The First Hotel in the Magic City, in a private room.

Fang Zheng sat opposite Secretary Zou, the number one leader in the Demon City, with a pot of tea in front of him, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

"Xiao Fang, this time the thing is beautiful!"

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng with great appreciation, with a satisfied look in his eyes.

This young man was very different from what he remembered, calm, capable, and most importantly, ambitious.

"Secretary Zou has a good reputation, and all of this is still relying on your old help. "

Hearing Secretary Zou's appreciation, Fang Zheng did not feel proud and complacent, but behaved very modestly.

The thing in the other party's mouth is what was reported by the magic capital before, and when the magic capital official wanted to vigorously support the animation industry, the appearance of this report was worth pondering.

It's been almost a week since "The Girl and the Chariot" ended, and the Magic City Daily didn't report it early or late, so it chose to speak out at this juncture.

If there is no signal from Secretary Zou behind this, Fang Zheng will not believe it.

In addition to highly praising the animation industry and the educational significance behind "The Girl and the Chariot", the report of the Magic City Daily also directly satirized the current situation in the entertainment industry today.

How deep the water in the entertainment industry is, even an outsider in Fangzheng has already heard of it.

If there is no official backing behind the Modu Daily, Founder will never believe that they would dare to satirize the status quo of the entertainment industry so directly.

All kinds of signs show that there is a shadow of a big man behind the incident reported by the Modu Daily, and in combination with today's report, it has just been published, and it just so happened that at this time, Secretary Zou talked to him, and the implication of this is already obvious.

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng's deep eyes, and a smile appeared on his old face.

Not arrogant, not impatient, see the subtleties, very good!

I really didn't see the wrong person!

"If you don't mean that, I can't help you. "

Secretary Zou's words also explained in disguise that this incident was promoted by him.

Now that Fang Zheng has seen through it, there is no need for him to hide it, this young man looks like an old fox in any other way except for his appearance.

When talking to smart people, you don't need to beat around the bush, and you can often understand the whole story with a glance.

As Secretary Zou said, if Fang Zheng, or his "The Girl and the Chariot", really does not have this level of educational significance, even if he has the heart to help Fang Zheng build momentum, I am afraid there is nothing he can do.

Iron also needs to be hard, and it can only be said that Founder's starting point was correct from the beginning.

"The response to your previous anime work has been very good, especially in terms of educational value, and I am very satisfied. "

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng, smiled kindly, and looked at Fang Zheng's eyes with more and more satisfaction and appreciation.

He was willing to support Fang Zheng before, and the biggest reason was that he was optimistic about the development of animation in the future, which was the biggest reason why he was willing to meet Fang Zheng.

After all, no one doesn't like political achievements, and he is the same, not to mention that ACG Culture Company is located in the magic capital, right under his nose, if he doesn't hurry up, if he is poached by others, then he will regret it.

Later, when he met Fang Zheng, he was amazed by Fang Zheng's ambition.

That's right, it's stunning!

To this day he still remembers Fang Zheng's burning gaze when he said that, it was something called ambition.

However, although he admires Founder very much and is willing to support the development of the animation industry, Founder's requirements are too outrageous.

This is beyond his purview, and this matter needs to be met to listen to everyone's opinions.

It is precisely because of this that he spent some time watching "The Girl and the Chariot" and researching it.

It's easy to see through the educational meaning behind this anime.

With this relationship, he called the Modu Daily, and he held a meeting to support the animation industry.

Speaking of this meeting, Secretary Zou couldn't laugh or cry on his face.

At the beginning, after Mr. Pang watched Fangzheng's anime, he didn't know how to brag about it, but as a result, some bigwigs in the military region knew about this anime that promoted their latest main combat chariot.

Those bigwigs in the military region are all straight-hearted, and they all have a hot temper, and they directly expressed their feelings for Fang that night.

Although it is said that the military region generally does not interfere in these matters, the words over there are still very weighty.

For various reasons, the meeting finally decided to support the founder animation industry and see the effect.

Of course, it is impossible to agree to all of Founder's requests, after all, Founder's sentence 'the bigger the land, the better' is simply speechless.

Considering that in case the plan fails, they must keep the damage to a minimum.

"So, the above agreed to my request?"

Fang Zheng looked at Secretary Zou with some surprise, and said in a somewhat hurried tone.

"Half of your request was granted. "


Fang Zheng's heart tightened, could it be that the above promised him policy and financial support, but did not give him land~

"Listen to me first. "

Seeing that Fang Zheng was a little anxious, Secretary Zou smiled slowly, and only at this time did Fang Zheng feel like a young man to him.

"There is also a risk to consider, so it is impossible to agree to all your requests, but for the land you want, the above has discussed. "

Secretary Zou pushed the document he pressed under his hand to Fang Zheng and motioned for him to take a look.

Fang Zheng took the document and looked at it carefully.

In recent years, with the development of the Modu area, it has been decided to build a new development zone in the Modu, of course, this is only a preliminary idea.

The above meaning is very simple, divide this development area into a separate area, which is about a quarter of the size of the entire development area.

This area is the experimental place to support the animation industry!

If Founder can really make the animation industry prosperous, then the above will give more support.

If one side fails, the upper side can also stop the loss in time so as not to lose too much.

The more Fang Zheng looked at it, the more excited he became, and even the hand holding the document trembled slightly.

He thought that the upper authorities might support him, but in his mind, the upper side would only give him a piece of land for the headquarters building.

Looking at the size of nearly a quarter of the newly built development zone clearly demarcated on the document, Fang Zheng's breathing was a little short.

This result has far exceeded his expectations, and with this piece of land, it will no longer be a dream to build the two-dimensional holy land in his mind!!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs to support ~~~~~

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