When he said this, Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng inexplicably.

"In my opinion, the animation you proposed is very good, the cultural form is novel, the technology is also in the hands of your own family, and the popularity in China is also good, and it looks good, and these countries are in the eyes. "

Listening to Secretary Zou's words, Fang Zheng's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Does this mean that the above is going to support him?

Thinking of this possibility, Fangzheng's heart fluttered, and he was really flattered by the attention of the state.

Two lives, in the previous life, an ordinary half-job and half-house man was an otaku, not to mention the national level, and even county-level cadres have not been seen.

Although this life is full of mixed voices, I never thought that I would attract the attention of the state.

"See what I mean?"

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng, who was a little excited, with a warm smile on his face.

"Understood!" Fang Zheng glanced at Zhang Siyu on the side, and there was a deep excitement in their eyes.

The surprise came suddenly, giving people an unreal sense of winning the lottery jackpot.

"Tell me what you're asking for. "

Hearing Secretary Zou's words, Fang Zheng took a deep breath and rubbed his hands.

He is not a twisted character, since the other party has clearly said that he will support him, then he will directly count all his requirements, and discuss whether it is okay or not.

"Ahem, first of all, the territory should be bigger, the bigger the better!"

Fang Zheng's opening asked for land, and this unceremonious statement made Secretary Zou stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha, boy, your personality suits my appetite, yes, just say what you want, it's boring to beat around the bush!"

Looking at Secretary Zou's somewhat stunned expression, Old Man Pang laughed on the side.

Fang Zheng smiled a little embarrassedly, although there was some suspicion that the lion opened his mouth, but this request still had to be made.

If you don't bring it up, how will people know what you want?

"My plan is this, with animation as the center, and then slowly radiate to all walks of life to create an anime-themed economy of scale..."

Fang Zheng Balabala said his thoughts, and he didn't notice the increasingly sluggish expressions of Secretary Zou and Old Man Pang.

After about half an hour, Fang Zheng felt that his mouth was a little dry, and then stopped.

"Secretary Zou, what do you think?"

Fang Zheng took a sip of tea and couldn't wait to turn his head to look at Secretary Zou.

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Secretary Zou glanced at Fang Zheng complicatedly.

Although he knew that this young man was not simple from the moment he entered the door, he never expected that this young man's ambition was so big.

Such a bold young man... Is their generation really old, or are today's young people so ambitious?

Secretary Zou breathed a sigh of relief, he thought about giving Founder support, but it was to hand over the government-developed building to Founder in the form of a loan.

But now it seems that the policy support he has made is too far from being compared with Founder's ambitions.

"You... I was amazed!"

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng and said with emotion for a long time.

This matter is too much to implement, and Fang Zheng's requirements are beyond his ability, so he must go back to a meeting to discuss it.

"Secretary Zou, I don't need policy, capital and manpower support, but only this land can't be missing!"

Fang Zheng also knew that his request was a bit excessive, but for the sake of his dream, he decided to fight hard.

As he said, as long as the upper side could open his mouth to give him a large piece of land, he could do without any other support.

He can slowly solve these problems by himself, he is still young, there is time, at least another forty years of struggle is not a problem!

Looking at Fang Zheng's firm gaze, Secretary Zou picked up the tea and tasted it quietly, his eyes were a little confused, and it was obvious that he was still thinking about Fang Zheng's proposal.

Seeing this, Fang Zheng did not urge, this is not a trivial matter, and the gains and losses need to be carefully considered.

The old man Pang on the side also quieted down, he couldn't interfere with this kind of thing, so he could only wait quietly.

After a long time, Secretary Zou drank the second cup of tea, then put down the teacup, stared at Fang Zheng and said: "If the country gives you a piece of land and lets you develop it alone, how far can you go?"

After saying this, Secretary Zou stared at Fang Zheng motionlessly, his originally somewhat cloudy eyes also gave people incomparable pressure at this time, and the kind old man before was full of the breath of a superior at this time.

The old man Pang on the side looked at Secretary Zou with some surprise, and the meaning of these words was already obvious.

Looking at Secretary Zou, Fang Zheng pursed his lips and said firmly: "The world will think of the Demon Capital when it mentions the Xia Kingdom, I don't have any big skills, I can only make the world think of the ACG Kingdom when it mentions the Demon Capital!"

When you mention the Xia Kingdom, you will think of the Demon Capital, and when you mention the Demon Capital, you will think of the ACG Kingdom?

Secretary Zou and Fang Zheng looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, good! good!"

Three 'good' words in a row are enough to reflect his appreciation for Fang Zheng, not to mention whether Fang Zheng can achieve this point, this ambition alone has exceeded 99% of young people.

Even the richest man in the country didn't dare to make such a bold statement, but the young man in front of him said it lightly.

"Xiao Fang, I hope you don't let me down, don't let the country down!"

Saying that, Secretary Zou stood up, patted Fangzheng's shoulder lightly with his wrinkled hand, and said, "Go back and wait for news~"

After speaking, Secretary Zou and Old Man Pang left the box while laughing.

With the departure of the two bigwigs, the depressing atmosphere in the room was finally eased, and Zhang Siyu, who didn't say a word during the whole process, was also relieved.

"Dong Fang, what does Secretary Zou mean? and do you really plan..."

Zhang Siyu's eyes looking at Fang Zheng were full of worry, she vaguely knew Fang Zheng's plan before, but she didn't know that Fang Zheng's plan was so huge.

Even she knew it was just appetizers.

"If I don't fight while I'm young, I'll definitely regret it when I'm old!"

Fang Zheng also stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go, you may have to work overtime in the past few days." "

Looking at Fangzheng's back, Zhang Siyu was stunned for a moment.


Suddenly, Zhang Siyu's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Fang Zheng in disbelief, his heart beating faster.

This 'ridiculous' request... It won't really throw a large piece of land over directly~!

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, Zhang Siyu didn't dare to continue thinking about it, this was just crazy, wasn't Secretary Zou afraid that they would lose all their money?

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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