens ridiculed their own chariots, most of the remarks were jokes, and they were still honored for their own military development.

Everything has been developed from scratch from scratch to this point in just a few decades, and how many engineers and scientific research workers have worked hard!

Looking at the latest generation of main combat vehicles that are frequently unveiled in China, I believe that every Xia Guo is proud.

But reality is reality, anime is anime, hearing Pang Lao's words, Fang Zheng smiled slightly, and said in a somewhat unhurried tone.

"Old man Pang, I have publicity~"

Fangzheng's ideal is to build a prosperous era of the two-dimensional empire, but before that, he was an authentic Xia countryman, and naturally had his own selfishness.

After all, only when the country is strong and well-known can he realize his ideals without worries.

So he also made minor modifications to "The Girl and the Chariot", such as the instructor hired by the Daxi Women's Academy in the opening scene, which drove a neon modern main battle chariot in the original book, but it was changed to his own 99A by Fangzheng.

Even Founder also tried his best to find information to improve many of the details, and even gave some more shots.

Although there is no chance to play in the follow-up 99A, he did promote it, which can be regarded as a little selfishness of his own.

After all, who doesn't want their own chariot to increase their fame~

As he spoke, Fang Zheng took the laptop on the table and wanted Old Man Pang to actually take a look.

But when he took the computer and saw that today's latest episode of "The Girl and the Chariot" was showing on the screen, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

He was puzzled just now, how could a military region boss on the other side know about him, and he was still a little dissatisfied with him, and his feelings were watching "The Girl and the Chariot".

Fang Zheng smiled secretly in his heart, the bigwigs of the military region all looked at their works, not to mention, they felt a little cool in their hearts.

Fang Zheng found the 99A that he had replaced, and then showed it to Old Man Pang, indicating that he was indeed publicizing.

It's just that this thing is more sensitive, and Fang Zheng doesn't dare to publicize it too much, in case it provokes some departments, then he will lose more than he gains.

So the promotional picture that he changed was a few seconds longer than the original book, and he didn't spend a lot of space to depict it.

Old Man Pang looked at Fangzheng's movements, his eyes were on the computer, and when he saw the latest generation of domestically produced main combat vehicles airdropped to the ground, and then appeared domineeringly like a roaring beast, his eyes lit up, and he nodded with satisfaction.

But then he noticed that he had behaved too much, so he quickly coughed and said, "You kid still have a little conscience." "

Although Old Man Pang was still hard-mouthed, his hand was very honest and played that part of the anime again, and then he nodded contentedly.

Watching his own tank debut, or the only modern main battle tank in the entire anime, Old Man Pang's face was full of joy.

For their generation, there have been ups and downs for decades, and the years ahead have been aggrieved~!

Now that I finally survived, watching my own tank debut, it was really a long sulking breath, and I felt like a serf turning over and singing.

Although I know that the impact of this thing is limited, I just feel comfortable and happy!

In today's film and television dramas, every time I see foreign military debuts, I blow it up, but there is no domestic one, not to mention how depressed I feel.

But now, they're finally starting to consciously promote their own things.

This realization is good, I really want it!

Old Man Pang glanced at Fang Zheng with satisfaction, and his face was even more square, and when he first came in, he was like two people.

"Boy, you are very good, much better than those celebrities who dress up with bells and whistles, old man, I like you very much, who will embarrass you in the future, old man, I will give you a head!"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng's eyes lit up suddenly.

Although he doesn't know the specific identity of Old Man Pang, the status of the military region boss who can be with Secretary Zou is obviously not low.

With Old Man Pang supporting him, does that mean that he can go sideways in the future?

Secretary Zou on the side smiled wryly, he has been an old fellow for so many years, and his personality is still as straight as ever.

Fortunately, it is in the military region, and if it were changed to politics, it would have offended people a long time ago.


Seeing that Pang Lao also had a tendency to pull Fang Zheng to talk for a long time, Secretary Zou quickly coughed and interrupted the two.

"Xiao Fang, don't mind if I call you that~"

Secretary Zou's words made Fang Zheng a little stunned, but he quickly shook his head and said, "You are an elder, just call whatever you want." "

Fangzheng's words made Secretary Zou nod with satisfaction, not arrogant or impatient, he was really more and more satisfied with this young man.

"Xiao Fang, I heard from the people below that your company is looking for a suitable headquarters building recently?"

It's no secret that Company A is preparing to relocate its headquarters, as long as someone who is interested can inquire about it with a little inquiry.

Fang Zheng was not surprised by Secretary Zou's words, there was nothing hidden in this matter, and it was not an unsightly thing.

"That's right, but I haven't been able to find the right place. "

Fang Zheng smiled slightly bitterly, feeling a little helpless.

If he wants to build his own two-dimensional empire, then a large piece of land must be indispensable.

After all, in his plan, in the future, theme parks, amusement parks, game halls and other entertainment venues will definitely cover a wide area.

But the land in the magic capital is expensive, so a large piece of land is no longer something you can buy with money, and this still needs the consent of the above.

What's more, he doesn't have the wealth to buy such a large piece of land now.

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng's somewhat sad face, smiled kindly and said: "You also know that all countries have been vigorously developing their cultural economy recently, and so are we. "

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, and I am grateful to the streets, thank you!!!

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