Because of Fang Zheng's two dynamics on Weibo, many fans exploded directly.

"It's the other way around, the founder dog thief has the ability to report your address!!"

"Fang Dada, do you know what it means to have a broken leg?"

"We treat you sincerely, but you always skin us, you will lose us like this~"

"I live in the magic capital, half an hour's drive from Qinghui Building, and now I specialize in taking over the business of beating, knocking on stuffy sticks, threatening letters, etc., the amount is preferred, and I want to buy it as soon as possible!!"

Two dynamic, long-lost recipes, familiar flavors.

Sure enough, although their idol disappeared and was quiet for a while, that character could not be changed.

It's still so 'distinctive'!

As soon as they opened their mouths, they were still familiar with Fang Dada.

Titles such as 'Pipi Shrimp Founder' and 'Skinless and Uncomfortable' have been placed on Fangzheng by netizens, and for a while, Fangzheng's popularity has risen rapidly again.

"Ah~ comfortable!"

Fang Zheng stretched, he had been in a hurry since the production of "When the Prison Meal Came to Me", and there was almost no time to rest during the period.

Naturally, he didn't have time to go online with his dear fans on the Internet.

Once a person's habit is formed, it is very scary, just like himself, every once in a while if he doesn't skin himself with fans, he feels uncomfortable.

Now I finally have some free time, and I just feel comfortable and transparent, which is not too cool.

Sure enough, the source of happiness is built on the pain of others, and watching his fan's mentality explode, his mood has been greatly relaxed.

And just when Fang Zheng was connecting with fans, the official media of Modu Daily published a report, which made the popularity of "The Girl and the Chariot", which was not as popular as "When the Prison Meal Came to Me", rise rapidly.

[Recently, ACG Culture's latest animation work "The Girl and the Chariot" has ended, and its exquisite painting style and relaxed and orderly plot have been widely praised by teenagers...】

[However, behind the word-of-mouth explosion of "The Girl and the Chariot", there is a hidden deep meaning of its creator, looking at the work, it is not difficult to see that the chariots of various countries have appeared one after another, but only the lack of our chariots has to be said to be a sadness. 】

【... Keeping history in mind and not forgetting the original intention, the vast number of new generations should look at the essence of things through the surface and strive not to let the tragedy of that era recur!

This report from the Modu Daily is very long, but the general meaning is very simple.

"The Girl and the Chariot" is an anime work, and the chariots that appear are all from that war-torn era, which is the official setting and the background stage of the story, and there is no way to change it.

But in the whole anime, except for Fangzheng's selfish intention to promote his latest main battle tank, no Xia Guo chariot appeared.

Thinking carefully about the meaning behind it, it inexplicably makes people feel poignant.

What does it mean to see other countries' chariots make a name for themselves on the field, but there is no trace of their own chariots?

This shows that we were far behind in those days, so backward that we didn't even have a chariot that we could handle.

This is undoubtedly a thing that hurts self-esteem for a Xia countryman!

In those eventful years, national hatred and family hatred were the mainstream of the times, and the older generation used their own flesh and blood to shoulder the backbone of the nation, which is worthy of our pride.

But behind this pride, we should also see our own shortcomings.

As said in the report, keep in mind history and never forget the original intention, no matter when, backwardness will be beaten, and insisting on developing itself is the last word.

There is a way that no one asks in front of the general's grave, and the family affairs of the drama are known to the world.

At present, the style of exaggeration is prevalent in China, and the new generation blindly worships the flow of entertainment, but few people pay attention to the real family and country affairs, which is the sadness of this era, and there will be big problems in the long run.

The Modu Daily also grasped this theme, so it came to an official report on "The Girl and the Chariot".

Let the young people who like "The Girl and the Chariot" and like anime think about it, and it is also to use this work to wake up some people.

"The Magic Capital Daily is good, this matter should be vigorously reported, I have long seen those brainless fans unhappy!"

"Kneeling and licking those little fresh meat that is neither male nor female all day long, and licking the gringos with Baba and Oba has lost the face of the Chinese people!"

"Upstairs, the moon abroad is rounder than ours, and the air abroad is fresher than ours!!"

"Damn... Lao Tzu's forty-meter big knife can't be recovered, forget it, bury the friendly army!"

On the Internet, many people applauded this report from the Modu Daily.

The phenomenon mentioned in the report has existed for a long time, but there has been no media with the right to speak.

Now that the Modu Daily has stepped forward, it can be said that the public, who are used to seeing the face of a dog, breathed a sigh of relief.

With the report of the Magic City Daily, other media also reprinted it, and for a while, the report "The Bitterness Behind the 'Girl and the Chariot'" was widely circulated on the Internet and quickly spread to all circles.

With the reprinting of the report of the Magic City Daily, the name "The Girl and the Chariot", which is somewhat unfamiliar to most people, has gradually entered the public's field of vision.

The most intuitive result is that the broadcast volume of the anime "The Girl and the Chariot", which has ended, has regained its second vitality, and the number of broadcasts is close to the previous "When the Prison Comes to Me", which is suitable for all ages.

"666, Fang Da is awesome!!"

"Although Fang is a little more skinny and cheaper, he is never ambiguous in this regard, as can be seen from the 99A that appeared in the anime. "

"The world is like this, Fang Da is tired of making animation, working for the whole company, and the money he makes may not be as much as some sissies making a movie~"

"Compare Fang Da with those sissies, you are insulting our Da !!"

The report of the Modu Daily was like dropping a bomb in deep water, stirring up a thousand waves.

With the spread of reports, the popularity of "The Girl and the Chariot" is also unprecedented, and naturally, the reputation of Founder and ACG Culture Company has also skyrocketed.

For creators like Founder, who still do not forget their original intentions, many people have given affirmation.

Don't you see, how many self-proclaimed creators exist and abandon their bottom line in order to make money?

Compared with those people, Founder is simply a clear stream, and it is difficult not to admire!

PS: Thanks to "Chang Adult", "Tian Wu", "Jun", "qw1... 52", "136...24" monthly passes, thanks to the rewards of "Lone Traveler with the Moonlight" and "Jun", thank you for your support!!

Kneel and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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