Fang Zheng's heart was full of excitement, this was undoubtedly a big step from his dream.

"By the way, there happens to be a newly built building in the place assigned to you, which was originally intended to be built as a symbol of the future development zone, and now it is cheaper for you. "

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng's excited expression and said with a smile.


Fang Zheng didn't know how to express his excitement.

Not only did the above promise to allocate such a large piece of land to him, but also gave him a newly built mansion?

It's simply... It's so beautiful!!

After a long time, Fang Zheng calmed down, since the above is so generous, there must be requirements, and the requirements will definitely not be low.

"Secretary Zou, I want to know what the above criteria are for supporting the success of the animation industry?"

Fang Zheng looked at Secretary Zou seriously, and his heart was ready to fight everything.

As he said before, he lived a new life, and if he didn't go crazy, he would really regret it in the future!

As an otaku who likes two-dimensional, he doesn't have any big ideals, he doesn't want to be the eldest and his second, he just wants to promote his favorite anime and create a two-dimensional holy land in his mind!

In this life, if he can accomplish this goal, then he has not come to this world in vain to walk around, and he has no regrets.


When Secretary Zou heard Fang Zheng's words, his brows furrowed slightly.

Seeing the other party's expression, Fang Zheng sighed in his heart, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Isn't it really a task that is more difficult than ascending to the sky~

Just when he was worried, he heard Secretary Zou speak slowly.

"Didn't you say it before? The world will think of the Demon Capital when it mentions the Xia Kingdom, and when it mentions the Demon Capital, it will think of your two-dimensional and your Holy Land. "

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng, and said with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "This is the standard you set yourself, old man, I didn't embarrass you." "

Hearing this, Fang Zheng was stunned.

He did say this before, he wants to create a summer version of Akihabara!

No, it's not Akihabara, the two-dimensional holy land in his mind is far away from the Akihabara in his previous life, and people think of the two-dimensional empire located in the magic capital when they mention the two-dimensional empire!


At night, Fang Zheng sat in the business car, looking at the traffic outside, and suddenly felt unreal.

Once upon a time, he was just a simple anime lover, a or half otaku.

But in a blink of an eye, he has actually gained the support of the state and began to struggle towards his dream.

It was all like a dream, and it gave him a very ethereal feeling.

Back at home, Fang Zheng carefully took out the document and looked at it carefully, only then did he make sure that he was not dreaming.

It's all true!!

After keeping the papers, Fang Zheng took a shower and calmed his restless heart.

Lying on the bed, Fang Zheng carefully thought about his future plans.

The biggest reason for supporting him from above is that he is interested in the future benefits of the animation industry.

Nowadays, the international environment tends to be stable, and with the development of the Internet economy, countries are paying more and more attention to the cultural economy.

In this case, the advent of anime has undoubtedly entered the field of vision of the high-level.

In other words, when his "Dream of the Stars" won the award, it entered the high-level field of vision, but at that time, it was not clear how effective the new cultural form of animation was.

And when he continued to observe above, he launched several of his own works one after another.

"Chopping the Red", "When the Prison Meal Comes to Me" and the just-finished "The Girl and the Chariot".

It can be said that these anime have played a crucial role for him.

"Chopping Red" allowed the ACG Culture Company he founded to gain a firm foothold and initially started the popularity of A Society; "When the Prison Meal Came to Me" was unprecedentedly popular, allowing A to enter the public's field of vision, with a surge in users, and the company was initially profitable.

The large number of chariot figures in "The Girl and the Chariot" has perfected his fandom peripheral plan, and it has provided a large number of jobs for craftsmen.

is also officially because the benefits brought by these animations are seen by the above, so Secretary Zou will ask him to talk at this time to show the official attitude.

Now that he has official support, he is waiting for some formalities to be handed over before he can officially move into the new company building.

"Finally, I don't have to crowd that cramped office every day~"

Fang Zheng himself also felt a little emotional, the rented company headquarters at the beginning was already very narrow, and even some departments had to be crowded together to work, which was very inconvenient.

It is also seriously inconsistent with the current scale of ACG Culture Company, so Founder was in a hurry to let Zhang Siyu find his own office building.

It's just that for many reasons, I haven't found a satisfactory office address, so it's been delayed to this day.

didn't think about it, the above not only agreed to his request, but also gave him a newly built building, which is simply a charcoal in the snow~!

"But... Then there's the question of money. "

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng's brows tightened.

Although Secretary Zou said that he could provide him with loan support, in the final analysis, the loan will have to be repaid after all.

And thinking from a deeper level, he also wants to prove the profitability of the animation industry, and only by letting the top see the huge benefits of the animation industry will he get more support and more resources.

Today, although this area is divided into development zones, the news has not been made public, and not many people know about it.

If the remaining three-quarters of the land can be obtained, it is possible to establish a characteristic development zone with the theme of two-dimensional culture.

Fang Zheng was lying on the bed, looking inexplicable, and his heart was carefully thinking about his future plans.

After a long time, Fang Zheng sighed, sure enough, the matter of making money was in a hurry, so he could only take his time.

It's not that there are no anime, fandom and peripherals that were big sellers in the previous life, but they are all built on its hugely influential IP.

For example, Pokémon, Gundam, Dragon Ball and One Piece, etc., these anime do have a terrifying ability to attract money, but they are also exported by IP for a long time.

The profits of the animation industry are indeed very considerable, but it takes time to precipitate, and before the animation works create influential IP, their profit purpose mainly depends on the broadcast of copyrights and the creation of profits around the same people.

Although the speed of making money cannot be said to be slow, it is nothing compared to those popular IP works.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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