Early in the morning, Fang Zheng called Zhang Siyu to the office and told the other party about yesterday's events, so that the other party could prepare.

When Zhang Siyu heard the news, he was stupid.

A quarter of the development area, that's a lot of land, and there's a new building.

It's almost like they've taken care of them at home~

After a long time, Zhang Siyu calmed down, although all the prerequisites were ready, there was still a long way to go if he wanted to build the two-dimensional empire in Fangzheng's ideal.

"By the way, Siyu, you contact the stone factory and see if you can ask the other party to carve a statue for us, preferably the kind that can cooperate for a long time. "

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu as if he had thought of something, got up and took out a design drawing from the drawer on the side and handed it to Zhang Siyu.

"Fang Dong, this is..."

Zhang Siyu took the drawings handed over by Fang Zheng, looked at them carefully, and easily saw that this seemed to be a girl, but he couldn't recognize who it was.

"This kid's name is Luo Tianyi, and he will be the signature figure of our company in the future. "

Zhang Siyu looked at the smiling Fangzheng, and his mind was confused.

"Fang Dong, is this Luo Tianyi a character in your work?"

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng shook his head and said with a smile: "No, she is a virtual character, you can understand that she will be the image ambassador of our company in the future." "

Luo Tianyi, a virtual singer, with gray hair and green eyes, is a little natural and a little introverted beautiful girl.


Zhang Siyu is naturally no stranger to image ambassadors, and generally enterprises with a little local scale will engage in an image ambassador to promote their own brands.

However, most of those ambassadors are well-known public figures, celebrities, and the like.

This 'Luo Tianyi' is a virtual character, how can he be an image ambassador?

Seeing that Zhang Siyu was still puzzled, Fang Zheng shook his head with a smile and didn't say anything.

Virtual reality, this is something that Founder has been planning for a long time, and Luo Tianyi is also his designated two-dimensional propaganda ambassador.

For the two-dimensional cultural circle, there is nothing more suitable to be an image ambassador than a virtual and cute beautiful girl.

In his previous life, Luo Tianyi was also famous, using holographic projection, the implementation of motion capture and other high-tech equipment to hold a cross-dimensional concert, and broke a number of records.

It is rumored that tickets for his concert were sold out within three minutes, which shows how terrifying its popularity is.

In this life, it is very suitable to let Luo Tianyi be the image ambassador of his company, which is extremely suitable for the two-dimensional culture.

"Okay Fang Dong, I'll send someone to get in touch. "

Zhang Siyu was still a little messy, but he still agreed.

After all, knowing Founder's 'huge' ambitions, it seems that there is no need for this virtual ambassador to make a fuss.

However, she looked at the dimensions marked on the square drawing, and her heart was still shocked.

If nothing else, the stone statue of Luo Tianyi should be placed outside the new headquarters building as one of the company's signature elements.

After all, the design drawings given by Fang Zheng clearly stated that Luo Tianyi's height was almost more than ten meters, and such a large statue could not be placed indoors like a small pendant.

Sent Zhang Siyu away, Fang Zheng leaned back in the chair, the reason why he asked Luo Tianyi to be the image ambassador of his company was largely because of technology.

Although the holographic projection technology in the previous life amazed Luo Tianyi for a while, because its technology is still not very mature, it has high requirements for the environment.

But Fang Zheng is different, he has a plug-in.

He once asked the system about virtual reality, and the answer given by the system was that it could be achieved by completing the system upgrade.

Virtual reality is more convenient than the holographic projection in the previous life, and it is more black technology.

In addition, the system also told him that completing the system upgrade would unlock the initial artificial intelligence.

This also means that the virtual singer Luo Tianyi will no longer be a simple program, but really has the possibility of interacting with fans.

The preliminary artificial intelligence is enough for Luo Tianyi to simply interact with fans, communicate, and even answer some questions.

Compared with his previous life, his Luo Tianyi will be more vivid, more like a cross-dimensional elf.

The system upgrade requires 100 million reputation points, and he currently has more than 30 million reputation points, which is not far from the 100 million mark.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng got up and stretched, and then walked towards the outside of the company.

Because ACG's current company headquarters is very small and can no longer accommodate too many people, Fang Zheng had no choice but to let Yang Li take her voice actor department to other places.

After all, there are many types of voice actors recruited by the company, and there are many people, and they usually need training, so many people are all crowded into the company's headquarters, which is obviously impossible.

So Fang Zheng discussed with Yang Li, and Yang Li directly said that he would take the fuel-saving department to find a quiet place to train.

If you are in contact with the company on a daily basis, you will not only be disturbed by other employees of the company, but also interfere with the normal work of other departments.

However, the training address selected by Yang Li is not far from Qinghui Building, and it is only half an hour's drive for Founder to take the company's business bus.

Coming to the destination, Fang Zheng looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the company's headquarters let them move out because it was too small, it doesn't mean that Founder doesn't care about them.

Now seeing that the surrounding environment is okay, Fang Zheng also nodded reassuringly.

He always believes that a good working environment provides a productivity bonus, which is why he is in a hurry to change the company's headquarters.

Coming to the floor where Yang Li was, Fang Zheng knocked on the door.

"Fang Dong?!"

Yang Li opened the door and looked at Fang Zheng who was standing at the door with a smile, and said with some surprise: "Why are you here?"

No wonder Yang Li was so surprised, you must know that since she moved out of the company's headquarters with the growing fuel-saving department, Fangzheng's side has also entered the rhythm of bursting liver.

Every time a voice actor is needed, Yang Li brings someone over, but Fang Zheng has never been here once.

"What? I can't come?"

Fang Zheng made a joke with Yang Li, and then walked into the room.

Yang Li's office location is very distinctive, in addition to her office and daily rest area, the most conspicuous thing is the huge recording studio.

Through the glass wall of the recording studio, Fang Zheng saw the voice actors training their voices inside.

Voice actor, or voice actor, this profession is also very hard, in addition to the daily diet to pay attention not to stimulate your voice, you also need to practice vocal skills every day, and always keep your voice in the most perfect state.

PS: Thanks to "Ruyuan." 、"Shabi Akuya"'s monthly pass support, thank you guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for more support!!!!!!!!

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